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Have a nive day! enjoy :)

Don't be confused, it's Hobi's part.


"Who told you that you're ugly?" Asked the girl with the chubby cheeks.

Little Hobi shook his head sobbing he was plopping on the ground while she's standing infront of him. It was always her who protects him.

"Why are you crying? Tell me so I can beat them up." She said forming her fist.

Hobi then smiled. She's like an angel sent from up above. It was only her who made his childhood beautiful and memorable. He thought he won't be separated from her, but time came that she just suddenly said goodbye to him.

She took his one hand while smiling at him, the other one wiping his cheeks full of tears. "I'm leaving but you're still crying, now I'm worried."

"A-are you really going.. t-to leave me?" Hobi asked sobbing.

"I'll be back in no time. That's why, until the day that I come back you can't cry, arasso?"

Hobi nodded wiping his eyes. "arasso."


"She's kind of cute to me." Hoseok said looking at the photos. "If you don't like her, I'll take her."

It's her. From her chubby cheeks and bright eyes, he's certain that it's her.

"No, I'll do the dare. Once I'm done, you can have her then."

Can he let Yoongi do what he wants? No, He might be too late by then. She just became the subject of their dare and he certainly don't want to get her heart broken. How come he just saw her now? When did she come back?

He was eager to meet her that's why he asked Yoongi about her. He went to the music room and her reaction was satisfying although it was sad that she doesn't remember him, it was expected since he changed so much. But her, she's still the same. She's still an angel.

He actually wanted to make his self known to her but he guessed that he can tell her next time.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Hoseok looked at Yoongi. "You're spacing out."

Hoseok shooked his head. "I'm thinking of my first love."

Jungkook who heard him sat straight. It was just the four of them there at the cafe.

"First love? Who?"

Hoseok didn't answer Jungkook but turned to Yoongi instead. He should have asked him this from the start but he was too preoccupied about seing Wendy again that he wasn't able to tell them not to include Wendy in their game.

"Can you back out from the dare? I'll pay for your loss."

Yoongi and Jungkook stared at him, even Taehyung who's wiping the tables perked his head towards Hoseok.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked confused.

"Or I can trade places with you, I'll do the dare."

"Hyung, what's with you all of a sudden?" Jungkook asked bothered by his hyung's behavior.

"Nothing, I just want to end things quickly, she's innocent."

"I told you, you can have her once I'm done."

"No. I want her now."

Jungkook arched his eyebrow. "Hyung... Don't tell me, that girl is your first love?"

Yoongi and Taehyung turned Hoseok, waiting for an answer.


Yoongi never thought that an answer from Hoseok will bother him, at all. He can give her to him for all he cares but a part of him unexpectedly don't want to.

Just the thought of her smiling so freely at Hoseok made him frustrated.

And the cookies...

"What if I don't want to?" He said to him not breaking eye contact.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other. The tension is getting heavy in there that they just want to leave, Taehyung excused himself when a costumer came in, thankful that he got an excuse while Jungkook just stared at the two.


"Then I just got to make her fall inlove with me first." Hoseok said.

Yoongi grinned. "Then may the best man win."

He stared ahead. He really had to make her fall for him after all.


Joy was walking on the corridor when she saw Jin. She smiled and was about to call him when she saw him talking with someone, her unnie.

She saw Irene taking Jin by his arms and they both walked the opposite direction.

She stood frozen on her feet. Just... what did she just see? Are they together? no, no, she can't conclude like that. Maybe they are close friends. She won't make assumptions until Jin tell her what it really was.

She continued walking while thinking to talk with Jin when she see him again.


The day before the presentation, Wendy and Yoongi both meet in the music room and practiced. They struggled at first because Wendy can't timing with Yoongi, it caused him to get frustrated at her.

Yoongi heaved a frustrated sigh before walking towards her, slumping the notes on top of the piano.

"Don't play like I'm not singing, you have to listen so you can timing with me."

Wendy nodded. "I know but I'm still getting used to it, I practiced without someone singing so I'm still adjusting." And it's not like she's like him, she's not a genius.

"You have to connect with me, we're a team."


Yoongi went closer to her. "Look at me in the eyes, and nobody else."

Wendy's eyes widen, what he said just sound so intimate. She knew it has no other meaning but it made her heart flutter.

She averted her eyes and nod her head, telling him that she got what he means.

Yoongi grinned. She get flustered so easily, her reaction was cute-- wait, what? No, that's not what he wants to say.

Cut it out already Min Yoongi. Hoseok likes her.

But... why is he fighting for her anyway?



There's only thing that I can say about Wendy. Ang haba ng hair niya. haha.

See you next update! ^^

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