❣19_The Meeting❣

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Above a pic of the hologram. Again, not mine.

“Would you like a refreshment?” We shake our heads.

Mr. Carlyle had led us to the 50th floor. We sat waiting while he went to go find who ever it is we came to see, while the secretary on this floor, who might I add looked like all the others, kept looking at us like we were famous superstars. Finally I turn to see he is back with a man on his trail. “Chanel I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Thomson, he is my right-hand man in all the decisions we make here at Corp.” Mr. Thomson shakes my hand and I smile politely, as it seems it’s the only thing I can do these days.

“Alright now that we are all familiar, let’s go somewhere more private.” He all but says that staring at the secretary who has been sneaking glances over here. I believe she over hears him say that because her face turns as red as a tomato and she looks down.

“As you know hell has been preparing to strike. We can’t let them sneak up on us so I have devised a plan.” We make it to a room that looks like for meetings. As we sit, I see the beautiful view. Clear glass is used for windows and considering how high we are I can see the clear blue sky and the tippy top of other buildings. “Here.” He opens a hologram on the table and points towards the middle which is all grass. What I find trippy is that it looks familiar. “This is a map going from Province to your town, If we can just get guards here we can draw them to us. This field will be our battle ground.”

“Why there and not anywhere else?”

He stares at me intently. “Because we can’t let them near humans, they could easily make them part of their team.” I think of the man I saw earlier. He probably lived out there.

“Well, what about our team?”

“Ahh yes, thank you Chanel.”

Mr. Thomson interrupts. “Sir, I will be putting some of the guardians who have completed their training in.” Mr. Carlyle nods. “We will also need guards.”

“Oh and we need you to find loyal watchers who are willing to help. I feel there two forms might come in handy.” Me and Marcus nod. But who would we ask?

“If I may, when will this take place?”

“A week from today.” Saturday. Me and Marcus make eye contact. The party is a day before that. Besides it’s so soon. I would think I would have more time to prepare. On the hologram figures move as if showing a story. “So we will attack. Defeat. You will do the thing. We will….”

I interrupt confused. “What thing?”

“Nobody has told you?” He stares at me shocked. Turning to Marcus for approval. He shakes his head. “Giuseppe was going to.”

“Alright, well the diamonds you got represent the different places. Once you’re there you have to get to the center of the battle and believe.”


“Believe in the one you choose to hold power.”

“Isn’t it hard to get to the center of the battle? Why the center anyways?”

He frowns. “It has to do with being in the middle of everything. Earth is under your feet, Heaven and Hell on either side of you.”

“So your telling me this battle was going to happen anyways.”

“Yes and what’s most dangerous is that they know of the prophecy. They will be watching you and going after you. But don’t worry, we will protect you. Even if it cost them their lives.”

My heart rate accelerates, like it’s about to explode. “I don’t want to cost anybody their lives.”

He sighs. “More lives will be lost without you.”


  I'm left speechless and that's not normal for a girl like me who likes to talk way too much. Let me think, let me think.....hmmmmmmmmm.
Okay How about questionnaire.

Do you think the battle is going to go according to plan?

My Response:
I don't know yet. Have to leave that to my brain to decide on later chapters. So far noe my lips are sealed!

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