❣24_The Mission❣

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"Wow you must be an angel." I stare at Madame Scott like she's crazy. I had barely stepped into her house and here she was telling me I'm an angel.

"I mean if you were able to get that boy off your back well then you must be one." I laugh finally getting what she meant. "He has a life to you know."

Marcus had stayed at the Center to train with his friend who had come for a visit, since I couldn't train him, someone had to. He wanted me to tag along but I said it would be better if I got to check up on the watchers, since I hadn't seen them since I left the message. Although, it would have been good to go cause I need more training. But then again I would be surprised if they even let me fight. Considering how many are going to be protecting me.

"I'm surprised you're here." My eyes widen. "Why? I like to visit you." She does a hmph sound. "Sure after leaving that letter and not talking directly to me. How can I be sure." I smile walking to the spot she had sat down on. I hug her from behind. "You know how busy I am. But I'm here so that's what matters." I sit across from her taking some of the jelly beans she had on the small table. Her eyes go serious. "I have been watching them. They are preparing and you should to." I frown. "What do you mean preparing?" Her eyes burn through mine. "They are training everyday and I saw they were making something but I didn't get to see as they closed the door." I sigh. If her cat form can't help then I don't know what can.

I suddenly hear a ring. I look down at my Phone. It's Jenny. "Excuse me for a moment." She nods turning on her tv. I rush outside making sure I'm out of human and cat earshot. Which leaves me with being on the outskirts of the forest.

"Chanel?" I look around one final time, making sure there is no one around. "Yes?" She speaks rapidly. "I found what you were looking for." I breath in sharply. "I'm on my way." I hang up leading myself back inside. "Hey Madame Scott I got to run, but I'll stay in touch." She smiles giving me a light hug as I make my way out the door and onto the road.


I make it there in about 2 hours which is less the usual. I might have gone above the limit and I also had my sports car with me so that explains it. I wasn't going to have her wait when this was a serious matter.

"What happens if I'm seen?" Jenny looks at me, thinking hard. "Act normal." I sigh, following her inside. "Great, cause I'm so normal."

We make our way up saying hello and thanks to both elevator men. We end up on the 99 floor. "There are going to be a lot of people, so stick with me." As soon as the doors are open I stand in aww. This floor has windows as walls. I see the beautiful white puffy clouds close enough that I feel that if I reached out I could feel them and the sun, as it cascades over us, making the room a whole lot brighter and less.....white. "Ya ya I know, beautiful now come on, before you get stuck in there." The elevator man silently laughs closing the doors back up. This floor has no Desk lady, just a bunch of doors leading to rooms and one last Golden elevator which is more beautiful then the white ones. Except for the many guards and security checks in front of it. "Wait how come there is another elevator? I thought the other elevators 100 floor was for you know..." I trail off not wanting to say dead people because it sounded so rude. She walks faster leading us to a small room which might I add had the door made out of glass. No privacy on this floor. She walks in closing the door behind me. "It's a fake. It was put there to see if anyone was a rebel and tried pressing it." Wow okay. Smart. "That." She points at the Golden elevator. "Is the real one."

She sits at the desk. I see the plaque with the name Jenny Linn written on it. "I see now that this is your office." She props her feet up on the desk. Suddenly eating an apple that had come from no where. "Duh." She gestures to her feet and how comfortable she is. I sit across from her. "Let me eat this. Then I will show you my photos." I stare at her like what the f. But her face makes me shut up. She finishes, throwing it in the trash can by her white, smooth, clean desk. She gets a picture off her desk handing it to me. The picture frame blinds me for a moment before I see a picture of a her mounting a horse. "That's cool." She stares at me intently. "Ya I loved this horse so much that I got him a nice white collar. She points at the photo, making a circle around the collar. Although, the circle she makes is a little too big to just be for the collar. I look for a clue, then suddenly see it. Through the frame I see a light reflection of a Camera hanging by the corner of the wall. " Wow it's beautiful. Do you think he could understand you....hear you?" I ask, hoping she gets the hint. She smiles relieved that I get her. "Yes I believe he could. Every command he understood and visualized, doing it perfectly in the end." I nod acting very entertained. "I want to be able to do that." She smiles. "Of course! Omg, I know! Okay I have the companies number. Let me just find it and send it to you." She goes back to her desk taking out her phone. I take out mine. A message comes through. Good thing it's on silent.

