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*Bailey's POV*

I woke up the next morning, sweating. But i was freezing. I felt like i was going to throw up. So i quickly got out of bed and ran to the toilet. As soon as i got there i threw up. Im guessing i woke Addi up because she was there holding my hair back with one hand while the other was rubbing my back.
"Brooklyn!" Addi shouted. No answer.
"Brooklyn! Get your lazy ass in here. Your sister it sick!" She yelled again. This time Brook came running in with Rye right behind him.
"Hey Bay. You ok?" Brook asked.
"No im not ik. I have a headache and im throwing up" i said back to him.
"Ok ok jeez. Ill go get you Tylenol." I didn't feel well enough to stand up so i sat with my back pressed against the tub. Rye sat next to me and gave me a side hug.
"Your gonna be ok." He whispered
"I know but it hurts" i said putting my head on his shoulder.
"What hurts?" Addi asked
"My head, my stomach everything. I feel so weak."
"Listen once Brook gets back with the Tylenol you can go back to bed and focus on getting better." Rye said ever so sweetly.
"Ok" i simply said. We waited for awhile longer and Brook still wasn't back.
"Ill go see whats taking him so long" Addi said as she got up and left. Soon after Harvey, Jack and Andy came in.
"Hey Bailey. How ya feeling. Addison told us what happened" Harvey said sitting beside me where Addi was.
"Eh. I've been better"
"Well you look like shit" Andy laughed sitting on the toilet.
"Ya i know. I feel like it too. Wait wheres brook?"
"Oh we didn't have any Tylenol so him Mikey and Addison went out to get some"Jack said
"Oh ok."
"You want to brush your teeth then go back to bed?" Rye asked. I just nodded. I stood up with the help of Rye and Harvey. I brushed my teeth and headed back to bed.
"Hope you feel better soon Bailey" Jack said giving me a hug.
"You stay in bed and get rest ok little Wyatt" Rye laughed
"Yes mom" i smiled. Jack Rye and Andy left ell leaving me and Harvey alone..
"You look like your sweating" he said feeling my forehead. It felt like electricity shooting through my body at his touch.
"Jeez. Your burning up"
"But im freezing" i said pulling the blankets up to my chin and turning on my side to face him.
"Ill go call Brook to see whats taking him so long." He said taking his phone out if his pocket. He waited a while for Brook to answer.
"Hey Brook. Where are you?...ok...hurry up...ok I'll tell her"and he hung up.
"He said there about 5 minutes away and he'll be here soon." I just nodded.
"I'll go and let you sleep" Harvey said getting ready to leave.
"Umm Harvey?" I asked
"C...can you stay. Please" i said not wanting to be alone.
"Ya course. Anything for you" he smiled. Man that smile if going to kill me one of these days. He climed in over top of me and layed down on the other side. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I instantly felf warmer.
"Wait. Won't Brook freak out when he sees us" Harvey asked slightly worried.
"Yes. But he can't control what i do. " i said cuddling into his chest.
"Ok" i closed my eyes listening to the beat of his heart. His chest would rise and fall every once and awhile. I could feel myself falling asleep. Why does this always happen. I always fall asleep when we're cuddling. I mean i don't mind falling asleep this way. I finally let sleep take over me.

*Harvey POV*

I really hate seeing her like this. Her face is so pale. He beautiful green eyes don't have any more light in them. She was shivering. I soon heard soft snores coming from her. I looked down at her to see her asleep. Man is she ever cute when she sleeps. I was about to fall asleep myself when someone opened the door. Brook walked in with a box and a glass of water.
"Oh...ummm...i...ill just leave this here" he said putting the box and water on the night stand.
"Brook?" I asked
"Ya Harv"
"Are you mad?"
"About what?"
"At this. Me and Bailey"  he just looked at me and didn't say anything. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders and left. Weird. He must be mad then. I took a deep breath and sighed. I closed my eyes again. Soon darkness took over me.

I woke up by Bailey coughing. She was sitting up with her head in her hands. I put my hand on her back.
"Whats wrong Bailey?" I asked rubbing her back.
"My head hurts. And i feel like im going to throw up again"
"Brook put the Tylenol on the night stand." I said. She looked over and took 2 tablets and downed the water.
"Come here" i said opening my arms. She layed back down next to me.
"What time is it?" I asked wrapping my arms around her.
"Its 12:48"
"You want anything to eat?"
"Umm...i don't know if my stomach will be able to keep it down"
"Ill go make you a cup of tea and some soup k?"
"Ok" she said. "But can we cuddle for a little bit longer?" I smiled at her request.
"Of course"  she had her back facing me so i pulled her into my body. She fit perfectly in my arms. Only if we could stay like this forever. But i know that will never happen...

A/n: Word count. 988 words.

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