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🐰Picture below is not mine.🐰

Waking up early had become an everyday routine for me, that even the day I finally got to rest, I woke at 6:00am. I tried going back to sleep, but I'm just one of those, that once you wake up, you can't go back to sleep. I sit up on my huge bed, moving out of my beautiful lion quilt. My eyes adjust as the light is streaming through my window. I yawn, stretching my muscles. I sit there for a moment looking around at my baby blue room, with a shelf at my side and a walk in closet across from me., which Marcus had all seen yesterday, before I sent him to the guest room across from me. The closet doors had mirrors making me be able to see my beautiful, brightly glowing, morning hair. I get up doing my daily routine and walk out to find Marcus. Knowing fair well he was awake.

I see his door is open wide. I skip down the stairs in excitement as I smell my favorite, Pancakes!

Suddenly my weird side comes out. "If I could eat one dish. One dish for the rest of my life. It would be pancakes! Pancakes! Pannnnnccaaakkkkkeeessss! Dundun." I rush over to the kitchen singing. Marcus stands with a plate of like six pancakes with fruit, butter, and syrup held out on his hand. He's frozen as he stares at me stunned. Suddenly he burst out in laughter and I stare at him wanting to laugh at how silly he looks, bent over with the plate on the table, supporting himself and one hand holding his stomach.

"Was it something I said?" I grab the pancakes, taking a bite and sit on the stool. Yum! He gets up wiping his tears. Just between you and me I think Marcus needs to see a doctor, he has some serious issues.

"Want to play in the game room?" Marcus's eyes twinkle. That's what I thought. Who wouldn't want to go in there.


I make my way to my room. Walking into my white walk in closet. "Where are you. Come on. Aha!" I take out my beautiful two piece, pink, beautiful bikini.

 Aha!" I take out my beautiful two piece, pink, beautiful bikini

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(By the way girl in this pic. Is not what I imagine as Chanel. She's just there to give an example of how Chanel would look in it.)

Me and Marcus had decided to go for a swim, considering how hot it was. To be honest I just think he wanted to see me with less clothes, I wasn't complaining. God knows I would get a show out of this too.

I grab my light blue towel and black sunglasses, slipping them on my head. I quickly put on shorts on top of the bikini bottom and snatch the sunscreen that was laying on my shelf. Making my way outside I see that Marcus is still not out yet. I lay my aqua colored sandals on the floor, as I sit on the lounge chair. I squirt the sunscreen rubbing it in my skin. It's coconut smell surrounding me. Finally finishing I lay down putting one leg down and the other arched from the knee. I slip my glasses down my face and let darkness take over me.

"Fuckin shit!" I get a heart attack. Ending up with me sitting up. I look to see Marcus steading the shaking drinks in his hands.

"What happened?!" I ask, quite shocked.

He shakes his head. "Nothing." I see his eyes are avoiding my body and I laugh finally getting it.

"One step away from an accident Marcus. Haven't you ever heard, keep your eyes on the road." I smirk challenging him silently.

"Yes, but it's hard when there is a deer in your path."

"Touché." He hands me a drink, sitting on the chair next to me. It's like a tropical pink drink with an umbrella and a lemon on the side. "I feel like I'm at a fancy resort."

"Ever been to one?"

I lift my glasses up my head so I can see him better. The sun blinds me for a second before my eyes adjust. "No, not really. But that's what I have movies for."

He smiles. "Well if your not going in, I am." He gets up taking off his shirt. I barely notice what he is wearing, swimming shorts and a black shirt which just came off, showing his toned, dark chest that I take a great interest towards. He notices, smirking at me. I lay back down looking at my beautiful crystal pool. He dives in like a professional swimmer. Once he hits the water his head pops out. He stares at me, challenging me, as water drips down his dark brown hair. "Come on. The water is warm and refreshing and....."

"I know it's my pool." I cross my arms cutting him off. "There is no way your getting me in...." I suddenly have a plan. I grin then hide it with a bored expression. I get up and casually stretch, I mind my own business. Drowning down my drink and close my eyes as I feel the wind blow my brown hair back on either side of me. Slipping on my shades, I stand in front of the foot of my lounge chair and look towards the pool ignoring Marcus's curious gaze. I slowly unbutton and pull down my shorts, exposing my bikini bottom. I make my way around the pool and Marcus, pretending I'm going to check in the fitness room my mom had. Ahh I love torturing Marcus.

Suddenly in the silence a ring disrupts us. I turn to see Marcus getting out and walk toward the glass table by the door. He signals that he will be back and goes inside to answer the call. I go back around and slip on my shorts. Checking the time on my phone. It's half past 3. I stand unable to sit, pacing, waiting. By the look on his face it looked pretty serious and I want to know what happened. I hear the screen door open and turn to see Marcus staring at me with an unreadable expression. "They want to see you."

"Who" I ask stood frozen.

He looks at me seriously. "Heaven."


🌸Aloha Peeps.....sorry I was just trying something new. 🌸

Anyways, What do you think Heaven wants with Chanel?

My Response:
You'll see in the next chapter! No spoilers!!!!😁

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