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I'm back :) enjoy !


Wendy happily stand by on one side outside of the amusement park waiting for Joy and the others to come. It's also her first time coming to the amusement park that's why she was elated! It doesn't matter who she's with as long as she can finally go there.

Wendy checked her phone and it was supposed to be the time when the guys should be there but she still see no one around.

Yoongi sighed while looking at the fat girl's direction. What is she happy about? She looks pathetic smiling brightly with a face full of expectation. He's standing where she can't see him and he's deciding whether he should go to her or not, Jin and Joy won't be coming. He remembered his conversation with his friends,

"We know what you're doing, that's why there should be a deadline. One month Yoongi. One month." Namjoon said.

Yoongi sighed falling at the couch. "So, when can I say that it's over?"

"When she says the 'L' word, of course you have to record it." Jin answered. "I'll make Joy not go there so you spend time with her."

"What? Are you kidding me? Just the two of us?"

Hoseok answered holding his hand up smiling. "I can go if you want-"

Yoongi slapped his hand away not wanting to give him a chance but Hoseok just chuckled at Yoongi's childish behavior.

"Fine." Yoongi said finally.

Yoongi sighed once again and slowly walked his way towards the girl. He decided that he'll try one time there and after that, he wouldn't ever go near her again. He doesn't care anymore if he accept the consequences of backing out from the dare, that's how much he hated going there.

When Wendy saw Yoongi, she smiled at him widely. Finally, someone she knows. But Yoongi just continued walking in the amusement park, Wendy was confused walking behind him.

"Wait, aren't we supposed to wait for Joy?"

Yoongi stopped walking and faced her. Wendy craned her neck wondering what he's thinking. Yoongi didn't answer instead, he walked towards her taking Wendy's shoulder bag and slinging it to his shoulder.

"Yah, Be careful, there's food in it." Wendy said to him. She's confused of his actions. Maybe Joy and Jin will follow later.

Is this how he show his kindness? It may seem cold but Wendy internally smiled knowing he's trying to be nice to her.

She silently followed him, Wendy wondered what ride they are going to take, to her surprise it's the merry go round. She felt happy.

Yoongi just shook his head while looking at the fat girl who is laughing while riding the merry go round. What's so fun about this? It's just fake horses going around.

After trying some of the rides, Yoongi saw a horror house thinking she'd be scared but after they went inside, it was him who was mostly screaming.

Wendy laughed so much, she almost teared up. He's the one who wanted to go inside but he's screaming! What's up with him? He shouldn't have said that if he can't take it. She tried her best to get his grip away from her shoulder bag since he was clinging so much to it.

When they were out, Yoongi was already out of breath from screaming and Wendy too, from laughing too much.

They decided to ride the ferris wheel lastly so they could rest from walking. Wendy took out a box full of cookies and cupcakes, she was glad the cupcake wasn't ruined though the cookies broke from shaking. She offered it to him, Yoongi reluctantly picked one cookie since he was famished anyway. he ates to admit but, It was delicious.

"I baked it." She informed him.

"That's why you're fat." He said without reluctance. Yoongi understood why she'd be fat, the cupcake was delicious too, anyone who'd eat it would get fat.

Wendy laughed and smiled brightly taking a bite of her cookie. "You're right."

"You're not hurt?" He asked, Wendy shook her head still smiling. For some reason, she didn't found his statement hurtful, she found it honest. And she'd rather want him to be upfront than sugarcoat his words. Little by little, she's starting to like his straightforward attitude.

"You're weird." Yoongi said but Wendy just laughed.


"Do you believe me now?" Jin asked Joy.

Joy sighed then glared at Jin. So much for having a date, all they do is follow Yoongi and Wendy because Jin kidnapped her while Joy is on her way there at the amusement park, Jin said that there's nothing to worry about but Joy can't stay still.

"Whatever, I'm going home." Joy said and walked away. She witnessed that this Yoongi guy isn't bad so she's going home.

"Wait. Don't you want to test the rides?" He asked walking ahead of her so she could stop walking.

"No need. It's just a waste of time, just... take me home." Joy said feeling tired.

Jin stared at her. She said she wants to go home but why does it feel like she's sad? Did he ruin this day of fun for her? Because all she did all day was worry about her friend since he didn't explain to her why he did that.

So much for being a jerk.

It was supposed to be her day today but he just ruined it.

Jin gripped Joy's wrist, taking her to an ice cream store. When Joy didn't complain nor asked why he took her there, Jin asked the seller for a shaved ice cream and gave it to her.

"Here." Jin said. Joy looked up and stared at the ice cream taking it weakly. Jin also took one for his self and payed at the same time.

Jin licked his ice cream and Joy did the same, she looked up to him now smiling. Jin grinned and asked.

"It's delicious, right?"

Joy nodded forgiving him already. Jin sure knows what to do when a girl is upset, it frustrates her that he's familiar with girls but she's glad at the same time because she doesn't have to tell him what she wants anymore.


Back at the two who's still riding the ferris wheel, not talking. Wendy's looking outside while Yoongi is staring at her frustratedly. Wendy doesn't know that he's staring at her because she's in awe of the beauty high up. It's night already but she asked that they ride for many times since she wanted to see the view at night, her treat.

Yoongi can just leave but then he's curious too. Now, instead of looking at the view, he's looking at the girl. Something about her just intrigued him, her annoying smile, fluffy cheeks and shining eyes. Everything. And yet all the things he found about her annoying is what draws him to her.

It almost feel like he likes her.

Which is impossible because he likes someone else already.

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