Food Poisoning

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*Bailey's POV

Harvey soon left to go make me something to eat. While he was gone Rye and Brook came running in and jumping on me.
"What do you guys want?"
"I wanted to see how my little sis was doing" Brook said smiling.
"I just wanted to bug you" Rye smiled
"Well Brook i feel like shit and if you don't get off my stomach i will throw up on you and Rye...just you being in this room bugs the hell out if me"
"Well you seem normal" Rye said.
"Whats that suppose to mean Beaumont?"
"Oh nothing. By the way you look like shit too" he laughed.
"Ya thanks for the compliment" i smiled sarcastically
"Anytime" he said leaving.
"So. How ya feeling?"
"Well...a little better then this morning but still sick"
"Well hope you get better soon. Me and the boys are going out to the studio again. Harvey said he'll stay here with you. But no funny business"
"Ok mom"
"Bye bay."
"See ya later Brookie" As soon as he left Harvey walked in with a tea and soup.
"Thanks. You didn't have to" i smiled.
"Your welcome. Any thing for you" he smiled back. I took the tea and took a small sip and placed it down on the night stand. Harvey passed me the soup and sat down beside me. I took a small bite but suddenly i felt like i was gonna throw up again. So i gave the bowl back to Harvey and rushed to the toilet as fast as i could with my leg. I made it just in time. Harvey soon came and held my hair back and rubbed my back. When i was done i flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I turned around to Harvey and hugged him. I felt my cheeks getting wet. I noticed i was crying.
"Hey hey hey. Shhhh your ok. Stop crying" Harvey whispered rubbing my back.
"I...i hate this Hrv" i cryed.
"Shhh. I know. You'll get better soon." I didn't respond i just nodded. I soon stoped crying. But me and Harvey still stood there hugging. He soon pulled away and wipes my tears.
"Let's get you back to bed ya?" I nodded. I layed down and pulled the covers up to my chin. "You get some rest ok?"
"Ok" i mumbled. He kissed the top of my head and took my cup and bowl out. I snuggled back into the blanket and closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep. It wasn't until about 15 minutes later i fell asleep.

*Harvey's POV*

When i left the room so Bailey could get some rest. Brook texted me.
(🙈-Brook, 🐯-Harvey)

🙈-Hey bro. Hows Bay doing?
🐯-well i tried to get her to eat something but she just threw it up again.
🙈-well i was thinking. She hasn't eaten in what 3 days. And she still won't eat? Doesn't that bother you?
🐯-really i hadn't noticed it's been that long. Now that you bring it up ya its kinda worrying me. I'll ask her about it when she wakes up
🙈-ok. Thx Hrv.
🐯-for what?
🙈-for looking after her while im at the studio and...and im sorry about how i acted before.
🐯-Don't sweat bro. Ill do anything for you and her. And no need to apologize😁
🙈-ok well the boys want me. So I'll text you later. We might be back in about 3-4 hours
🐯-ok see ya then Brookie😂
🙈-see ya harvster

Well now i know Brook isn't mad at me. Or i think. Anyways i turned on Netflix and decided to eat myself. I made a tea and pasta.

It was about an hour later when i heard a loud bang. I shot up immediately and ran to Bailey. I opened the door to find her on the floor. I quickly rushed to her.
"Bailey? Bailey! What wrong?"  I asked worried
" hurts. I tried to go to the bath room and my...legs felt so weak."she whispered. She was shaking and her breathing was uneven.
"Im taking you to the hospital" I scooped her up and quickly called and uber. They said they'll be there in about 5 minutes. I put on my hoddie and put one on Bailey. I ran out side with her in my arms. When i got there the uber was just arriving. I put Bailey in one side and i got in the other. I told the driver to go to the hospital quickly. Bailey put her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me.
"Your going to be fine" i whispered. She didn't respond. She just nodded. It seems like thats all she does now a days. We arrived about 20 minutes after. I thanked and payed the driver and ran into the hospital with Bailey. I told the nurse at the desk what happened and she said that she'll take her in right away. But the only problem was that i couldn't go with her. A doctor came out and told me to put her on the bed and then go wait in the waiting room. When i got out i called my first contact which was Rye.
"Hello?" His voice rang through the phone.
"R...rye." I said my voice shaking
"Harv whats wrong. Is everything alright?"
" Its Bailey. She fell and i took her to the hospital. Because she looked like she was getting worse"
"We're on our way" he said then hung up.

*skip to when the boys get there*

The boys came rushing in. I heard Ryes loud voice at the front desk.
"Rye" i said putting my hand on his shoulder.
"Is there any word on her?" He asked. I just shook my head.
"What happened Harv?" Brook asked. I took a deep breath and explained to them what happened when they left.
"Oh my god. We should have never left. Its my fault. Im her brother i should have stayed to look after her. Then we may not be here" Brook said looking down.
"Hey listen Brook. Its not your fault. Its nobodys. She might just have a really bad fever or it might be just something bad she ate" Andy said hugging him.
"But i haven't seen her like this. Ever."
"Neither have i Brook. But for as long as I've known her for. I know shes a fighter and she'll get through this" Addison said.
"Even though i haven't known her for long i agree with Addison. Shes a fighter" Jack chimed in
"She'll make it. Sh..." Mikey got cut off by a doctor.
"Is anyone here for Miss Bailey Wyatt?" He asked.
"Yes" we all said
"Well i have good and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?" We all looked at each other almost like we were thinking the same thing.
"The good first please" Rye said.
"Well she'll be fine with lots of rest and food."
"Whats the bad news?" Brook asked almost scared to know the answer.
"Well she's all of a sudden sick because she has food poisoning. And her stomach looks like its not used to having food in its system. Did she eat anything raw? Or did she stop eating at one time? And she also has a high fever" He asked. Then i realized something. At Mac Donalds i took one of her nuggets. And when i took a bit it was a bit pink inside. If she ate all 20 then that might be the reason. I looked up.
"Umm...could it be caused by chicken being raw?" I asked
"Yes thats the most likely cause of food poisoning"
"Umm...well she had chicken nuggets at Mac Donalds and well i took one and it looked pink inside. And she ate the rest"
"That might be the cause of this. But the question still stands. Did she ever stop eating.?"
"Well she hasn't eaten alot the past 4 days"
"Ok. So she threw up beacuse her stomach wasn't use to having food in her system and shes sick because she has food poisoning. So if you give her this medicine and give her lots of rest and get her to eat more and more food each couple of days.  She should be back to normal in about 2-6 days ." He said giving us a bottle of medicine
"Thank you so much doctor" Andy said taking the bottle.
"That just my job" he smiled" you can take her home now. But remember lots of rest" he said leading us to her room. We all hugged Bailey. I was the last one to. I litterly almost jumped on her. "You scared me to death" i laughed.
"Well. Its not my fault. Can we go home now. Im tired" she said
"Ya lets go" Brook said helping her up. We made our way back to the flat. It was half past 6. Brook took Bailey to her room and the rest of us decided to watch a movie. Im so happy that its nothing too serious. I would die if anything serious would've happened to her.

A/N. Wow this is a longer chapter. Thanks for all the reads and vots. It means alot to me❤❤❤ hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have something very special planned but i have to find the right time to do it. Anyways im done now. Byeee😁😁😁

Word count: 1613 words.

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