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Wendy didn't know where they are going and even if she asked, Yoongi just shrugs his shoulders as if he's too lazy to answer and as much as she wanted to ask Jungkook, she refrained herself because she knows for sure that Yoongi's friend doesn't know a thing about them, she thought he wouldn't like it if she talk to his friends though it's a wonder why he introduced her.

When the car stopped, Wendy stared outside the window. It was a place filled with restaurants and bars, the place looked classic with all the bricked buildings and street lamps that has led lights, there were even benches on the side of the street.

She turned to Yoongi who was unbuckling his seatbelt. "Are we in Paris or something? This place is so wonderful! I haven't been to a place like this before." She said in awe.

It was a two hour ride from their school so it was a bit far for her but it was worth it. They must be in a countryside or something. She'll do some research later so she could go on trips with Joy too.

Still in awe of the place she went out of the car door and looked around. She remembered that her bag is still inside the car but she saw Yoongi carrying it already.

She followed them in a pub that the entrance goes down on the basement, as they went inside, a voice can be heard singing.

Wendy stayed silent and followed them to a corner and sat down on a four sitter table.

"Welcome to M2, what would you like to drink?" asked the waiter.

Yoongi looked at the menu before turning to Wendy. "What do you want to drink?"

"wine!" She answered enthusiatically raising her hand. Since the place was sorrounded with wines, she got curious of the tastes.

Yoongi then turned to the waiter giving him the menu. "The usual for us, the bartender knows that already. As for her, a glass of pineapple juice please." Yoongi said and the waiter left immediately.


She turned her gaze at him with mouth open. He asked what she wanted but didn't even listen. "Are you kidding me? We traveled here but you're just going to make me drink juice? I want wine." She whined. They could have just bought from the cafeteria then! It frustrated her.

Yoongi scoffed then eyed her. "Wine? Dream on." What if she become like her friend when she gets drunk? He can't let that happen.

Wendy pouted. It's so unfair! She loves wine and it's not like she's going to make herself drunk or something.

Jungkook chuckled. "You're so funny noona." Wendy just glared at Jungkook but the latter just laughed at her.

"Why are we here anyway?" Wendy asked.

Yoongi turned to the mini stage not far from them. "Because of that guy over there."

Wendy followed where Yoongi was looking at and saw their friend infront sitting on a stool with a mic infront of him. He looks so serene sitting over there.

"Jimin...-ssi? Why..."

"We're afraid he might get himself drunk again." Jungkook answered.

"Again? Does he get drunk more often?" Why?

"Not really but once in a while, like once a month?"

Wendy nod her head then turn her gaze at Yoongi who was just staring at his friend. She wondered what he's thinking at the moment.

"This place is where he and his ex girlfriend goes to. It's supposed to be their monthsary today."

"Ex girlfriend? Why did they broke up?" She got curious especially when Jimin look so heart broken.

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