I Love Yous

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*Harvey's POV*

When we got to where Bailey was, i couldn't help but cry. This is all my fault. Her and Brook had a fight. She hates me because i ruined their brother sister bond that they had but she won't admit that she does. Now here she is possibly dying in my arms. Me Rye and Brook stayed and tryed to get her closer to the hospital by carrying her while the rest went back to the flat to call blair to bring them to the hospital. Rye picked Bailey uo and starting walking towards the hospital. Me and Brook followed. But keeping our distance because we still wern't on the same page. We soon meet up with the ambulance. Rye said that Brook should go with her because, well, there family, while me and him got an uber.
"Its my fault" i thought
"Its not your fault Hrv." Rye said patting my back. Ooops i said that out loud.
"Really how isn't it. I was the one who went up there with her,then Brook got mad at me and her for something i did. And now look where we are. Bailey has been laying there bleeding for a good half an hour." I said starting to cry.
"Hrv its not your fault that she's in the hospital. Its mine i shouldn't have let her go alone"
"Can we just stop talking about whos fault it is?"
"Ya sure. We're here"

We jumped out of the uber and ran into the hospital. Rye went up to the lady at the desk first and starting asking her about Bailey.
"The doctors working on her right now." She said.
"Oh ok. How long will that be" i asked kinda in a hurry said
"Im not sure. You can wait here and ill tell the doctor your here for her" she answered with a smile.
"Ok" i simply said.

We went over to the waiting room. We saw Brook with his head in his hands. It sounded like he was crying. Rye went over to talk to him. But i was to caught up in my own thoughts that i didn't hear what they were saying. I didn't even realize the others came in until Andy came and sat beside me.
"Hey. You ok?" He asked
"Ya im fine" i replied.
"Ok just remember. It wasn't your fault. Or Brooks or Ryes. It was nobodys fault"
"Ya ok"
Soon the doctor came out.
"Is anyone here to see Bailey Wyatt?" He asked.
"We are" i said standing up and walking over to see what he had to say.
"Well she lost alot of blood in her head. So we put her in a coma so she could heal faster. But the thing is. She has to wake up on her own. And by the way she hit her head. There could be a bit of brain damage. So it will take longer. Also she has a broken ankle, in 2 different spots" he said looking at us all
"Whats the chance of her waking up?" Brook asked
"Its about a 65/35 chance she'll wake up."
"Ok. Can we go see her?" Rye asked.
"Yes. Follow me"

He lead us to her room. There she was. She was pale. She had a cast on her leg and a bandage on her head. It broke my heart to see her like that. I went up beside her and held her hand. It was cold. I felt my cheeks getting wet. Tears fell down my face and onto her bed and our hands. Brook went over to the other side and held her other hand. Rye stood at her feet. Jack and Andy stood behind me and Mikey stood behind Brook. And Blair stood at the door.
"I love you Bay. Im so sorry i gotten mad at you. You wouldn't be here if i hadn't" Brook said now crying.
"Come on guys its getting late. We should go back and we can come back early tomorrow." Jack said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Im staying. You guys go back and we'll switch tomorrow"i said not taking my eyes off her.
"Ok but make sure you get some food into you" Mikey said.
"Yup ok Mike"
"Bye Hrv" Rye said giving me a hug
"See you later" Andy said patting my back
"Stay safe" Jack said
"Remember get food into ya" Mikey chuckled
"Bye" Brook said simply.

As soon as the door closed i burst out into tears.
"Please Bailey wake up. I love you so much. You can't leave like this. You havent seen the best part of livinv yet. Please. Don't leave. I don't know what ill do. I love you so so much.im so so so sorry" I cryed. Only if she could here me. So she would know how much i love her.

Sorry for not updating yesterday. But here it is today. Happy new years. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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