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*this might contain a Trigger for some readers*

*Bailey's POV"

I woke up again at like 6 that morning and couldn't fall back asleep. So i just layed in bed on my phone. I was on Instagram when i got a notification. Great it was from Riley. She is the most popular kids in my school. She is also the one who started bullying me all because she had a crush on my brother and she said it was my fault that he left.

"Ha this little bitch thinks she can just move away to get ride of us. I think not. We know where u r hunny. And we know your living with 6 guys. You absolute slut."
It was posted with a picture of Rye hugging me and Andy hugging me.
The comments were blowing up like:

"Why would she live with her brother. He obviously hates her."
"WTF is she doing with 6 guys. I don't know what they see in her."
"Don't know why her brother asked her. Its pretty obvious she really ugly and why would he want a fat person living with him."
"She should go kill her self"

And it goes on. I felt my cheeks getting wet and noticed that i was crying. I tried to stop but they kept coming. I heard Mikey groan. Shit. I got up and tryed to walk to the bathroom as quickly and quietly as possible. But then i heard.
"Bailey? What are you doing up so early and why are you crying?" Mikey asked sitting up
"Umm...i...i just woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so i was getting up to go use the toilet but then i hit my foot off the umm...door" i said trying to make it sound as real as possible.
"Oh ok." He said laying back down. Thank god.

I waked into the bathroom and locked the door. I slid down the wall and cryed. I was thinking about what they were saying. Maybe they were right. Maybe i should kill my self. Brook doesn't deserve me. No one does. I took my razor and took a blade from it. I just sat there playing with it until i heard banging at the door and someone shouting my name. I didn't pay any attention. I set the blade on my skin and left it there for a while.

Why am i letting this get to me now? Brook needs me.

But he doesn't care about you

Yes he does. Thats why he offered me to come stay with him.

Ok but has he spent anytime with you when you guys got here?

A little.

Ok i mean brother sister time

Well no because the boys are always around.


Well hes just busy too. He will soon. I know it.

Ok what ever you say. And what about the bullying. Thats not going to go away until you die.

I don't care Brook needs me. So im done with you.

I came out of my thoughts by a loud bang at the door. Followed by shouting.

"BAILEY PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" someone shouted. I put the blade in a bag and threw it out. I wiped my tears and unlocked the door. I got pulled into a hug by Harvey. Brook joined. Soon i was in a big group hug. I started crying again. I tightened my grip on Harvey's shirt.
"Bailey why are you crying?" Brook asked.
"...umm...I...i...s...sorry" i choked out.
"Please Bailey. I don't like to see my little sis cry."
"Like you care!" I shouted letting go of Harvey to face Brook.
"What. I do care"
"Ya right. You left for the band because you hated me and didn't care. You didn't come back for months.!!" I yelled again.
"Bailey. Who said i don't care about you."
"Nobody did. Its the truth.!" I yelled running out of the flat.

I didn't really know my way around yet so i was pretty much lost. I kept running until i reached a place call ASDA. I wondered inside and ran into someone.
"Oh im sorry i wasn't looking where i was going." I said looking up .
"No its my fault. Wait Bailey?"
"Andy? What are you doing back so early?"
"I don't know i just wanted to come back. What about you why is your eyes red and puffy. Were you crying?"
"Y...ya umm...can we not talk about it."
"Sure lets go back to the flat."
"Just i can't right now."
"Ok. Lets go walk around and then get something to eat. Then go back ok?"
"Ya sure".

We walked around for about 2 hours. Andy really helped me keep my mind off what happened. Who knew he could be so funny and irresponsible. I always knew the responsible side of Andy.
"Come on lets go to McDonalds." Dang he knows my weakness. But i have to resist.
"Sure but im not that hungry."
"Its ok you can just have my fries." Andy is always so cheerful even at sad time.  When we got there i found a place to sit while Andy ordered the food. My phone was going off like crazy. I decided to look at it.

15 missed calls from Brook

10 missed calls from Harvey.

4 missed calls from Rye

1 missed call from Jack

2 missed calls from Mikey.

5 new texts from The Big Bro

4 new texts from The Harvster.

20 new texts from the group chat.

I decided to go on the group chat.

(🐝 Rye 👾Mikey 🙈Brooklyn 🍀Jack 🐯Harvey 🌵Andy 🐒Me.)

🐯- Bailey where r u??
🙈-come on please answer.
👾- we are all worried
🐝-come back please my little Wyatt
🐯-Bailey please. At least tell us that your safe
🙈- Bailey please come back.
🐯- Ok just come back soon.
🐒-Ok i will just not now.
🍀-What did i miss?
🐝-not the time Jack
👾-Read the messages. You Irish idiot.
🍀-oh and im not an idiot.
🐯-yes you are
🌵- hey whats this about Bailey?
🙈-fovvs arnt you with Bailey??
🌵-not right now no. We are at McDonalds getting food. And im ordering.
🙈-Oh. Umm...Well Bailey. Are you going to explain to him ?
🙈- what is your problem with me?
🐒- im just stressed out.
🙈-its ok just please explain to me why.
🐒-i will when im ready.
🙈-ok love you my little Bay
🐒-love you too my little Brookie
🐝-ok i feel like a third wheel
👾-your not alone😂
🍀-ahhh im so confused
🌵👾🙈🐯🐝🐒-shut up Jack.
🌵- got to go FOOOOOOD.
🐒- ok i promise to tell you all what happened when we get back.
🐝-ok bye little Wyatt.
👾-bye Bailey
🙈- see ya soon Bay.
🍀-  im still confused
🐒- 😑 bye everyone.
🐝🙈👾🍀🐯- bye

Great now i have to tell them. Soon after Andy came back with the food. I took a couple of his fires and said i was full even though i was starving. Andy didn't bother asking why.

On the walk home i got another notification from instagram.

'here is the slut again. With another guy. And then with Andy. Geez we know shes a slut but she doesn't have to go for every guy she sees.'

The comments:

Everyone watch out this slut might try to steel your man.

Again don't know what they see in her. Shes fat and ugly. They would be living better lifes if she would just hurry up and kill her self already.

Go and kill yourself slut.

It wad posted with a picture of Harvey and me talking outside when i first moved. And then a picture of me and Andy at ASDA. I stopped in my tracks and closed my eyes to try and stop myself from crying. But again it didn't work. I fell to my knees crying. Andy ran up beside me and pulled me into a comforting hug.
"Bailey whats wrong?" He asked concerned. I didn't say anything i just handed him my phone. I looked up at him. He looked like he was going to punch someone or something.
"How long has this been going on?" He asked. I didn't answer.
"Bailey. How long?" He asked again.
"Umm ever since Brook joined the band. " i cryed. Andys arms tightened around me.
"Its ok. Don't ever listen to what they say. You are beautiful and smart. Brook loves you all the boys do. " Andy said trying to comfort me. I nodded.
"Lets get you home so you can tell Brook whats happening. I nodded again. I tryed to stand but my legs were too weak. I almost fell but Andy caught me. He put one hand on my back and the other on my legs.
"May i?" He asked. Knowing what he was going to do i nodded. He lifted me up and started to walk back to the flat. I cuddled into his chest and closed my eyes. But before i knew it i was asleep.

Sorry i didn't update sooner. I was really busy. Hope you liked this chapter.😁😁❤❤

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