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"Are you sure there's nothing?" Taehyung asked while walking, holding his phone over his ear. He just separated from his friends and was about to go home when Irene called him. Although it was still really early, he wanted to go home immediately so he could rest.

"Yeah, I think Jin really likes her. I'm just going along to his plan. I'm telling you this because I trust you."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. You're making me feel bad again. Jin likes you in the past right?" Jin was even angry at Taehyung because Irene made him a scapegoat when in truth Irene didn't want to be in a relationship yet but she told him that Jin was special to her because he was the first guy who properly confessed to her unlike what guys do nowadays.

"It was just a silly crush, besides I ship him with my sister."

"I know." But Jin is doing exactly the opposite to make Irene's sister like him. He must have thought that the same tactic won't affect Irene's sister.

"I hope you're not angry with me."

Taehyung stopped walking, he cleared his throat. "No, I'm not. Don't worry."

He heard her sigh on the other side. "Thank God, I thought I'll lose you, you're such a good friend Taehyung-a."

Taehyung smiled bitterly. "Yeah..."

After talking some more they both said goodbye and hanged up. Sighing he put his phone in his pocket.

Good friend huh? Until when do I have to wait until you're ready?

He sighed once more and was about to continue walking when he saw Joy in a tent alone, she was drinking. Taehyung got worried after he knew that she was Irene's sister, he started keeping his eyes on her just in case something happen. He approached her immediately taking the seat on the other side of the table.

Joy was about to take a glass of soju but Taehyung took it and drank it himself. Joy looked up to him.

"What are you doing?" She asked in an irritated tone. She was already brokenhearted now he's making her irritated.

Taehyung put the glass down wiping his mouth before looking at her. "I should be the one asking you that. What are you doing? Drinking alone at night?"

Joy scoffed showing him her phone. "It's just 6:50"

"But still--" "Please! Just shut up or leave! I didn't ask you here."

Taehyung sighed out of frustration, he blew the front of his hair and look at her drink from the bottle. He took it and put it on the table.

"Fine, I'm going to shut up but I'll drink with you."

Joy nods her. "Whatever you want."

Taehyung thought it was better, he's brokenhearted anyway, he'd just drink it and forget about Irene, even just that night.


Wendy and Yoongi awkwardly stared at each other, sometimes looking at their surroundings and back on the plate in front of them. Wendy was glad that they went to a normal restaurant since Yoongi was insisting on taking her to an expensive one which she refused immediately, she didn't want him to spend too much money on her though he can afford it.

While waiting for their order, Wendy tried to have a conversation with him since its too awkward.

"So... Since when did you start composing songs?" She chose the topic since it's the only thing she knows that he's into.

Yoongi who was looking around settled his gaze at her. "Middle school." He answered shortly and looked around the place again, what if someone he knows or one of his friends just went there and saw him with her? They'd surely laugh at him. Just thinking about it already embarrassed him and they'd talk about her after.

Unbeknownst to Yoongi, Wendy actually had a gist on why he keeps on looking around because he's embarrassed. At least she knows that much, why would he look around anyway if its not the reason?

To think that he's conscious that he's with her made her heartache. She should know that already, even if he does think that she's embarrassed to be with, it won't change the fact that she still sees him as a good person.

When their order arrives, Wendy masked her expression and smiled immediately taking her chopstick.

"Thank you for the food."

Yoongi looked at her and said the same in a silent manner. He ate his food and casually look at her from time to time, it was strange because she's not conscious while eating in front of him. It made him think that she doesn't see him as a guy or rather a guy she should be conscious with.

Wendy tried her best to eat well because he said that he's the one who's going to pay so she ate without reservation and didn't try to be conscious in front of him.

After eating, they both went outside the restaurant and walked on the side of the road. Wendy unconsciously went on Yoongi's other side just beside the road and walked casually.

Yoongi stopped walking and looked at her. "Why did you do that?" He was confused. Men are the ones who do it but then, they are not together anyway...

Wendy stopped walking too and turned back at him. "Oh, that?" She smiled when she recalled something. "It's a habit." She turned on the front again and continued walking, Yoongi followed.

"I have a sister and I used to walk her to school so I kind of protect her. But she's not here right now, she's in abroad."She turned to him still walking but backward. "Did it hurt your pride? I apologize."

Yoongi shakes his head slowly. It didn't hurt his pride, he was just surprised that its how you do it when you walk on the side of the road.

"You don't have to do it." He stopped walking again, Wendy too.

"What do you mean?"

"Protecting I mean. I will be the one to protect you next time." He uttered unknowingly he was surprised after he said that, it's unlike him.

Wendy smiled at him. "There's no need." Although it was so sweet to hear it from him who always seems so put off about everything like he doesn't care about anything around him. But she has to stop now before she gets hurt more than she is now, she realized that when they were in the restaurant. And for his sake as well...

Yoongi frowned. "Why?"

Wendy shrugged her shoulders still smiling. "Because there will be no next time."

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