❣1_The Day After❣

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Chanel's P.O.V

Waking up with a headache was the worst, but not as bad as not knowing how you got there. Obviously at the time I thought it was a dream. I was wrong, it was everything but a dream.

As I left the house that morning no words slipped out of my mouth, as no one was home to hear them. My parents were at work and when they were here there was only time for sleep. As an only child with parents on the run, I learned to raise myself pretty quickly. Independence was my comfort.

Lost in the oblivion I finally arrived at school. Stepping out of my car with a look of pure horror. School was not a place of comfort, but instead a place of torture.

As I willingly walked towards it, I felt a shiver run down my body as if warning me that something was not right.

I let it slide as I got to my usual bench, right outside the schools entrance doors. Relaxing, I plopped myself down. Every day my eyes would relax on the beautiful creamy colors which filled the morning sky, the peace and quiet being just a bonus.

Although, this morning I tensed as strange vibe rolled off the campus and hit me like a wave to the chest. The breeze I came to love died. The white fluffy clouds I could stare at for hours were suddenly blocked by pure dark grey which left no breathing hole for the sun. The beautiful blue birds that would sing their tune as bright as life withered into the shadows that now hid them. There was nothing today, nothing at all, but dead silence.

As the school came alive with people, I made my way in. Soon coming to realize why that morning wasn't so great. People huddled together, mouths moving at full speed. I was invisible as sand was in the ocean.

Now I wasn't much of a gossip girl but I had a feeling that whatever it was, I had to hear.

I casually got close to a blondie as she huddled near her friends. "Such a tragedy I tell you, I wonder what happened."

She flicked her blond hair making me suffocate in her strong cherry sent. "But then again why should I care, he was honestly a creep."

I groan as the rest of their conversation left to the bathroom.

As soon as I made it to class a hand grabbed me and pulled me. Next thing you know I was sitting on a chair with one of my close classmates in front of me.

"Chanel! Did you hear about what happened to Mr.Colebet?"

My heart beat as I heard the name that I was familiar with. "No, what's going on?!?"

"He's missing, just disappeared last night, no one has seen him since."

He paused, his brown eyes inspected me. "No offence but you look horrible."

He looked at me with a confused frown as if asking if I had gone mad.

"What?!"I stood up in an instant, forgetting all about Mr.Colebet and rushed to get my mirror out of my bag. A pale ghost face with dark grey circles around the eyes looked back at me. Looking as if death had sucked all the life out of it.

"I don't know." I choked out, completely paralyzed into shock.

All of a sudden, a big wave of pain shot through my head, as if it was on fire. Grabbing my head in my hands I ran out of the classroom just as the teacher walked in. He tried saying something, but I was already out the door before he could even form a word.

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, as images of hands, hands on fire went through my head, as if I was the one looking down at them. Then as sudden as it came, it disappeared.

Pulling myself together, I walked out. My eyes ran over everyone before spotting one of my friends from science.

I made my way over to her and acknowledge her with a hello. She didn't respond or move, making her look unusually dead.

My friend Ashley was one of those beautiful girls on campus who could have it all, but didn't even realize it. Today, she was everything but that. Her make up was now wiped clean and instead replaced by a ghost figure with blood splattered all over her.

My heart raced as I started to panic. Her body as stiff as a wall. No matter how hard I tried to shake her. She didn't budge. Just stood there in the middle of the hallway like a statue. What could I do, nobody had realized her oddness yet. As sudden as she was, Ashley fell to the floor.

Screams and screams is what I heard. Not of horror and panic but of pain. Mixed with the faces of those at school who freaked because of this fall. But their screams didn't add up with their faces. It wasn't their screams I heard of, but then who's were they?

At the time I hadn't realized how bad it was.....But then again, I never would.


🐣What's up Peeps!🐣

I honestly am proud of how this chapter has turned out. There are obviously still some things I can fix but overall throughout my many many many edits it has finally come out better. Anyways hope you enjoyed!

Alright I'll leave you too it loves!

P.S: Comment, Like, and Share! BUT!!!.....only if you want to and aren't too lazy to press it....like me.😁

P.P.S: Comment for errors, Please it would help.

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