❣2_"What The Heck Is Going On?"❣

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Science was a class I was not so eager to go to. Nothing seemed right. It was like we all shared a secret, nobody speaking, most gone after days, yet no one discussed it. Sub or no sub, we were not up for learning. Making these last days of school nothing but sad.

I had to break the silence after a week of discourage. I knew I would never get the chance again because it was the last day of school before becoming seniors.

I prepared myself to confront everyone in the middle of class. Knowing it was perfect time, as the substitute had just gone out to talk to the staff. He still hadn't got us to do any work.

I stood up from my seat as confidently as I could. "Alright guys you cannot tell me that nothing has been going on with you guys because I swear, if we don't solve this, we'll all just keep disappearing as fast as we came. Now we need to figure this out, who's with me?"

Everyone stared back at me with curiosity burning in their glazed eyes. Slowly Marcus got up. Marcus, being a well built African American and life of the party, stared back at me with those intense chocolate hazel eyes of his. In that moment I realized he had been the only one to ever move to our town and still, after 3 and a half years, be a total mystery.

"All I want to say is that I know for sure that whatever happened out there is not going to stop until all of us are gone. For which I claim I have been experiencing things that I can't explain." He combed his hands through his soft brown hair, as his eyes reflected the shallow waters of worry.

Then suddenly, like magic everyone started getting up. Isn't it strange how people won't stand up for themselves till others do.

The head cheerleader Kate perked up her head. "So, what do we do? I mean there are only 8 of us."

I nodded my head in agreement. Good questions called for good answers.

Hmmm. There are always about 14 students per class. With six students missing it would be much more difficult.

I looked down, as if the answer lay beneath their faces. Kate looked to her two blond twin friends Jess and Taylor in annoyance as if they had done something to disturb her. Marcus's curious eyes wandered over to the beautiful glowing blue sky. Jeremy, with his glasses perched on his nose, studied his paper as if contemplating if he should actually do it. Mathew, who's a friend of Marcus, balanced a football on his hand as his dark black eyes focused on it as if it was the most interesting thing on the entire planet. Lastly, I turned to Jules, she smiled at me, her aqua blue eyes wandering all over my face as to see somehow what I might have been thinking.

"Well, we have to work with what we can. Anyways do you guys remember anything the day Mr. Colebet went missing?" My eyes roam over everyone.

They all lower their heads in affirmation that they all in fact didn't know.

"Well, I say we should search the class." It wasn't much but it was a start.

They nodded, making their way over to different spots in the tiny encompassed classroom.

Strolling over to Mr. Colebet's now cold desk, I searched. Running my hands over everything till I stopped at a very peculiar cabinet. No lock, no handle, no way to open it, and yet I could tell there was something in there. Marcus saw me struggling and made his way over. He hit it and hit it but no matter what, it didn't budge.

Everyone heard the noise and rushed over.

"There's no key hole or anything for it to be locked." We stood there, as still as day, in wonder, our blank faces reflecting that of our brains.


Somehow I had gotten everyone to sit down in a circle and brainstorm. It wasn't working so far as no one had anything to say.

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