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If Jimin and Seulgi had a moment of their own, Yoongi and Wendy have also one too. They sang for the two lovers personally requested by the groom himself and after that, excused themselves so they could leave earlier.

"Why are you bringing me here all of a sudden?" Wendy asked although amazed how the pub is still there.

It was empty inside.

"Well... Can't I?"

Wendy chuckled. "It's not our place though, its Jimin's and Seulgi's."

Yoongi frowned. "Just because they were the first one here doesn't mean we can't call this place our own too."

This time, Wendy laughed out loud slapping his arm slightly. "Why are so worked up for? I was just joking."

"It's not funny."

Wendy can't hide the smile on her lips from showing. She stepped closer towards him and slipped her arms around his waist. And leaned her head to his chest.

"This... Is my place. No one owns it but me." She muttered referring the space between his arms. The place doesn't matter.

"I still don't like you being skinny. Look, my arms go all around your shoulder, you shrunked." Yoongi complained.

Wendy pinched his waist making Yoongi grimaced.

"Yah~ I worked hard you know. Can't you just appreciate my effort?" She looked up to him, her chin resting on his chest. "Atleast, my wedding dress will fit right?"

"You'd still be beautiful even if you're chubby." He said looking down at her with admiration. "I love you for your heart not for your body anyway."

Wendy bit her lower lip. "Me too. But since I'm already like this, let's just let it go okay?"

Yoongi grumbled. He won't give up, he'll make her eat all the time if he had too.

"What will happen to your friends by the way? I hope you'd stop this dare of yours already." Wendy remembered Jimin and Seulgi's condition.

Yoongi smirked. "Since we're getting married, I'll tell you what Namjoon said to me."

"What? What?" Wendy was curious suddenly.

"We can choose who we get to marry actually, our parents just have to know who the girl is."

"What?!" Then their parents did them dirty then.

Yoongi nodded. "The dare was to measure if our feelings is genuine, like mine and Jimin. Time is the best test of love after all." He carressed her cheeks. "Although I'm sure I can wait for you for as long as it takes and still my feelings for you won't change."

"That's sweet of you."

Yoongi let go of her but held her left hand. "You took my gift didn't you?"

Wendy gasped. How did he know?

Yoongi grinned. "Guilty."

"I felt that something was amiss in my studio and saw that your gift for me weren't there anymore."

Wendy looked down. "Because you didn't  opened it." She felt down because of that and decided to take it with her.

"And you brought it with you right? I want to open it in front of you."

"No need." She walked towards the piano on the front and sat down.

Wendy recalled how she made the song for his gift. When things were hard for them, when she can barely think what to do.

She smiled at him and started playing the keys of the piano.

~The autumn wind that blows
Into the window passes through my empty heart
I lean against the cold wall
And look at the brightening dawn sky~

~I miss you but I can't go close to you
I need to leave you now
You, who gave me such big and warm love
Into my lonely and dry eyes~

~I may regret leaving you
But it's because I love you
I can't forget that I love only you
But I need to erase you and my sadness~

~Under the bright sunlight
People are laughing and walking
But like the cold autumn sky
The whole world seems unfamiliar~

~I love you but I have to leave you
This is so hard
It was dark but I knew that tears
Were flowing from your eyes~

~I am only giving you scars but some day
You will understand my heart~

~I may regret leaving you
But it's because I love you
I can't forget that I love only you
But I need to erase you and my sadness~

~I may regret leaving you
But it's because I love you
I can't forget that I love only you
But my love, goodbye~

As the song ended, Wendy is still smiling. 3 Years has passed but the feelings she felt that time still lingers in her like it was only yesterday.

"I want you to know, this is how I feel when I left you."

Wendy was puzzled why Yoongi was looking down on his seat, worried she walked to him and knelt down.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

Yoongi looked at her and Wendy realized he was crying.

"Because it's me who should apologize- I pushed you to make the decision, I put you on the front line without protection, I-i broke your heart but still you love me." Yoongi said in tears. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

Wendy sighed out of relief. She wiped his tears and kissed him on the lips before sticking their forehead together.

"I love you Min Yoongi. You'll always be my first and last love."

Yoongi grinned though his eyes are now swollen. She complete him in a way that there's no empty hole in his heart anymore. And he'll live proving to her that he deserve her love.

"And so do I."

-The End-


  I think I'll make extra chapters for the other characters but it might take a while.

Thank you for the 11k reads! I'm surprised that some notices my stories 🤣 I'll probably edit this when I got the time (Since there are plotholes, wrong grammars and typos) But for now, it's a goodbye 🤧

Thank you so much guys!!!!! See you on my next story. 👋👋😘

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