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Wendy stared at the corridor of the music building filled with bunch of students. Some were looking at her with disgust written on their faces which she was used to already but bullying really doesn't get old, isn't it?

She was supposed to get to her locker but she just feel sick with the stares the students are giving her, like she can't be there. She's almost late on her class but her feet just won't move. She just stood there glued to her feet.

Suddenly, her sorrounding was filled with melody. It was sad but it comforted her. She put her hand over her ear. When she turned around, she saw Yoongi looking ahead. Wendy wondered why he put his headphone to her, a smile crept to her face unknowingly. He's the most cold hearted person she ever knew and yet everytime he's with her, his kindness goes above anyone.

Yoongi looked at the girl at the corner of his eyes. The face that was sad earlier is now filled with happiness. How can she change her emotion that quickly?

He said that he won't ever go near her again and yet there he is, letting her borrow his headphone no one has ever borrowed before, even his friends. Why does he have to see her sad eyes? His hand just moved on its own. It's been two days since they went to the amusement park but Yoongi can still recall the face she made at the ferris wheel.

He doesn't know why she feel sad but he certainly doesn't want to see her sad face much to his surprise, because he doesn't want to think about it later on. Something about her just bothers him.

Yoongi started to walk and Wendy followed till they stop at the lockers, she immediately took her things and Yoongi started to walk again.

They stopped infront of a room.

"This is my class." He said to her so she could get what he mean to say. That he can't go to her further.

Wendy gasped. "This is my class too."

Yoongi frowned. Now that he thinks about, what is she doing here at the music building? He can't seem to fathom that a fat girl like her can sing or play any instruments.

They both went inside not talking. They are silent when they entered because they don't want to gain any attention but still the instructor noticed them.

"You two." He said pointing at Wendy and Yoongi. They both stood straight and waited for a scolding but none came. "Since both of you came together, you'll be partners. Now sit down."

Wendy and Yoongi looked at each other not understanding what their instructor meant but they still sat down anyway. Their instructor then explained why they were partnered with their classmate.

"One of you will write the lyrics and the other one will make the melody. I'm going to leave so you can discuss today."

Wendy looked ahead not wanting to look at Yoongi. She doesn't know how to make melody more else lyrics! She'll surely be scolded by the guy beside her.

She fiddled with her fingers then would slightly look at Yoongi who is writing something on a notebook. When he abruptly looked at her, she would immediately avert her eyes away from him.

"I figured you don't know both so I'll be the one who'll do it." He said and stood up from his seat. "Let's meet at the music room three days from now." He continued and left.

Wendy just stared where he walked out. What is she supposed to do then? He even forgot his headphone!


Joy was wiping the counter when Taehyung came inside, must be his shift already so she decided to leave soon after changing her clothes when she walked out of the changing room Taehyung was walking past her but he was in a hurry that he bumped into Joy, making the coffee spill on her shirt.

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