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Joy looked at her side when Taehyung called her. She was checking the inventory waiting for her partner for that day, she didn't know it was him. It's a first. Their partners differ according to their schedule so they don't know who they are going to pair up with.

She greeted him with a smile. "Hey... Thank you for the shirt, I'll hand it to you later." She doesn't feel awkward around him anymore. She found out that he's harmless.

Taehyung scratched his neck. "It's fine. You don't have to give it to me now."

Joy nod her head. "I see."

The bell on the door chimes indicating that a customer is there. Joy and Taehyung turned to the customer and her smile faded instantly.

It was Jin and her sister holding each other's hands.


On the day of the presentation, Wendy was nervous although they practiced all day yesterday. The song that Yoongi wrote was very beautiful, it talks about his first love. She came to know a part of him because of that and she felt happy. That his first love is his piano. She wondered if the piano in the music room has something to do with it.

She thought that she was the only one who's nervous but when she looked at Yoongi, he was clasping his hands and kept on blowing on it. They are sitting beside each other while waiting for their turn. Wendy wondered why he's nervous.

She smiled and put her hand on top of his clasped hands. Yoongi stared at her as if he just saw her there now.

"I don't know why you're nervous but we'll succeed. Your song is great, I know the instructor will like it." She also thinks that he'll be successful in the future.

Yoongi nod his head and looked down on her hand that's holding him, it was warm. The coldness on his hand is now gone and was filled with warmth. He turned his gaze back at her but she doesn't know that he's staring at her because she was looking at the front. Yes, he's scared because it's the first time that others will hear his song, it's nerve-wracking.

Wendy turned to him. "Are you still nervous?" she asked since it'll be their turn soon.

He didn't know why but he doesn't feel any reservation towards her, like he can show his true self in front of her now after he saw her cry over his song. The expression he saw on her face that day was genuine. He nods his head.

Wendy gently smiled at him tightening her hold on his hand. "Remember what you said to me yesterday? Look into my eyes, that way you'd think it's just us two." She stared at his eyes and saw his eyes widen, Wendy panicked. "I-i mean, like yesterday when we were practicing, you'd think that no one's watching you, don't mind about their reaction."

Yoongi grinned and held her hand when she was about to take her hands off.

Wendy was stunned and looked at him with wide eyes. The heartbeat of her heart is erratic, she doesn't know what to do, to let go of his hand or stay where it is. She's confused, what's with him all of a sudden? He hates her right? Why... why is he making her feel embarrassed?

Yoongi didn't say anything and continued holding her hand, he only let go of her when it was their turn. Just like what she said, he only looked at her when they performed till the end of the song.

They both stared at each other, even though Wendy was flustered of his stare, she was happy for him. They noticed that their classmates were silent and thought that they didn't like the song when they both turned to them, they saw that they were wiping their eyes. Someone clapped his hand and the sound of claps erupted all of a sudden.

Wendy looked at their classmates and back at Yoongi again stunned at what she saw, it's the first time. He smiled. He looked so happy it teared her up.

She immediately wiped her tears away and smiled at him. For sure, their female classmates there just fell for him.

"Wait" Wendy stopped on her track and turned around. Their class is done, she was glad they got an A+ and she was about to go home when someone called her from behind.

Yoongi looked away, gripping his bag on one shoulder while his other hand in his pocket. How should he say it?

Wendy was confused why he suddenly called her. "Do you need something?" Something came to mind, "Ah! Your headphone, isn't it? I forgot it at home, I'll bring it tomorrow-" Yoongi cut her off.

"It's not about that."

Wendy furrowed her eyebrow. Then? She tried to recall if she owes him anything other than the headphone, none came to mind.

"Will you go..." Yoongi started still not looking at her. If he was a girl, he'd surely blush by now, this is his first time asking a girl to eat with him.

"...On a date with me?" asked someone.

Yoongi stared at her with wide eyes and looked around, no one's there except them. Did he say it out loud? he hasn't even said anything yet. Did she read his mind or something?

Wendy laughed at his expression. It was her who said that and it got him to look at her. She didn't know that he also gets flustered. She found it cute.

Laughing she said. "Your reaction was hilarious! I should have recorded that. It was a joke, dummy." she slapped his arm lightly.

"What if it isn't?" Yoongi asked looking at her straight in the eyes.

Wendy stopped laughing and looked at him seriously.


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