❣5_"Where Am I?"❣

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Keep your head up peeps🐥💞

      I opened my eyes to see a room that was most definitely not mine. It was covered in white with a single window by my side and the bed was huge. It was all like a hospital only better and bigger. I was definitely not at that old museum place, but then, where was I?

I sat up, seeing Marcus by my side. As soon as he saw me looking at him he came up to me.

“Are you feeling okay?” His face showed a mask of concern.

“Yes, I’m good, but where are we?”

Giuseppe walked in carrying a plate of food. He set it down in front of me. “Ahh, well we are in a secret get away center that is here for our uses.”

“Our?” I asked surprised.

“Yes us.” He paused.

Pressing his lips together, he walked out. “I have a lot to explain.”

As soon as he closed the door, I was left stunned. Surely he’d be back, I told myself. I looked at Marcus for explanation but all he gave me was a shrug and a he’ll come back look. But there was something in his eyes that made me think there was something he wasn't telling me, but I let it go.


I ate my food while Marcus texted everyone saying I was fine. Apparently Marcus was worried and decided to inform them. Which was okay I guess.

“Alright where is she!” A young lady walked in cheerfully with Giuseppe right behind her. She was beautiful for her age. Her long brown hair cascaded down her body ending with a wave. She was wearing a white beautiful tight dress and matching heels. Suddenly she sat down on the edge of the bed, her eyes inspecting me closely. “Wow, you're nothing at all what I expected.”

“What do you mean, what am I supposed to look like?” I asked confused.

She merely laughed at my honest response. “Oh honey I didn’t mean it like that. I just didn’t know when this day would come and I didn’t know what to expect.”

Now I was beyond confused.

She muttered under her breath, seeing the expression on my face. “Alright well, where do I start?”

Dumbfounded, I suggested. “How about who you are?”

“Ahh right sorry, i’m Trinity, and I am a Watcher or shifter what ever you want to call it. Anyways me and Giuseppe are the semi leaders on earth. So we actually do something….Unlike most.” She said muttering at the end.

“I would say that’s impossible but after what I have experienced I’ll believe anything.”

“Ahh well that’s the problem. Don’t believe everything or we might all just die.” My eyes widened at her blunt statement.

Okay then.

“Shifters?” I asked, remembering what she had stated.

“Cats, honey.” She simply replied.

Giuseppe pushed himself off the wall and came near me. “There has been a conflict for centuries between Heaven and Hell. This balance of power between them to see who will rule.”

I slapped my hand on the bed. “Well that’s just silly.” 

“Not silly, it’s a matter of life and death.” My face fell, noticing he in fact wasn't joking. Well that’s a reassurance.

“No one has been able to take hold of power. Nobody to tip the balance. We did have one once before, but a tragic accident ended that ability to choose. We can’t make that same mistake again.” Trinity’s eyes glimmered with sadness.

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