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Wend and Yoongi went on a trip that weekend and they both had a good time even though Wendy thinks that his mind is somewhere else sometimes, they spend the night together in a tent while looking at the stars.  They talked and told each other's stories, though it was surprising for her that he'll be interested about her life. But what made it memorable for her was when he sung her a song, it was unfinished actually but he told her he can't wait to let her hear it, after listening to the song, they finished making the lyrics though Wendy really didn't sing.

And now that they came back, what she feel for him just became stronger. Yoongi may look uninterested and grumpy but he listens when she talk or tells him something.

"Tell me when you're done, I'll just be at the internet cafè near here playing."

Wendy can't help but show a smile on her face, she told him she's meeting someone and insisted to go with her even though she told him it was a girl.

"Okay, Will be you be alright alone? You might get bored waiting for me."

Yoongi flicked her forehead lightly. "It's my job as your boyfriend, even if I'm bored to death, I'd still wait for you."

Wendy pouted, she doesn't have anything to say to that. "Then, here." she took the cookies from her bag and gave it to him, it's in the plastic container so that it won't be crushed.

Yoongi grinned taking the cookies from her, Wendy thought it was just that but when he took the cookies, he pulled her arm making her fall in his arms.

"Yah~ Let go, people are looking at us." Wendy blushed upon seeing people look at their way since they are just basically on the side of the road. She hid her face on his chest out of embarassment.

But instead of letting her go, Yoongi embraced her tighter. "I thought I like skinny girls but when I hug you like this, its not bad after all. Don't you dare think of losing weight, you understand?" He said through her hair, sniffing her shampoo.

Wendy pinched his waist but Yoongi didn't budge. So basically he's telling her not to change? What if she wanted to lose weight then? she shuddered when he smelled her hair, thank God she washed her hair that day.

Hard chest, warm embrace and tight hold, Wendy couldn't ask for more. She snuggled closer to him and closed her eyes, she completely forgot about their sorrounding.

"Can you not go? Play with me."

Wendy laughed, it was his plan all along. She stepped back from him though he haven't let go of her yet but his hold on her loosened.

"I can't. I promised her we'll meet today." Smiling she tiptoed and gave him a kiss on the cheeks. "See you later." she waved at him and went ahead in the restaurant.

Yoongi stood there frozen on his feet still not over the kiss. She always make the first move.

She got me again.


Yoongi played games inside the internet cafe but checked his email first. He joined a competition about composing a music, it was a popular competition around the nation and it's the day where the winners were supposed to be announced but he still got no response so he logged out and decided to see later.

He logged in to the game and saw that his friends were online as well so he chat them and played together to kill time. He put his phone next to the mouse in case Wendy is done and calls him.

Two hours later, he got a text from her saying she was done.  He immediately logged out and went to the restaurant where she's already waiting outside.

Wendy smiled brightly at him and waved. Yoongi smiled back and ran towards her, taking her by surprise when he embraced her all of a sudden. It was only two hours but he already missed her terribly.

"Was it too boring? Mian." Wendy apologized completely knowing what he went through after acting like that in front of her. Acting like it was years before he received her call.

"What have you done to me?" He's turning into lovesick fool and it's only because of her.

Wendy laughed and pat his back lightly. "Well, I'm all yours now." She made him let go of her and sniffed, the weather became cold lately. "Let's go to that place."

"Right now?" Yoongi asked confused. She was pertaining about the bar at the country side.

Wendy shrug. "Why not? I love the atmosphere there." She said and sneezed.

Yoongi 'tsk' shaking his head after she sneezed and removed his jacket then put it around her back as well as his black hat.

"You'll catch a cold." He saw her nose getting red, like olaf but she's still cute nonetheless.

Wendy's smile only became wider now. She's so lucky.

When they went to the place, they sat to their usual table. Wendy left Yoongi at ordering their food while she just simply stared at him, Yoongi noticed that and gave her a questioningly look but Wendy just shake her head still smiling.

"Let's spend our christmas here."

The place became a memorable place for her now and it's the type of a place you'd want to spend the christmas with your loved ones too.

"Really? You don't have anywhere else you want to go?" Not that Yoongi mind spending their christmas there, he just thought she'd want to spend their christmas somewhere else. Christmas is weeks away, he wonder what should he give her as gift.

"What happened to your friend anyway? I didn't saw her earlier." His eyes squinted. "Don't tell me it was a guy."

Wendy bursted out laughing. "She left earlier than me, pabo."

But Yoongi didn't believe her and asked her to let him see a picture but Wendy refused with the excuse that he might fell inlove with her since her friend is a pretty one.

And just like that, they spend the time together being happy.

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