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Wendy blinked her eyes for the one-hundredth time before narrowing her eyes on her phone. 15 missed calls. It was from Yoongi. She woke up and checked her phone and that's the first thing she saw.

Why did he call me?

Suddenly the memories about what happened yesterday just dawned on her that she rolled on her bed and went crazy, when she was tired, she stared at the ceiling not blinking. That's right, they even exchanged their numbers yesterday.

I'm dating Min Yoongi.

"Ahhhh!!!!" She shouted. No one can hear her anyway since her room is soundproof. Her phone rang suddenly startling her.

Min Yoongi calling...

Wendy abruptly sat straight and even straightened her hair before clearing her throat and answered the call.


"Did you just wake up? No class today?"

Wendy shyly played with her blanket. "Later this afternoon." She can't bring herself to ask him about the missed calls.

"I see. Then see you later."

"Wait-!" Wendy covered her mouth when she suddenly blurted the words. She can already feel him grinning on the other side.

"What is it?"

"Is something wrong?"

Silence filled the air as she waited for him to answer her question. After awhile he finally talked.

"Just... don't give cookies to anyone. Bye." He said and hanged up.

Wendy grinned still holding the phone over her ear.Maybe she's just over thinking.

Her phone rang again and she thought that Yoongi forgot to say something but it was actually her mom.

"Mom, How are you? Are you finally going home now?" She was lonely all by herself there in their home.

"Endure a little bit more my daughter, my father and I is sorting something out."

"Is it about Yeri?" Did her sister caused trouble again?

"Well... Yeah and a little about you, we'll tell you once we get back honey, for now take care, okay? Don't let any stranger come to our home."

"I know mom, take care. I miss you."

"I miss you too, goodbye."

"Bye mom."

After hanging up, Wendy finally got up from bed and prepared for school. She wanted to come by at Joy's work to see how she is since she was drunk the last time she saw her, she's worried about her.

"Uhh... Am I seeing things?" Her face looked weird when she went to Joy's work and saw Jin and Joy talking on the counter with smile on their faces, they look so smitten with each other. They were even holding each other's hand, Jin is actually holding her hand on the counter securely. They looked so good together.

Joy blushed looking down on the counter while Jin just chuckled looking down at Joy's embarrassed expression.

Wendy smiled knowingly. "I guess I have to congratulate you both then." Joy looked up to her and shrugged her shoulders smiling.

"I'll call you later, pick up your phone, okay?" Jin said wanting to give her time with her friend.

Joy rolled her eyes at him. "Yes, yes. Now go mister, I have a costumer waiting for me." She really can't get used at Jin's bossiness.

They both grinned at each other. Jin kissed her knuckles and let go of her hand before he left nodding his head at Wendy, she nod back.

When Jin was gone, Wendy immediately went to the counter where Jin was earlier putting her arms to the counter inching closer to Joy.

"Since when did you start dating?"

Joy scratched the back of her neck. "It hasn't been that long. Uhh... actually it was the day after I was in your house."

Wendy gasped. "Really? Waah~" She nudged Joy by the elbow. "Joy you sly girl."

Joy bit her lips. "Yah~"

Wendy chuckled. "Congrats Joy. Well, I guess to be fair with you, I'll tell you a secret." She asked Joy to come closer to her and whispered by her ear. "I'm dating Yoongi."

This time, it was Joy's turn to gasp and looked at her with wide eyes. The thing with her and Jin wasn't a secret but Wendy didn't told her a thing, hers was more of a shock for Joy. Something must have happened at the amusement park, she was glad that Jin didn't let her go then.

They both giggled at each other and talked about it. They never thought that a day would come where they'd talk about things about boyfriends and such.

"By the way, there's a singing contest tomorrow for the anniversary of the school, are you going to participate?" Joy said off topic.

Wendy grimaced. "No thanks."

Joy chuckled. "That's what I thought." She wiggled her eyebrow. "I don't know if you'll get angry but I hope not, my sister actually wrote your name on the entry since she's one of the organizers." Her sister told her that the school asked her since Irene organize events well.

"What?" Oh no. Just thinking about standing on the stage made Wendy nervous already.

"I told her about your youtube account and she told me that she listens to you which shocked me. She was surprised that it was you behind the jacket."

Wendy slumped on the counter. "I don't think I can do it, I'm scared."

Joy held her hand on top of the table. "It's going to be okay, people will love your voice, I'm sure of it."

"No..." Wendy said in a grave tone.



"Don't worry, my sister wouldn't ask you to sing without considering what you'd think. The concept is King of Masked Singer. So you'll sing with a mask on."

"But can't I still back out? I haven't sing on public since highschool."

"Well, tomorrow is your chance."


"No buts Wendy, it's time you show that talent of yours, you're going to hit it big one day." She said and faced a costumer who just went in.

Wendy could only pout. Joy and her sister's crazy ideas. She was about to say something but her phone rang.

Why does her heart beats so crazy with just his call, she doesn't know.


"Are you here in school already?"

"Yeah, I'm with Joy." Joy looked at her when she heard her name and Wendy mouthed his name making Joy smile and gave her a teasing look but Wendy just twitched her mouth at her before focusing on talking to Yoongi.

"Then I'll wait for you at the music room, take your time."

Wendy tried to stiffle a smile, being with him still amazes her. She answered 'okay' and hanged up. She looked forward upon seeing him again that she felt excited and said goodbye to Joy with a bright smile on her face.

When she turned to the glass door, she saw the guy from the music room who were sleeping and gave her the nutella standing outside with his hands in his pockets while seriously looking at her intently. The smile on her face now gone.

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