❣10_"In Cat Form?"❣

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The library ⬆
A piece of this is Chanel's P.O.V and the rest is Marcus's. I decided to give it to you guys as that's what everyone wishes in a book.

"La la ri mhhhmm”

What in the world.

Someone was singing, I just couldn’t open my eyes to see.
My head felt as if a million hammers were pounding on it. I opened my eyes but everything was a little blurry. I sat up but realized that, that was a mistake as it hurt more.

“Woah there, slow down you just went through some major stuff.” My eyes adjusted and before me stood Madame Scott. Her glasses perched on her nose and a smile on her lips.

“How, how did I get here?” I asked, suddenly remembering what happened.

She sighed, handing me a cup of tea and sitting across from me.

“You have to be careful, it’s a dangerous thing to carry around.” She calmly said, taking the necklace out of her pocket and handing it back to me.

I must have dropped it while running through the forest.

“In the hands of the wrong person, it can be very dangerous.” She said, staring at me straight in the eyes.

“How did you…...you’re a watcher.”

She nodded.

“I have to protect what goes in and out of that realm. Obviously, I haven’t done a good job.” She tilted her head towards the floor.

“Don’t say that. You got me out of that forest. Without that, they would have probably found me and took in me back.”

She sighed.

“I just…I just wish I could have saved my grandson.”

I took a hold of her hands and we stayed in silence. After a while she spoke.

“I always knew it in my heart that you were the one. Now I want to know what happened in there. After all I deserve that for saving you.” She said, with a smile in on her face and a twinkle in her eyes.

I smiled, but it didn't quite reach my eyes. I wasn’t so happy about what happened over there but I told her anyways.

“I always found something strange in that man, but I would have never guessed that.”

I didn’t either. Mr.Colebet might have been weird but I like those type of teachers. Different is nice from your typical boring teachers.

“So, about the guardian, I’m guessing you already know who it is.”

I nodded.

“Word of advice, don’t be to hard on him, people do things for reasons.” She commented.

“Now run along and if you need anything I’m there.”

“In cat form?” I asked.

Her eyes widened before she started laughing.

“Oh honey. Of course.”

I smiled.

I was leaving when I suddenly stopped, “Your cat form is very beautiful.”

“What. Is my human form not?” Her joke left me feeling bad.
I smiled and head out.

I got out of my car after I had parked in front of the center. Taking a deep breath, as I walked in.

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