Home Without Brook

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*Bailey's POV*

I really miss Brook. He's been gone for 3 months now to be with the band. Me and him are twins. But he is 8 minutes older than me. Every time he leaves i get bullied. But when he's around they act normal because he is in a band. Rye and Andy visit sometimes. Brooklyn keeps me updated on the band and when he will be home. He hasn't called me or texted for a week now. He says there is a new guy in the band. He tells me that he is Irish and his name is Jack, but he won't tell me anything else. I also know that there is Mikey in the band. But i haven't met him. Also there is Harvey who lives with them.

Today is another day back to school. Back to the hell hole. I got up at 8 to gt ready. I put on my Brooklyn hoodie, my skinny ripped black jeans. and my
red convers.

 and my red convers

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I grabbed my bag put over my shoulder i didn't grab anything for breakfast i relly wasn't hungry

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I grabbed my bag put over my shoulder i didn't grab anything for breakfast i relly wasn't hungry. I walked to my collage listening to Roadtrip songs. Even though he is my brother i still love his music.

I got to school and met up with my best friend and Andy's sister Addison. Or as i call her. Addi.
"Hey Addi." I said giving her a hug.
"Hey. Did you hear from Brooklyn yet?" She asked. She knows that Brook hasn't been texting me.
"No. Have you heard from Andy?"
"Actually yes i did. This morning. He said he's coming home for a week." When she said that it made me even more sad knowing Andy is coming but not Brook.
"Hey you ok?" Addi asked worrying. She worrys too much.
"Ya im fine."
"Ok if your sure."
"Ya let's just get to class."


At lunch i sat at my usual table. Addi decided to go sit with Justin. (Her boyfriend). I was sat alone so i decided to text Brook and see if he will answer.

(Me. Brook.)

Hey Brook just wondering how your doing.

I waited for about5 minutes until he answered.

Hey Bay. Sorry i haven't texted lately. I was planning something for the boys.
Its fine Brook. So whats up. When you coming to visit. I miss you.
Me and the boys are chillin and im not sure when i could visit. We are really busy.
But Andy can visit Addi. Why can't you visit me. Do you not want to see me or something??
No no. Its just I'm really busy. And Blair gave Andy and Rye the week off. They've been working really hard.
Ok. But please visit soon😞
Hey please don't be sad.
But i haven't seen you in 3 months.
I know but you'll see me soon. I promise.
Ok well i have to go. Almost time for my next class.
Ok bye. Love you Bay.
Love you too brookie.

I was just about to leave for my next class when the three jerks came up to me.
"HEY" One shouted. I ignored him.
"I SAID HEY!" he shouted again. I ignored him again. This time his minions came up behind me and grabbed my arms.
"LET GO OF ME!" I yelled trying to get out of their grip.
"Now you speck." He said getting closer to me.
"WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" I yelled trying to kick him but he moved.
"We got a wild one here boys" he laughed.
"No that's not going to happen." He put his hand to my cheek. I tryed to scream but he cover my mouth with the other hand.
"I wouldn't scream if i were you. You don't want anything bad to happen." He smirked. He slowly took his hand away from my mouth. I looked over his shoulder and saw Andy talking to Addi. So i took this chance to scream as loud as i could.
"ANDY! ADDI! HELP!" I screamed. They heard me and looked over at me. Andy started running towards me. The guy slapped me probably as hard as he could because it hurt. I screamed in pain. He slapped me again. I screamed again. He lifted his hand up again ready to hit me. I closed my eyes as tight as i could. But the impact never came. His minions let go of me and i fell. I opened my eyes to see Andy beating the crap out of the jerk. I turned my head slightly to see Rye beating the other two.
"Andy. Rye stop. Before you get in trouble." I heard Addi say. I turned my head back to Andy. Addi was trying to hold him back. Soon after the three jerks walked away. Rye helped me up amd Andy got me ice.
"Who were they. And why were the hurting you?" Andy asked sitting in frount of me.
"Those were the schools jerks. They always pick on me. I don't know why. But they do." I said.
"Bailey. Does Brook know?" Rye asked.
"N...no. Can we just go. Please."
"Sure. But I'm coming with you." Rye said standing up.
"No its fine. You don't have to."
"Yes i do. I have to make sure you get home safe. For Brook."
"Fine" i gave in.

The walk home was quite. It was and awkward silence. It was like neither of us knew what to say.
"Umm...so how's life besides school?" rye asked breaking the silence.
"Not much. But how's Brook? I only talked once this week and it was today at lunch"
"He's good. He really misses you though."
"Ok. So how's the band."
"The band is good. We got a new flat and it has alot more space."
"That's cool"

The rest of the way we just talked about random stuff. When we got home i said bye to Rye and went straight up to my room. I changed into more comfortable clothes and layed on my couch. I put on Friends and fell asleep about 10 minutes in.

I wondered when Brook was coming home.

Word count:1028 words

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