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The day after Seulgi told Joy everything, she immediately looked Jin at school, puzzled, Jin followed her behind the building where they last talked.

"Tell me... What is it that you want from me?" She asked seriously with crossed arms.

Jin chuckled. "What are you saying all of a sudden? Hmm... your love?"

"You already have it, be serious with me Jin or I'm breaking up with you."

With that Jin walked near to her holding her both her arms to calm her down. "Hey, hey, what's this? What are you saying? Break up? Don't ever mention that again." He hates to hear that from her, he can't imagine himself breaking up with her.

Joy glared at him but Jin didn't budge and continued holding her in his arms.

"Tell me Jin... Honestly, am I some kind of a dare to you?"

Jin was surprised at her question but didn't showed it. "No, you're not. Where did you hear that nonsense?"

Joy just shake her head before looking up to him. "Actually, I don't really care if you approached me because of a dare but there's something I need to check. What about Wendy and Yoongi?" She's been thinking a lot since last night, instead of herself, she's worried of her friend. "Don't lie to me."

Jin looked away. How can he lie to her now when she asked him not to?

I'm in trouble

"What about them?"

"Did Yoongi approached Wendy because of the dare?"

Jin thought then that someone told her about the bet but certainly not them. "Yes." he answered simply.

Joy stepped back then, away from him. "Then... the amusement park, at the canteen... Did you told me to go with Wendy at the amusement park to set her up with him?"

"If I tell you 'yes', are you going to break up with me?" Jin can't control his emotion, he never knew that the day will come he'll scared that he's about to lose her.

"Yes" Joy didn't hide the tears that fell down on her cheeks, she thought hard how to end things with him coolly but in the end her straw snapped. "I feel horrible Jin, I'm her friend but I didn't know I was pushing her towards him. She likes him so much now and I don't know if I can tell her."

"That's why you're going to break up with me?" Jin feel a big lump in his throat. She's not breaking up with him because of the dare but because of her friend?

"This is the only thing I could think of, If you like me then let's both suffer by not being together, this is the only way I could compensate Wendy with. Goodbye Jin." She said and walked ahead of him.

Jin turned around and saw her walk away from him, he wanted to ran after her but his feet is stuck to the ground. They were so happy this past few days but it ended just like that,

in an instant.


1 week after...

Wendy can't help but think that Joy is acting weird ever since the event, when she arrived at the noraebang, she was spacing out and now, she's working nonstop. Then she just knew then she broke up with Jin, she asked how when they were being so sweet together but Joy just smiled at her saying they are both busy and they aren't compatible, Wendy doesn't believe her but let her be.

"How are you and Yoongi?" Joy then asked.

Wendy smiled widely. "We're good, we're planning to go on a trip together this weekend." He's been good to her lately, it feels so unreal.

Joy gave her a small smile. "That's great then."

Wendy saddened, Joy is not completely happy. "Are you really okay?"


" No you're not. Let's go at the noraebang later Joy and drink, I'll accompany you--  oh, how about in my house? You can get drunk there for all you want, I'll take care of you." She'll cook her lots of foods.

Joy then chuckled pulling Wendy for a hug though there's a barrier between them. Giving up Jin isn't a bad thing afterall because Wendy is a great friend.

I'm sorry Jin.

"Thank you..."

Wendy laughed. "And thank you as well."

After Joy's work, they both went to Wendy's house, there she cried all night and Wendy felt sorry for her friend.

"I... I really love him..." Joy said with tears in her eyes as she hold onto her beer. "I wasn't even able to say that to him... How did we end up this way? I want to go to him..." Wendy went to Joy's side when she was about to get up from her seat and staggered on her feet.

"No Joy, you're drunk, you can talk to him when you're sober."

Joy shake her head. "I'm not drunk, just tipsy. Not drunk." the way she said that was slurred and Wendy decided that it's time to tuck her in her bed.

When she was done tucking her to the bed, she was about to turn off the lights of the room when she mumbled something making Wendy stare at her and the sight just clenched her heart. Joy is crying silently with her eyes closed.

"I don't want to fall inlove again... It hurts so much."


Yoongi stared at Jin drink from the bottle of the liqour, he haven't told them yet why he and Joy broke up. Almost everyday, he drinks.

"Shit!" The guys turned to him. "Why?! Why can't I get drunk?" He turned his gaze at them, his eyes were pleading as if he's in agony. "Please... help me forget her..." He then saw Yoongi and turned to him pointing with his finger.

"Her effort will be in vain..." Yoongi just stared at him with questioningly look. "Because you still have to break up with her..."

Yoongi frowned. "What do you mean?" He has no plan on breaking up with Wendy, and what is he saying about efforts?

Jin just laughed. "Man, you forgot that there's an ultimatum, didn't you? And also, you have to move soon because it's just a matter of time before she realizes about the dare."

"Why would she?" Not unless someone tells her.

Jin then looked at him seriously. "Joy knows about the dare."

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