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Hi :) I'm sorry for the late update, something came up that's why I wasn't able to write. It's short but I'll try to make it up next update.

Enjoy :)


3 years later...

Once was a failure now a famous composer and producer Yoongi is. He tried to enter a competition once again and finally won owning a position as one of the youngest and most sought composer nowadays. But he didn't have to look further to look for a company, Namjoon specifically seek him saying he wanted to try if he can conquer the music industry, Wanting to prove if he really doess is a genius, the industry proved him right. In just three years, Namjoon was able to make a couple of famous artist already, naming his artists as monster rookies. Yoongi is the master mind to all of those hit songs though they give the artist some freedom to compose their own song and let Yoongi and Namjoon listen.

Apart from being successful, Yoongi isn't only famous because of his profession but also because of his looks. He haven't attended any award shows and didn't go to any show that offered his grace, he didn't want any those. He didn't want the attention in the first place, the fame and awards, none of those mattered to him. Three years has passed and still nothing changed, He just only want to see her again.

Just the thought of her saddened him once again,the empty space in his heart was filled with void, music fills it up in her absence. Three years of looking but not even a trace of her, he's losing hope. Even her parents doesn't know where she is now, one thing is for sure though, she's not in Korea because of her emails to her parents.

He's tempted to appear on shows just for the sake of looking for her but it won't matter of she's not going to show up after that, her resolve is firm and pleading in front of the camera won't help them, she doesn't know that she can see him again and certainly he can't explain it in front of many people about the dare. And also, he wanted to tell her himself, face to face.

"The composition is fine but change the lyrics." Yoongi handed the flash drive to the leader of one of the group.

"What's wrong with the lyrics Sunbaenim?"

Yoongi turned to swivel around, facing the guy who's only seventeen years old. "Why don't you reflect yourself? I'm pretty sure you can find out by yourselves."

"But- we made the lyrics for two weeks."

Yoongi shake his head and waved his hand to dismiss him that he no longer care of his excuses. It crossed his mind of the sullen look the guy gave.

Yoongi sighed giving up before turning the chair once again.


Mark turned with a sad face his head hanging low.

"It's your first time making a love song right?"

Mark nodded.

"You're young, love is a broad topic so you concentrate on only one." Very broad actually and yet simple at the same time

"Like what sunbaenim?"

"Hm.. how about your first love or friends? Well, whatever you think of. Heed my advice, love ain't easy young man. Don't dwell on things you haven't experienced yet and focus on what you've learned during your lessons."

This time, Mark finally smiled. "Thank you sunbaenim." He said then bowed and left.

Yoongi slumped his shoulder giving out a heavy sigh. Talking to kids aren't his thing, he does 't have the patience just like what she possess.

A knock came on the door and Yoongi thought Mark forgot something, it turns out it was Namjoon.

Yoongi held his hand up "Yo."

Namjoon walked towards him and tapped his back as he hovered at the equipment and monitor in front beside Yoongi as if analyzing what the latter has been working on. "Busy as always, I see."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Says the CEO." Namjoon is busier than him for sure.

Namjoon chuckled. "Say, How about you take a time off, there's a place I'd like for you to go."

Yoongi looked at him questioningly. "Where?"


"Jeju? That far? Why me? And what for?"

Namjoon turned his head to him. "It's because of you that's why I'm successful right now. And as a sign of my gratitude, I looked for your fiancee."

Yoongi stared at him with wide eyes. "She's... here? in Korea?"

Namjoon grinned. "Uhuh... I found out she came back here one month ago, and I'm glad i don't have to go to Canada to look for her... I don't want you to go that far anyway, I need you here."

Yoongi didn't talked and continued to gape at him.

Namjoon stood straight and put his hand in his pocket. "Three days Yoongi, three days. Mark's group is going to come back one week from now so I need you back here after three days."

Yoongi can't help but show the smile he's been trying not to show. Hobi first and now Namjoon. Man, what great friends he have really. He doesn't know that Namjoon was searching for Wendy as well. He'll never forget this.

"You can sit back and relax because I assure you, NCT's comeback will be a hit."

Namjoon laughed out loud. "Man what a motivation Wendy is. Now you have to make sure she comes back with you, I like it when you're this confident."

Yoongi chuckled nodding his head as agreement.


My dream for NCT to sing Yoongi's songs so I just used their name for you guys also to have the image of the group in mind :)

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