The Boys

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*Bailey's POV*

Today me and Brooklyn are going back to his flat. I never saw the new flat yet but he said it has more roon them the other so thank god for that.

"Bailey come on. I woke you up early to leave on time but we are still late." Brook yelled up to me.
"Calm down I'm coming." I yelled back. He got me up at 8 and its now 10:15. He wanted to leave 15 minutes ago. I was stressing because i never met 3 of the boys. What if they dont like me? I am also really happy because i get to get away from the Jerks at school.
"Ok now im leaving with or without you." Brook shouted.
"I'm coming." I finally got all my things together and ran down the stairs.
"Its about time." Brook laughed.
"Yaya shut up" i playfully shoved him.
"Lets go."

*At the flat*

"Ok just so you know there might be naked boys running around. "
"I think im used to that by now" i laughed.
"Ok if you say so."
Brook grabbed one of my suitcases and i tryed to grab the other but a boy came down and took it for me. He had light brown hair and beautiful green eyes.
"Hey I'm Harvey. You must be Bailey. Brook talks about you alot." He laughed.
"Hey Harvey ya i heard that he really missed me" i laughed.
"Ok love birds come on." I heard Rye yell. I blushed alittle.
I followed Harvey into the flat.
"Where am i going to be sleeping?" I asked.
" can sleep in the Mindy room theres and extra bunk there." "Ok thanks"
"Here let me show you around" Harvey offered.

Harvey led me to his and Ryes room or the Rarvey room.
"So thats my bed and thats Ryes" he pointed to them.
I nodded. Then he took me to Jacks and Brooklyn's room or the Jacklyn room. Then to the kitchen/living room/Mindy room.
"You have the bunk above Mikey."
"Ok but where are Mikey, and Jack and Andy?" I asked.
"Mikey and Jack went to ASDA and Andy is still at his home he should be back tomorrow."
I unpacked some of my stuff to put on the bed. Then when i was done me Harvey and Brook started watching movies. The first one that came on was shrek. It was Harvey and Brook on the edges and me in the middle. Harvey would move closer to me during the movie but then Brooklyn would give him the big brother look and harvey would move back to where he was. When the movie ended it was 3:30. I can't believe how late it got.
Mikey and Jack got back around an hour ago but i was too focused on the movie to get to know them. We decided to play Truth or Dare.
"Mikey Truth or Dare?" Brook asked him.
"Ok umm. Is it true that you never had a girlfriend?"
"Yes its true. I just never found the right person yet."
"Harvey Truth or Dare?" Mikey asked.
"I choose Dare."
"I dare you to call Blair and tell him that you are done singing and performing ."

After that phone call it was Harveys turn to ask someone.
"Bailey Truth or Dare?"
"Truth" i said.
"Do you have or use to have a boyfriend"
"HARVEY!" Brook shouted.
"What? Its just a question."
"Brook stop being overprotective. And no i do not have a boyfriend. But i use to." I said.
"SPILL" Rye shouted like a teenager wanting gossip.
"Umm...well it was two years ago i was done school and going to collage and i ran into this boy a couple times. We started talking and getting to know each other. He asked me out the third month into collage. It lasted a year. The next year he started doing drugs." I stopped and put my head down. Even Brook didn't know this.
"After awhile he started to.." I couldn't finish without crying. A tear fell from my eye.
"Hey you don't have to continue." Harv said giving me a side hug. I nodded. Brook also came and gave me a hug. We continued playing Truth or dare until half six. But nobody asked anymore personal questions.

"Ok boys and Bailey whos hungry?" Mikey said standing up. All the boys said me but i didn't say anything.
"I know. Lets go to Nandos!" Jack said standing up. I laughed at him.
"Whats so funny?" He asked.
"Oh nothing its just i didn't know how strong your Irish accent was" i laughed again.
"Yaya now lets go im starving."

*At Nandos*

We found a table to sit at. While we were waiting to get our orders the boys were acting like total idiots.
"What can i get you?" A lady came up to us and asked. The boys all ordered first then it was me I wasn't hungry so i said i would just steal Brooks chips.
Before the food arrived Harvey whispered something to me.
"Why are you not getting anything?" He asked
"Like i said im not hungry." I half smiled.
"You sure?"
"Yes Harvey now stop worrying." I laughed. The food came soon after. I only took 3 of brooks chips them i couldn't eat anything more. But then i saw Rye dipping chips in frozen yogurt and put it in front of me.
"No thanks Rye" i smiled at him.
"Come on every one who comes with is to Nandos has to try it." He saidwaving it in front of my face.
"Rye im not hungry."
"Come on its not th..." He didn't get to finish his sentence before i cut him off.
"RYE I SAID IM NOT HUNGRY!" I yelled. Soon all eyes were on me.
Great just what i need. More attention. I never freaked out in front of Brook before. I have no clue how hes going to react to this.

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