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"Because there will be no next time."

Yoongi doesn't know how many times that phrase replayed in his head, it was a like a broken record. And as he keeps on repeating it in his head, the heavy feeling in his chest gets heavier.

He just walked her to the bus station and now he's walking home alone since he didn't bring his car, it's not that far anyway.

He was silently walking when he heard a shouting voice of a woman, Yoongi turned to his side and saw Wendy's friend in a tent, Taehyung was also there. The woman looks drunk and keeps on punching Taehyung on the chest as if refusing his help. Why are they together? Did they become friends? Well, whatever.

Yoongi thought if he should go there or not. In the end, he decided to go to the two since Taehyung might need help.


Taehyung turned to him. "Yah, Why are you here? Where did you come from?" He asked holding the woman in his arms.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Earth. Did you drink?"

Taehyung nod asked for his help. "Good timing, did you bring your car?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "Just take a taxi."

"And where will I take her? She lives alone at the cafe, no one will take care of her."

"Relatives?"For sure she has one.

That's right, her sister. Taehyung immediately dialed Irene's number still holding Joy in his arms.


"Hello Taehyung-a? It's 11 pm already, why did you call?" Irene groggily asked as if she just woke up.

Taehyung was about to talk when someone just suddenly took the phone from his hand. He looked down on Joy beside him who ended the call with narrowed eyes turning his phone off before giving it back to him. Damn, what will Irene think about him suddenly hanging up? He'll just explain later, she'll understand him for sure.

"Not unnie... please." Joy said with red cheeks and sleepy eyes.

Taehyung and Yoongi look at each other before looking back at Joy again. What the hell are they going to do with her?

"Wendy... You can take me to Wendy."

"Wendy? Who's that?" asked Taehyung.

"My friend." Joy answered before passing out, Taehyung immediately carried her to his back.

Yoongi stopped for a moment. Yes, they can do that. He took Joy's phone from her backpack and looked for Wendy's number, there was also her address. They took a taxi, Yoongi on the passenger side while Taehyung and Joy at the back.

Yoongi turned to the two, Joy was leaning her head to Taehyung's shoulder. A thought came to mind.

"You two look good together."

Taehyung shrugged his shoulders before looking down on Joy. Do two brokenhearted people look good together? He laughed at the thought of him and Joy being together. Both of them are fools of love maybe that's why they look good together.

"Where were you really anyway? You weren't there at the cafe."

Yoongi sat straight and stare at the road. "Nowhere..."

"How's the dare by the way? Got any progress?"

Yoongi abruptly turned to Taehyung. "Not here. She might hear." He doesn't care less if the driver hears about the dare but certainly not Wendy's friend.

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