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"What do you think?" Yoongi turned to Wendy after listening to Mark's group. He wanted to hear her opinion.

The boys looked nervous when their mentor asked his fiancee about her opinion, Yoongi doesn't ask just anyone about his or her opinion about music after all. When he ask it means that person's opinion matters.

Wendy stared at Yoongi. "When you said that they might still be young to be singing love songs, I thought that they are lacking but hearing them now, they exceeded my expectation. Although I hear some shaking here and there but the harmonization is great, they might just be nervous right now." Namjoon is just making a big deal out of her, she's not even that great but she'll just play along.

Yoongi grinned. "That's right. "

Wendy then turned to the boys by the screen. "It's your first time singing a love song right?" The boys nodded nervously. Wendy smiled brightly. "You're going to be okay."

"That's all?" Yoongi asked. He thought it'll be longer.

Wendy laughed. "Yeah, that's all."

Yoongi smiled. Oh well...

He turned to the boys. "Now you know which part you have to work on. If you want, I'll lend her to you guys." He said pushing Wendy a little bit towards the screen.

Wendy gasped. He's selling her off! "Hey"

The boys laughed at her reaction.

Yoongi laughed dismissing the boys.

And just when they are about to go outside themselves Namjoon appeared in front of them.

"We have a visitor."

"Who?" Yoongi asked curiously.

Namjoon's answer is a sly grin.


Seulgi woke up feeling down that day, it would be funny to feel excited after all. Few more hours and... He's getting married. Everything has been prepared already, from the ceremony to reception, everything is perfect.

She shake her head to focus and started preparing herself, taking a bath, eating her breakfast and everything. Jimin asked her to be there for one last time, even though she doesn't want to, she wants to fulfill his wish.

The wedding starts in the afternoon so she still have time to do her make up. She wore a pale white dress that goes below her knees.

When she's just about to take her purse and go out of her apartment when she received a call from Wendy.

"Wendy? What's the matter?"

"Are you on your way here at the Hotel?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I see, we sent a car there for you, it's waiting downstairs."

"Really? Thank you." She said and hanged up. It's thoughtful of Wendy to do that.

Seulgi then went downstairs and there, a white car is waiting for her. She opened the door and saw Joy waiting inside.


"Joy? I thought you were there already."

Joy beamed a smile. "Let's go together."

Seulgi chuckled and sat beside Joy.

"What do you feel right now?"

Seulgi gave her a loopsided grin. "Right now? Hmm... I think, I'm contented." or more precisely, empty inside.

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