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There was this girl named Son Seungwan, but mostly she was called Wendy. Her skin is fair and her lips are red but what makes her unique is that she's chubby unlike other heroines. Although she's insecure of her weight, she still try to be cheerful and do what she loves, and that is to sing.

She's currently in her 2nd year as a music major and on her free time, she goes to a music room to relieve her stress or more like to hide. It's her sanctuary, her haven. No one bullies her in there and no one can dictate her what to do. Friend? Of course she have, Seulgibear. She's a girl who covers dance practices of boygroups or girlgroups, Wendy doesn't know her real name actually but they chat from time to time since Wendy cover some songs but she doesn't show her face, just her red hood is shown on the video.

She was currently in the music room, sitting infront of the piano, thinking of something to sing. She wanted to compose music actually but nothing's coming to mind so she just stared at the piano.

When she was able to think of a song to sing, she was just about to tap the piano when the door of the room opened. Wendy was too surprised that she made a horrible sound of the piano as well as making the person entered looked at her.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The guy asked continously.

Wendy was too surprised of his appearance, even with his mint green hair and pale skin.When she realized that the guy kept on staring at her, Wendy cleared her throat and tried to speak.

"O-oh, uhm... uh, I was just here to-" Wendy stopped when she remembered something. "Aren't I the one who should be asking that?" She asked confidently.

"Are you kidding me? This place is mine." He said coming closer to the piano.

"It's not like you have a certificate or something." She retorted

"Wae? Do you need a certificate to prove that the name you are using is yours?"

"No but just because you take this place as yours, it doesn't give you the right to drive people away, this is a school property."

"Still mine. Besides, do you even know how to play the piano? What you played earlier would be suited for a horror show." He said smirking.

Wendy rolled her eyes, she knows how to play the piano, the flute, guitar and other instruments but it's a waste of time to tell him that. Why is she even wasting her time with this guy? He's not only conceited but also arrogant.

She sighed and calmed herself down. She'll be the bigger person for now. So she faced him and bowed.

"I'm sorry for being rude, I deeply apologize."

"Then, the door won't open by itself so please help yourself." He said and sat infront of the piano where Wendy sat earlier.

Wendy was still bowing her head so the guy won't surely see her grit her teeth with anger. How dare he! he'll pay for this. If only she doesn't have class that minute, she'll make sure he pays for what he's done.

Wendy went out of the room, who was he anyway? She's been going there for many months already but she haven't seen that guy go there or anywhere in the campus. Is he a transferee? If he is, he can't find that place easily so he is not a transferee.

Wendy went to her class and it was late in the afternoon when she got out of the campus. She walked on the side of the road when someone just suddenly handed her a flyer, Wendy removed her headphones and looked up, a girl with a dazzling smile greeted her.

"Hi, I'm Joy. We just opened today I hope you come by." She does not only have a beautiful smile and face but also her voice is beautiful.

Wendy looked up at the cafe. HAPPINESS Cafè, what a simple yet refreshing name. She sneaked at the interior, it looks warm and inviting.

Wendy smiled back and took the flyer. "Do you have baggel?"

"You're in the perfect place!-" Wendy cut her off smiling.

"Then, I'll come by sometime. I have somewhere to go right now."

Joy sighed with relief. "Thank you! I'll be waiting for you my dear costumer!" Joy said happily.

Wendy shake her head smiling. Joy's smile is contagious, she can't help but smile as well. She went home directly and immediately covered one song, It's Avril Lavigne's song Smile since Wendy was feeling happy. She practiced once more before she officially uploaded the video on YT. It wasn't even a minute when she received one like and comment, curious she scrolled down the comment section.

Her breath caught up in her throat and her eyes went wide. Although it was just a comment, it brought something different to her. People does it to anyone and yet Wendy felt different, like the person really mean it. The person's username is BoY and here's what he said that Wendy feel like she won't ever forget that moment and the words he said.

What's wrong with me? I just listened to your voice and yet I can't figure out why I'm like this. I've been listening to your covers and this is definitely the first time I went directly to comment, even making an account just to be able to tell you the words I've been meaning to say...

Girl with the red hood,

I love you.

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