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Do you know that feeling like you just woke up and thought that you want to start your day for a fresh start? Because that's what Wendy thought.

She tries not to think about it, about him. Her heart still ache at the thought of him.

She tried to get on her day and smile like nothing's wrong, it was impressive because Joy didn't notice it. She concluded that she makes a fine actress.

It was her class where Yoongi is also in and she prayed that she'll be fine throughout the lecture. She sat in front where someone was also seated on either side of the chair beside her.

She saw Yoongi entered the room and eyed her waiting to be acknowledged but she just bit both of her lips and stared at the front acting as if she really never saw him.

Wendy sighed out of relief when he didn't made a move to talk to her anymore but went to his seat instead. She was able to focus on the lecture and by the time her class was done, she immediately took her things and left the room in a hurry.

"Wendy wait."

She stopped walking when he suddenly called her name but didn't turn around and waited for him to say something. She knows that she can just leave but a part of her wanted to hear what he wants to say.

"My headphone."

Ah, so that's what it was... She thought it was something else.

Still not turning around she answered. "I didn't bring it today, I'll give it to you tommorow."

"No, I want it today, bring it to the music room. 4 pm, don't be late."

Wendy abruptly turn around not believing what she heard but he already left, today? he's so unbelievable. He's so impossible.

Just because I can't say no to you, you're taking advantage of my nature.

She didn't want to go there but she didn't want him to wait for her either thinking she'll be there.

No, I can't always be nice like this. Ah!! Wendy think straight!

She stared where he was walking. This is so unfair.

She went home at lunch and by 4 pm she went back to the campus. She was walking to the music room when she heard the sound of the piano being played.

When she went inside, she saw Yoongi playing with eyes closed.

With slow steps, she approached him, his headphone on her one hand and the other to her chest to stop the fast beating of her heart.

Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at her with a straight face. Wendy felt cold. Why does it feel like she's going inside a lion's den? To a lonely lion's den. It feels like he's being in agony over something. She knew that if she take step forward, she can't turn back anymore. He was kind to her than any other person and she wanted to return the favor, even if it cost her heart. Because she was falling for him and she wanted to ease the pain of the man  she loves.

So with light steps, she walked closer to him and surprised him when she embraced him. After a while she felt him hug her, burying his face on her neck.

"Why did you come here? You shouldn't have. You shouldn't."

Wendy answered with hoarse voice. "Why? You told me to come here so I came."

Yoongi cursed and hugged her tighter. "You're making this hard for me, I can't let you go anymore."

Wendy let go of him puzzled by what he said. "What do you mean? You can't let go of me anymore?"

Yoongi grinned. "Why? Are you scared?"

Wendy shake her head and gazed at his face. "I'm not scared of you." She answered without second thought.

Yoongi then locked her hair behind her ear before setting his eyes back on her, she doesn't know what he's thinking right now even if she wanted to know badly. How can he open up to her if she can't be patient right?

"Then date me."

Emotions swelled up in her chest when he said that but she tried to control it. She can't understand why he would ask her such thing and she never thought that someone will ask her that. She have so many insecurities. He was a good guy and she can't bear to think that he'll just end up with her.

But atleast let me try. I have the right... right?

She bit her lips and nod her head. "Okay."

Yoongi smiled making her heart melt, it was an innocent smile that Wendy can't help but smile back. She was taken aback when he went closer to her and pecked her forehead, she closed her eyes and felt his nose there as if smelling her then his nose trailed down the path between her forehead down between her eyebrows and stopped on her nose kissing her there. It was intimate for her and when she opened her eyes, she saw his deep eyes looking at her, it was a like a pool full of deep thoughts. She averted her gaze but him.

She felt him grin and kissed her nose again before pulling her for a hug tucking her head on his neck. Wendy knew she'll remember that moment for the rest of her life, the warm feeling of being embraced by the person you like and the fuzzy feeling he made her feel.


That night, Yoongi and the others meet up in a bar. Although it was noisy in there, the guys on one of the booth were silent as if their minds weren't there, almost all of them were in deep thoughts. Papers sprawled on top of the table after it was given by Namjoon earlier.

"This isn't true, right?" Taehyung asked about what's written on the paper.

"The hell it is." Hoseok said grabbing one paper and stared at it. "I demand you to stop the dare right now."

They all turned to Namjoon, waiting for his decision. They knew that once he talk, Hoseok won't be able to do anything.

"You know that our dare is serious right? Unless she knows about this or the person doing the dare give up, no one can stop it. You can't tell her as well since we signed an agreement. This is just a dare anyway, Yoongi just have to prevent from falling for her." Namjoon answered. But even if Yoongi does stop, he have to accept the consequences.

Hoseok angrily tapped the table before looking at Namjoon. "Then what about her? What if she fall for him? Can she prevent that? And what about me? I waited for her hyung." If he knew about this from the start he wouldn't let them do the dare. Why now? Why didn't their parents told them? If he just knew...

Hoseok turned to Yoongi. "Stop the dare, I'll give you what you want instead."

Yoongi stared at Hoseok, he was tense but didn't show it. Hoseok just got big card in his hand and he can certainly use it to his advantage while him, he can only rely his card to her. One wrong move and he'll never see her for the rest of his life.

He can't let her go when they haven't even started yet. He doesn't care about what other people say anymore, he just know that he found her more than a goldmine's worth and he certainly doesn't like to share her to other people.

Even if it means going against with his friend. Against her fiancee, Hoseok.

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