❣23_Shoping? Fuck no!❣

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(Above Chanel's Green Tea Latte.⬆)


“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” I lay down on the bed with a bounce. “Well you said yes so now you have to go.” Jules jumps on the bed. I turn to her. “Yes but I haven’t gone shopping in a while. I’m one of those people that likes to get clothes but not go and buy it!” I cover my face trying to get out of it. She grabs the pillow, standing over me. “You have been around Marcus too much that you’re starting to act like a boy.” I snatch the pillow back. “No I’m not!” I cross my arms and She puts her hands on her hips challenging me. She sighs. “Well then what’s this.” I look at her hands in which she has my knives! “Hey, how’d you get those!!!” She glares at me. Finally handing me my babies. “See what I mean.” I sigh getting off my bed. Guess I’m not getting out of this.


“Yes mom.” I look up to see the girls are still in line ordering there Starbucks. “But Honey, you don’t like shopping.” I want to laugh. I love how she knows me so well. “I know but Jules dragged me out.” I usually always get my clothes online or my parents would bring them to me. “Okay well, just stay safe okay. Especially since you’re far from home.” We had come to Province to shop. I didn’t mind returning but knowing what was close by made me feel like they were watching me. I nod then remember she can’t see me. “Okay thanks mom. Tell dad I said Hi and that next time he better talk to me.” She laughs. “Okay Love ya.” I smile. “Love ya too, bye.” I hang up. Looking up, I see Kate and Jules walk over, drinks in hand. Kate hands me my Green tea Latte. “Okay lets go discover the mall now!!!” I laugh as people turn heads at her outburst. “Woops.” I shake my head, taking a refreshing sip of my drink.

We make our way to a store, then another and another. Kate finds a pretty blue dress with a gold necklace and matching shoes to go with it. She tries it on, not letting us see it on her, but I know it’s going to look absolutely stunning on her.

“Hey how’s this one.” I look to Kate as she tries to find something for me. In her hands she holds a tiny tiny top and a skirt that would barely cover a tiny girls ass and trust me that I do not have a tiny one. What in the world. “Umm Kate, we’re going to a party not a strip club.” She laughs while Jules sits in the corner giving Kate an are you crazy look. I continue looking, ignoring my crazy friends.

Kate pokes her head from the other side of the rack. “You know It’s going to be harder for you to sneak out considering all the missing people going around.”

“She’s right. They are going to have guards everywhere.” I grunt at Jules comment. “Well I mean the guards here suck.” Jules gets up looking for a dress of her own. “Yes but haven’t you heard?” I pause what I’m doing and stare at her in question. “I can’t believe you haven’t heard.” She pauses, getting ready to tell me. “Well ever since some went missing we have become known and so the school got someone to get security for us from some other place. I think Cali, but anyways they are trained and supposedly hot too.” I nod understanding till she gets to the end. “Seriously!” She lifts her shoulders. “What?” I laugh shaking my head.

I grab a pretty black and pink dress of the rack. “Hey Jules?” I hear her shuffle. “Yes?” I check the price, not bad. “Come here.” She rushes over. “Wow.” She grabs the dress from my hands and goes into the dressing room. Well at least that’s settled. I sit feeling a little dizzy from all the searching. It’s like why can’t I just think about the perfect dress and it will come to me. Oh well, only in dreams.

“It fits! I looooovvvveeee it!!!” I laugh looking at the worker as she silently laughs. Kate comes back from her journey through the racks. “Hmm nothing good enough for your body.” I shrug to tired to care for a dress. Jules comes out a second later and goes to pay for her dress.

“Maybe we should go to Windsor.” I sigh following them to the store. I look at everyone in the mall super happy and without a care. I would love to be like them and not have to worry about other realms in this damn world.

We finally get to the store which might I add was on the other side of the mall. As soon as the store is in view I stop. “What, why are you stopping?” Both say, staring back at me in confusion. I point. “That one is the one.” They look at the mannequin with the dress I’m pointing at. “Definitely.”


🐾Alright people, I know that I describe the dresses but don't show anything and that is because in the chapter that id the party, I will show them. So just hold on to your seats folks and enjoy the ride!!!!🙆🐾

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