From: Jenny To: Chanel

I know a place where the file on this could be.

From: Chanel To: Jenny

Okay, but why would he have a file on it? And how do you know about this?

From: Jenny To: Chanel

My resources told me. Apparently he has been doing some business with some strange people.

From: Chanel To: Jenny

Well then what are we waiting for, lets go!

From: Jenny To: Chanel

The right moment, Which is now. LETS GO!

I look up at her. "Thank you so much. I will definitely check it out." She gets up shaking hands. "No problem. I hope we stay in contact." I nod as we make ourselves out the door and into the open crowd.

"Lets go see my old pal." She takes out shades and puts them on top of her head, making her silver hair stand out more.

A door like all the others stands across from the pathway to heaven. It is the only room without windows. Well thank god for privacy. Without knocking Jenny barges in and I go in after her.

Well no wonder, it's boarded up. I look around at the room, which is full of huge screens showing many, many rooms. This is definitely the surveillance room.

"Hey Tony." She calls in a weird tone to the brown haired man siting down 'watching' the boring screen and I mean he was definitely doing a great job from the focus he had on the amazing video game he was playing on his phone. I seriously wonder who hired this man.

"Jenny? Not again." She gently puts her hands on his shoulders, massaging him. "Tony, but I missed you!" Her whinny voice freaking the hell out of me. She turns her head signaling with a shake of her head to the left. I follow her path to see a desk with drawers underneath. Fuck this is going to be harder then I thought. "The last time you were here you almost cost me my job." Ugh I was going to puke. I block them out to help my pure soul and crawl my way over to the drawers. I was just hoping for two things, that he didn't turn his head and see me, and that I didn't see anything I didn't want to see. I look through the drawers which are all open except for one, which is locked. I look through the open ones first and come up empty handed. Well now it definitely has to be in the locked one. But how the hell does she expect me to open it without a key. I turn to ask her but see her slipping her hands on his thighs. Ugh gross. Then she finally stops and silently drops something on the floor. She goes back to running her hands through his hair. I strain to see what it is and as soon as I'm about to go get it she kicks it over to me. The key! Thank the lord for her seduction and stealing skills.

I try some keys before I get to the right one. I silently open it and see a whole line of files. What exactly am I looking for? Oh right maybe something labeled Top Secret The boss plotting against the world.

Skimming the Titles I find one which says Mr. Carlyle. I take it out and on the file cover is a stamp labeled Top Secret. Told you I was right.

"Hey Jenny do you hear something?" I freeze in my spot. Jenny looks at me giving me the take it and go look. Great I really hope this is it, cause there is no time left.

"No. Hmm must be your imagination." I slip the surprisingly light file under my shirt, crawling back towards the door. "Alright! Well I had a good little chat. I hope to do this sometime later." I cringe asking myself if she's really a good actor or if she's truly hoping to do this again.

I compose myself making sure we look normal walking out of the surveillance room. We slip into a bathroom that I hadn't noticed before. She drags me into the big stall with her. I stand there while she goes on her knees and peeks through the bottom. I'm guessing to see if there was anyone in here.

"So where is it?" She asks composing herself. I grab the file from under my shirt. It's warmth leaving me cold. I open it and see one piece of paper with the words key to safe written on it. I turn the paper and sure enough under it is a key taped to the side of the file. Great another key.

I take off the tape. "Alright, now what?" She looks me in the eye. "Now for the challenging part."

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