❣7_My Fault ❣

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"Coffee." I muttered, waking up. I was a morning person unlike others. Mostly I woke from alarms and such, but food worked just fine.

It was still pretty early, but I loved how peaceful it was.

I quietly got up from the floor, rolling up my sleeping bag as I went. We knew we wouldn't all fit on the bed, plus we were girls and having them closer to me made me feel safer about sleeping. Considering why I chose to be next to the door.

I made my way around them and into the bathroom. I picked out my favorite jean shorts and a black shirt with a jean jacket. I was glad I had gone back over yesterday to get my things, as I did not want to stay in the same clothes.

As I was changing my shirt I remembered the necklace. I guess I was getting used to it that I had totally forgotten it was there.

But I could still feel its dark aura as it touched my skin. It was as if it was trying to draw me in. I quickly tucked it back in and walked out to see what delicious food I could eat.

I was careful to be quiet as I walked down the hallway. Although, I wasn't going to lie, I would stop along the way as pictures of Marcus covered the walls. All baby pictures of him and his family. It was adorable!

As I made it to the kitchen I saw Marcus with his back to me, cooking something on the stove.

As soon as he heard the kitchen door close he turned around and suddenly scanned me slowly up and down, then looked me in the eyes and gave me a genuine smile.

I knew I was pretty, but not THAT pretty. Yes, I was a brunette with long legs and yes, I had curves, but I wasn't a freaking model for gosh sakes. Nobody had stared at me like that so I didn't know what to do, but just smile back.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" He asked, bring out plates.

"Somewhat, as I was still worried." He nodded. "Want some pancakes?"

"Pancakes" I stated with gleam in my eyes. I loved pancakes as they were so soft and delicious.

He saw my reaction and chuckled.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." He stated, giving me two pancakes and passing me the syrup.

"Coffee or milk?"

"Definitely coffee." I replied, pouring a good amount of syrup.

He smiled, passing me a cup.

I moaned. "Woah, these are delicious!'

"Thanks" He replied with amusement, as he poured himself coffee.

We sat in silence as I ate my delicious as breakfast, until I knew I had to say it.

"We have to tell them, don't we?" He frowned, "I'm afraid so."

"When they are all awake?"

He nodded.

I had made new friends and I didn't plan to let them go.

"Guys!" Someone shouted.

Me and Marcus looked at each other and ran to where the noise came from. It was coming from the girls room. As soon as we got there the boys had all come out with question in their eyes.

"It's Taylor, she's missing." Jules stated standing in the middle of the room.

I froze.

"Where's Kate and Jess?" Marcus asked seeing the reaction on my face.

"Backyard." She simply said, looking at all of us for help.

"Mathew, Jeremy, go get the girls. We need to talk."

Marcus looked at me for a second, but I couldn't look back as I was still frozen with panic.

"Jules give us a minute, will ya" Jules nodded, walking out the door.

He grabbed me gently by the arms, forcing me to face him. "How could this happen under my watch, I swear she was here a second ago." I whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek.

He wiped it with his thumb grabbing my face in his hands. "This is not your fault. You were at the door. How could she just have left? There's got to be a way she did it, without walking out that door or through the sealed window." He stated thinking.

I simply nodded, as I couldn't form words.

Sadness consumed me. "I just...I was supposed to protect her and I failed. What if they do something bad to her. What if they torture her."

"Hey you tried your best and if you couldn't watch her, then nobody could." He encouraged.

"Now you have to be strong." He paused.

"For them." I whispered knowing what he would say.

He nodded. "Lets go."

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