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Wendy was patiently waiting for a bus that day when she received a message from Yoongi, it said;


Wendy unknowingly flashed a grin and replied.

hu's der?

after awhile she received a message again.


Wendy frowned. Scale? What's with him nowadays? She thought he's some kind of a cool and cold guy but he's so funny and unpredictable which she loves about him.

She replied,

Scale hu?

A minute passed but none popped on her notification, not that she was expecting anyway, for sure he was just trolling around with her. So when the bus arrived, she already forgot to check her phone.

She sat on the last seat and stared outside the window, after awhile tears started to fall on her cheeks.

Shoulders slumped like something heavy is weighing on them.

It's 25th of December.

It's already the time to say goodbye and the time to say them. The words that bound to separate them...


2 weeks ago...

Wendy went inside the restaurant and spotted Seulgi already waiting for her, Seulgi already know what she looked like so when she spotted her, she waved at Wendy which she gladly waved back. Seulgi said that she recognized Wendy at the event but because Wendy wasn't entirely looking at the crowd that she didn't saw Seulgi.

It was their first time talking to each other face to face since all they do in the past was talk using their mobile phones so it felt new for Wendy though it didn't last long after talking with her some more especially when Seulgi's being adorable.

If she didn't met her... If she didn't... She'd still be clueless by now.

Wendy sipped her juice before asking Seulgi.

"How long will you stay here in korea by the way?"

Seulgi said that she came back because of her college but will be gone to abroad soon.

"A few more days maybe, I need to check on someone first. To see if he's okay."

Wendy took a bite on her meat and asked nonchalantly with a bit of interest. "A friend? Is he in the same university as me?"

Seulgi nodded. "Yeah, If he's already okay then I will leave Korea for good."

Wendy's eyes widen. "For good? Why? You won't come back here anymore?"

Seulgi laughed. "Well, It's not like I also wanted this but it's for the best. I miss him so much, I might end looking for him."

"Oh... Who? Then look for him." Wendy encouraged her.

"My ex." Seulgi looked down on her plate and smiled bitterly. "I want to, I really want to only if we're allowed to see each other but considering the situation, It will only cause trouble and I don't want that."

Upon seeing her friend's sad face, Wendy felt sad for her. Just what is it that makes it hard for them to see each other?

"What's his name?"

Seulgi looked up to her and answered. "Park Jimin."


Upon knowing who's Park Jimin she's referring to, things just got all revealed. Why Jimin was so broken hearted and why Joy broke up with Jin, it was like a time bomb waiting to tick off and explode. Unexpectedly, Wendy was just lucky that it was her.

She didn't cry in front of Seulgi but listened to her words intently, Her brain processed everything but deep inside her heart didn't. Seulgi had to remind her that Yoongi will be coming to get her and asked what she'll do.

She acted like nothing's wrong. It was wrong of her but she doubted his feelings for her after, between lies and truth, where will she stand? She asked herself a thousand times if it's worth the fight, will they still be the same? When is the deadline? How long is she going to feel as if someone's dragging her feet? She was happy on the outside but inside, it's like waiting for her death sentence. Cruel but she realized that love can be brutal sometimes, in a silent way.

She reminded herself to be just herself till the end and decided what to do, she looked for her resolve. She asked for his friends' help though they are the reason why she's suffering right now but she can't bring herself to hate them, after all she found love though it started as a lie and even if what Yoongi's showing in front of her is just a front, she can't bring herself to hate them.

No, don't think too much or he'll notice what I'm up to. I should be positive.

Wendy tried to smile and wiped her tears away. I can do it.

She took her phone and saw Yoongi's reply. The tears she tried to stop once again continued their way on her tear stained cheeks.

Biting her lips between her teeth and covering her mouth with her hand, she suppressed herself to voice her agony while tightly gripping her phone on her chest.

How did I end up loving him too much? Our time was short but why does it hurt so much?

In the end, I have to let him go.


I love u just the WEIGH u r

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