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"I can tell our parents to stop the engagement." She said after hearing from him about their engagement. She was glad that her class that day was cancelled, their instructor must be busy with the event for tomorrow.

They've gone inside the cafe and sat where no one could hear them. Joy was baffled why Wendy was with a guy but didn't interfere.

Is this what her mother wanted to tell her?

"Why? It's not like I'm a stranger to you, am I? We're childhood friends, we both know each other well. You'll like me in time, as a guy not a friend."

Wendy shake her head frustratedly. "No, Ever since we were kids, I considered you as a friend, even brother."

Hobi stared at her processing what she said, after awhile he laughed leaning back to his chair craning his neck on one side then stared at nowhere.

"You just broke my heart." Literally. It hurted him that she considers him as a brother than not liking him because it only means that she already drew the line between them. If she only said she doesn't like him then he'll do what it takes to make her like him but brother? What more does he have to do? He's not pursuing her yet its already over

Wendy looked at him with gentle eyes. She didn't know that he feels something for her, they haven't seen each other for a long time and yet their friendship is already on the verge of breaking apart. She didn't want that. She saw the hurt in his eyes and it hurted her more to think that what he feel for her is genuine.

"Are you going to ignore me now that I refused your offer?" She asked. Are they going to be like other people who after knowing what they feel for each other started to grew apart? Just because the other person didn't return the affection?

Hobi sighed. "It would have been nice if you were cruel to me so I can forget my feelings for you easily but you ask me like this, I don't know if I can do it."

Wendy smiled. "Then do you want me to ignore you?" If that's the only way to help him stop liking her then she have no choice.

Hobi then abruptly answered slapping the table. "No!- I mean, no." It'll be unbearable if she ignore him.

"Then let's be friends, eoh? I miss my friend, I want him back." She pleaded. He may not know it now but Wendy knows that they can last as friends.

"How can I refuse that when you ask me so cutely?"

Wendy's eyes widen. "Yes!" She won him back! She stopped smiling when she realized something.

Placing her palm on her cheek, she asked him. "What did you say? I'm... cute?" No guy ever said that to her before. Well, not that she's expecting Yoongi to say that to her. Oh no! Yoongi! She completely forget about him.

She started to panic, taking her bag with her she said goodbye to Hobi.

"I have somewhere to go, see you around!" She was about to ran outside when she remembered something and faced him again. She abruptly hugged him. "I'm really happy that we see each other again. Thank you." She said then turned around not looking back at him.


"I never knew there was a place like this here." Jungkook said while looking around the music room.

Yoongi didn't answer but stared at his phone instead. It's been 30 minutes since he called her but she didn't arrived yet, it shouldn't take that long for her to go there. Did something happen?  Would it have been best if he went there himself?

"We've been here for long hyung, who are we waiting for anyway?" asked Jungkook.

"Wendy." Yoongi answered plainly setting his eyes on the keys of the piano. A melody popped in his head, he immediately used his phone putting the notes down using an app.

Jungkook ran towards him with wide eyes. "The fat girl? You finally got progressed?"

In the past, Yoongi would've ignored what Jungkook said but now, everytime someone mocks her, he gets irritated.

"Don't ever call her 'fat' infront of me or her again. Or better yet, don't even think about calling her that, you understand?" he said in a not irritable way, Jungkook's still immature so he can understand that.

Jungkook lowered his eyes. "Sorry." He didn't know that his hyung got it bad. It was a first.

"As long as you understand." No one can call her 'fat' except him. He looked down on his phone and was about to dial her number again when the door of the music room opened, it was Wendy holding the door, panting.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

Yoongi internally grinned, completely satisfied that she went there in a hurry.

Wendy realized that they are not the only ones there, she saw a guy younger than her standing on the corner.

"Oh... Your friend? Nice to meet you, I'm wendy." She said trying to gave out a friendly smile.

The guy smiled at her. "I know. I'm Jungkook. Hyung told me a lot about you."

"Kookie" Yoongi warned.

"He did? What did he say?" Wendy asked curiously not minding about Yoongi's deadly tone.

"Nothing, come on." Yoongi said walking towards her taking her bag. Wendy wasn't able to protest.

"Yah~ what did you say to him?" She asked following him from behind.

He stopped walking and turned to her "That you're fat, now shut up." he said then continued walking.

Wendy looked down and smiled, she's supposed to be hurt and yet she's happy. She didn't know that being called 'fat' would make her that happy.

I'm so weird.

Shaking her head she followed him with Jungkook trailing behind them.

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