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I can't believe what i just saw. Its Harvey. Kissing another girl. That must be Emily. Yes shes pretty. But i can't believe this. Harvey does have a girlfriend. Brook was right. I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have gotten this stupid crush on Harvey. Brook knew i was going to get hurt. And now i am. I wish i could just leave this world. I wish i never fell in love with him. I wish brook never asked me to come stay with him. Its too late now. Damage is done. And i don't think I'll ever get over this.

*Bailey's POV*

I've been in my room for the past 3 days all day. I've barely eaten. Addi came in to try to talk to me. But i just ignored her. Harvey then came in to try to talk to me. I pretended to be asleep. Then Brook came in. Again i pretended to be asleep. I really didn't want to talk to anybody. I had to have time to myself and think about this situation. Nobody came in after that. They mush have finally realized i wanted to be alone. Well thats what i thought.
"Bailey come on. We're going to Mac Donalds" Rye said pulling the blankets off me. I still didn't move.
"Oh come on little Wyatt. I know you too well to know that your not asleep" he said sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Go away" i mumbled into the pellow.
"Nope not until you come out with us. You haven't eaten at all in 2 days"
"Im not hungry. Now go away" i said a bit louder.
"Again. No" he stood up. I thought he was actually going to leave. But we're talking about Rye Beaumont here. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.
"LET ME DOWN" I yelled hitting his back.
"Nope not until we get outside so i know that your coming" i just gave up trying to get out of his grip. He's very confusing. First he leaves with out a word. Looking all sad. And now hes litterly forcing me to go eat with them. I wonder why im friends with him.
"Now you can get down"  he put me back on my feet in front of the car. All the others were already in and the only spot left was next to Harvey. Great.
"Well then lets go. Im starving" Jack said. I didn't say anything. I just took my place next to Harvey.
"Hey" he said. I didn't reply.
"What wrong? Your usually happy to be sitting beside me" he smiled. I just looked at him. He's right. I would always want to sit by him. But now i can't even be in the same room as him. I didn't reply and looked out the window. I think he got that i wasn't going to talk anytime soon because he wasn't asking any more questions.  The car ride was long and silent. Well except for the quite whispers and giggles from Brook and Jack. Once we finally got to mac Donalds, Rye' Andy, Mikey and Brook went to order the food while Me, Harvey, Jack and Addi went to find a place to sit. It was only a little wait fot the food. Brook of course got me what i usually order. Chicken nuggets with a vanilla milkshake and fries. But like i said to Rye earlier i wasn't hungry so i took a couple nuggets and gave the fries to Rye and drank my milkshake quitley.
"Bailey, whats up. You barley ate anything and you won't talk to any of us. Don't telk me there's nothing going on because i know there is" Brook said getting fed up with my silence.
"Umm...well..i...im...im just not feeling that well thats all" i lied i was perfectly fine. Physically anyways.
"Oh. Are you alright? Do you need anything?" Andy asked concerned.
"Ya im fine.  Just not hungry" i said.
"Oh ok"
"Umm...im going to the toilet" i said getting up. I started my way to them when i started to feel a bit lightheaded. "I must have stood up too fast." I thought. Once i got to the toilets i did what i had to do and started washing my hands. But all of a sudden my knees began to get shakey. And i was suddenly cold. I just shrugged it off because it was probably from walking on my leg too much and it was kinda cold in the restaurant. I walked back out to the boys to see them packing up.
"You ready to go sis?" Brook asked putting his arm around my shoulder. I nodded and we started out to the car. But before we made it there it started to rain. Great. The others ran ahead leaving me in my thoughts. Not the best idea but whatever. I really hope i don't have to sit next to Harvey again. That will be just as awkward as on the way here. But i want to sit beside him. I want to understand why he didn't tell me about his girlfriend. I want things to go back to normal. But i don't think i can. Not after wh...
"Hey" someone broke me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Harvey waking with me. I didn't reply to him. Agian.
"Ok listen whatever i did. Can you please just tell me. I can't fix it if you won't talk to me. Please just say something to me" Harvey said grabbing my arm so i stop walking. I don't know if i should bring it up right now or wait for him to tell me.
"Please im beeging you. I want to be able to see you smile again. I want to be able to laugh with you. But i can't if you don't tell me whats bothering you." He begged.
"Why don't YOU tell me" i finally said
"Tell you what?" He said looking confused
"About this Emily girl"
"Wha...how do you know about Emily?"
"Your phone you idiot. I saw the text. About you going out with her. Then i saw you two kissing!" I yelled.
"So you were the one. Bailey listen im sorry. She means nothing to me...we used to date before you came along but that was awhile ago. She won't leave me alone now. Theres nothing going on between us"
"Really then explain this picture to you kissing her." I said showing him the picture
"Oh my god. She took a picture. Listen she kissed me. I didn't kiss back. She said that if i meet up with her that she'll leave me, you and the boys alone" he explained. Now i just feel stupid. Addi was right i shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
"Im sorry Harvey. I jumped to conclusions when i shouldn't have. I guess i was just...just"
"Jealous ?" He smirked.
"Ya jealous because i really like you Harvey. Like alot" i finally confessed.
" i like you too. Like alot" he smiled. I smiled back. All of a sudden thunder struck the air. I just realized that we we're still standing in the middle of the parking lot. In the rain.
"Come on you two love birds. Lets get back the flat. Before Brook here had a panic attack" Rye yelled. Me and Harvey looked at the car and back at eachother and smiled. All of a sudden he started pulling me through the rain into the car.
"Its about time. What were you two talking about?" Addi smirked.
"Nothing" Harvey answered right away.
"Umhm what ever"she smiled.
I never thought i would be able to ask Harvey about it but i did. And im glad i did. Now things can go back to normal. Maybe.

Word count: 1316 words

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