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"Yes mom. Okay Mom. Love ya too, bye."

After Marcus had dropped me off I had decided to call my mom and see how they were doing. They had some business deal to make in Hawaii. My parents owned a lot of buildings. They pretty much owned this place. Now you may ask why we decided to live in this tiny town if we had money. Well it's because my parents wanted a normal life for me. They didn't want me to be a rich snob. I didn't mind as I didn't quiet fit in with those people.

My conversation with her didn't last long, as she was of course busy as she always was. I got used to it by now and knew I would see them in a few weeks.

I lay in bed not even being able to sleep. I kept worrying about my friends. Marcus especially. If you couldn't already tell, I of course had feelings for him, but it wasn't something I could focus on, as I had too much going on. He would always be my friend and shoulder to lean on.

I soon gave up trying to sleep and got up. I had a goal in mind and I would do it for the sake of my friends.

I put on my sweats and a tank top and ran outside. I had to do this, I had to. I ran and ran till I reached the center of the forest. It was silent for a moment, till I heard a bristle of movement. Then silence, then a crunch of the leaves. I turned around and saw a figure moving. Suddenly my surprise turned into worry.


I cursed as the owls watched over me.

"No, no, no, no, no.......yes?" I was so worried that I forgot she had a destination in mind.

I followed her as we reached the part of the forest that had given me the creeps last time. But this time there was a door. It wasn't there before but it was now. Just standing there alone with nothing behind it.

I stayed hidden in the shadows as she hovered above ground, making her way to the door. There was something about her that seemed...off. She didn't even open it, she just went in. It happened so fast that my guess is she went through it.

I slowly got up and jogged to the door. A diamond shape hole in the door made me think fast. I took out my necklace which was now glowing bright red in the night, and put it on the door. Nothing happened for a moment.

Then it creaked open.


I walk in slowly making sure no one is standing near it, making my way in. The only light was coming from the glowing red diamond on my neck. I followed a path using my senses and a little red light which didn't help much.

About twenty minutes later, I spotted a door and contemplated moving on as I saw that the pathway lead on, but I got curious and had the urgency to check it out. Making up my mind I opened it to see a big room lit brightly by candles. A big screen and a table in the center. I sighed. Nothings here. As I was about to walk out, I suddenly stopped and the door slams shut.

"I was wondering when you would show up." A shiver ran down my body as I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around and in the corner he stood proud and tall. I had a sudden urge to rip that smirk off his face, but I couldn't as I was still in shock. How had I not seen him?

At the speed of lightning I was tied to a chair. What the?

"I thought-"

"You thought what huh, you thought I was the good helpless guy right?" He started laughing, seeing the confused expression on my face.

"Well I'm not. I was the recruitment of hell. They chose me to help them win and I would do anything for the amazing honor they gave me. So with that I obviously had to get people out of somewhere and who better then young, dumb teens. It took me a few dozen years of annoying kids but it finally worked out." He all, but said that with a smile on his face.

He was only at our school for 2 years, for which we had been with him for. His words sank in, shocking me to the core. "You're telling me that we are not the only kids you've taught?"

He gave me an evil smile, showing me all his perfect damn teeth.

He was crazy alright. But then again I always knew that. With his curly brown hair and glasses perched on his nose. Let's just say evil didn't quite fit him, but he looked different now. His hair straitened and greased to the side with no glasses. Leaving me to wonder if he ever really needed them in the first place.

"Now as you can obviously tell I've been drawing back my students. But as my process was going on, something odd happened. I called back a student and yet they didn't return." He commented, inspecting me.

"I've been watching you, but I just couldn't seem to figure it out till now." He said, ripping the red diamond off my neck.

"Haha, I mean come on, what did the damn gods see in you. Out of all my students I would have never guessed you."

I scowled. Even though I knew he was right. I had that same question myself, but coming from someone else, well.....that just hurt.

"Now I don't like people budding in my business. What should I do, what shall I do, ahhh I know." All of a sudden he grabbed a satanic Rosary and touched me with it.

Pain is all I felt, it coursed through my body with a rush, making me completely and utterly dizzy. I was slowly passing out and I couldn't let that happen.

While sirens blared, footsteps were approaching in the distance. Shit! they were coming for me.

"Tell me where's your guardian now." He commented, stepping closer to me.

Guardian? What in the world.

"You think I don't know how he's always kept a look out on you."

"What?" I suddenly said, stating my thoughts. Woops.

He inspected my face. "Oh, you didn't know." His mouth stretched into a very pleased grin.

It could only be one person.

"They say we're bad, but then again, they hide things, now who's the bad guy."

I had enough of this. I looked up from my blurred vision and kicked him right where it hurt. He was rolling over in pain as I tried to break free of the ties. Fudge!

I could hear them getting closer and then finally I got the knot out. I got up, almost falling over myself. I carefully and quickly went over to him, and snatched the necklace. He suddenly grabbed my arm. "I will get you back for this. I can promise that." My response being to simply kick him again, I know badass.

I ran out of there like fire. Which wasn't much since I was so dizzy. Almost there, I kept telling myself.

The footsteps were close behind me, I only hoped they didn't see me, after all it was dark.

I finally made it to the door and pushed it as hard as I could, slamming it behind me. I took a deep breath and ran.

I didn't make it quite far, as I suddenly ran into a tree and blacked out, but only after seeing the cat again, as it approached me.

How your day/night my Peep!? If you have read up to here I want to give you a big virtual hug. You are now my best friend.

Anyways for better things. Who likes cats?

I personally love both cats and dogs but my absolute fav. Is my bunny. I love him to the end of the world and back, but I also love all the other animals in the house. I'm going to shut up now. What can I say I'm a leo. I talk too damn much.
Much love!❣❣❣❣❣

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