❣33_The Shock❣

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Saturday- Screen Room

"Make sure every man and women out there is being tracked."

"Yes sir." The man retreats as Carlyle see's us and instructs someone to get us a chair.

As the young man brings us a chair, I sit and watch the screen at the top which shows big blue glowing dots. "The location of each soldier is set." I mentally thank the man for saying it out loud, confusion makes me crazy.

After some time a worker confirms there location. He sets it on the screen and I see the guards and guardians come out of the aircrafts. They set everything and make there way out. Waiting and waiting. I wait too but it just makes me anxious so I get up. "Ima get a drink."

Marcus looks up, contemplating it for a moment. "I'll come with you."

I sigh before excepting.

We walk in peaceful silence, both lost in our thoughts. Only to be brought back when we reach the vending machine. I get my water with ease. No rush in this moment of madness.

"What's your favorite color?"

I turn around with a hmmm? Not at all expecting a question.

"I mean when they gave me your form it just gave the general stuff. And now that we are here, I realize I don't know much of the deep stuff. I mean other things are obvious as you express them a lot but others...I don't know."

My eyes widen. "You have a form on me!?!?"

He chuckles. "Sort of, but you still haven't answered me question."

I smile. "It's gold."

I stay in thought for a moment. "What things do I even express?"

We start walking back slowly. "That's a pretty unique color, just like you."

He smiles. "I'm a fan of black."

I smile rolling my eyes. Of course.

"Anyways, you are good as hell with knife throwing, if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life it would be pancakes."

He pauses thinking it over. "You're really fucken good at dancing."

I laugh at that.

"You like to seduce me."

I push him playfully. "Hey that's not true!"

He laughs a deep laugh that makes me want this moment to never end. "Nah, What I mostly love about you is that you aren't afraid to express who you are. I admire your bravery."

I turn away slightly to hide my blush. I see he enjoys my embarrassing moment by the smile plastered on his face.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" A scream erupts making us both run toward the noise.

As we enter in a rush, I realize nothing is going on in the room. It is as silent as ever. But as I look up at the screen I notice a guard on the floor. "Nothing to worry about he just stabbed himself by accident." I let out a sigh of relief as Carlyle calms my nerves.

"They have arrived sir." I look to the screen as the trees move forcefully. I see shadows coming closer but nothing more. I stand there in anticipation.

A shadow falls as I see a guardian has shot an arrow. The others wait and shoot. Some finally make it out of the shadows. As soon as the light hits them they run at full force. I stand there shocked.

For a moment I see something flash before my eyes. It's gone in seconds so I let it go thinking it's just my imagination, but then Jules gets up. She covers her mouth, in shock.

I yell. "Hey can anyone zoom in on the left corner of the field."

Carlyle looks at me before instructing his men to do it. My heart starts racing in anticipation.

The screen finally shifts. I grab my heart. Before me are two blonds with the same evil expression as they together attack some guards.

I hear a cry across the room but I don't try to decipher it as my concentration folds before me. I'm left in a shock state. "Jess.....Taylor."

My breath becomes jagged and in a matter of seconds I'm rushing out the door and into the sun's ray of heat.

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