Emily pt 2

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*Bailey's POV*

I put Harveys phone on the counter and wandered back slowly to Addi. I was too busy thinking that i didn't hear the boys come in.
"BAILEY! WHERE ARE YOU!" Brook yelled.
"Oh umm...im in here" i said loud enough for him to hear me. Brook came barging in and jumping on my bed aka Ryes bed.
"Whats up. Oh and hey Addison. Haven't seen you for a while" brook said putting his head on my lap.
"Brook you litterly saw me two days ago" Addi laughed putting her phone away.
"Ya but thats a long time" he laughed.
I honestly wasn't paying any attention to the rest of their conversation. I was too caught up in thought about this Emily girl. I mean im not Harvey's girlfriend or anything but still it seems like he's been playing me these past few days. Why wouldn't he tell me he had a girlfriend? Am i just overreacting? Is she just a friend? But then why would she call him babe and say love you? All these thoughts were running through my head and i didn't notice Brook and Addi staring at me.
"Hey sis. You good. You just spaced out there. We thought you died" Brook laughed. I wish.
"Ya im good just got lost in my train of thought" i said shrugging.
"Thinking about what?" Addi asked curiously
"Like...."Brooklyn trailed off
"Ummm....mom and home i guess"
"Oh ok nothing important i thought you would've been thinking about a boy or something" Addi said.
"Ha ha ha very funny." I said sarcastically
"Well im gonna go see what the others are up to" Addi said
"Me too. You coming Bailey?"
"Nah. Ill stay here. Im tired anyways" i lied. I just didn't want to fave Harvey right now.
"Ok bye" Brook said walking out shutting the door behind him leaving me alone in my thoughts. I kept thinking about Harvey and Emily when Rye came in.
"Hey little Wyatt. You good? Brook told me you didn't seem like yourself. Whats up?"
"Hey. Ya im good. I just miss home i guess"
"Ya i get that. We all were a bit home sick when we first triled for the band. But you get used to it" He said coming and sitting beside me.
"Can i ask you a question?"
"Sure whats it about?"
"Does Harvey tell you everything? I mean you too share a room and all and your best mates"
"Well most of the time yes we tell each other everything why you want to know?"
"Well i wanted to know if Harvey has a girlfriend?"
"Oooo does someone have a crush?" He replied smirking
"Beaumont this is serious! Does he or does he not?"
"Well he told me he use to have a girlfriend but after he said it was a complicated relationship. He never spoke of it after"
"Ok thanks"
"No problem. But im still confused why you wanted to know"
"Am i not just aloud to know!" I said a bit too rudely. I felt bad. He just wanted to know why i wanted to know if Harvey had a girlfriend.
"Im sor..."
"No its fine. I shouldn't have pushed you. Ill just go" he said getting up and leaving shutting the door. Great now Rye's mad at me. I took a deep breath and layed down. I wanted to stay awake but i just couldnt. Sleep soon took over me.

*Harvey's POV*

When Brook and Addison came out from talking to Bailey. Brook said that she wasn't acting the same as always. I said that i could go talk to her but Rye said it was probably best if he went as they were closer. When Rye came out he had a sad look on his face.
"Hey bro. Whats up? Why you looking so down?" I said walking over to him.
"Its nothing. Im going for a run" he said and grabbed his jumper and left without another word
"That was weird. Rye never leaves like that. Or looks sad for that matter" Mikey said looking confused.
"I know. Bailey mush have gotten mad at him. He acts like that sometimes when she gets mad" Brook said.
"Ill go see whats up with Bailey" i said going to my room.
"Bailey?" I said walking in. I stoped in my tracks when i saw her sleeping. I smiled at myself at how beautiful she is when she sleeps. I shut the door quitley and went back into where everyone else was.
"That was quick" Jack laughed
"Ya she was sleeping " i walked into the kitchen and saw my phone on the counter. Wait. My phone was on my bed last time i used it. Unless Bailey or Addison brought it out here. I unlocked my phone and saw it on Emily's messages. She texted me half an hour ago. But why didn't it say new message. Unless someone already saw it. Oh god i hope Bailey didn't see it. It would break her heart.  I responded back with
'Ya im still up for it. But remember our deal if i do this you'll leave me alone' a couple minutes later she responded back with
'yup don't worry. Meet me at Nandos in half an hour'
I put my phone in my pocket and went to get something to drink.
"Harvey. You good?" I heard Mikey say
"Yup. Im fine" i smiled back at him.
"Ok. We're heading to the park if you want to come"
"As much as i want to. I have to be somewheres"
"Ok maybe next time"  they all said bye and left.

*skip to Nandos*

I get to Nandos and sit at a table close to the window waiting for Emily to show up. I've been waiting about 10 minutes before she showed up.
"Hey baby. How are you?" She said hugging me.
"Hey Emily im good. What about you?" I said.
"Im grand now that i get to see you again"
"Listen. Im only here because you said you'll leave me alone after we talk. So what did you want to talk about?" I asked getting annoyed at her.
"Well i just wanted to talk about us. How i made a mistake about cheating on you and that I've changed. And i want us to be us again" she said with pleading eyes.
"No. And thats final. I've moved on. And i don't want to get heartbroken again. So goodbye Emily" i said getting up ready to leave.
"Wait. Can i tell you something?"
"Fine but make it quick" she leaned up to my ear and whispered
"Don't think this is the last of me. I will find a way to get you back. Even if it means getting rid of Bailey" she smirked
"How the hell do you know about Bailey?"
"Oh i have my ways" she suddenly leaned forward and kissed me. I was still shocked by her knowing who Bailey is. I realized that she was still kissing me. So i pushed her away and wiped my lips.
"Leave me, Bailey and the boys alone. Never talk to us ever again"
"Ummm...ill have to think about that. Umm i choose nope. I will never stop until i get what i want. Bye for now sweety" she smiled. I just glared at her. I can't believe i fell for that. I should've never texted her back. I should've never came here. I just hope nobody saw us kissing. Cause then it might get out. And Bailey might see it. Then Brook would never trust me again. Rye will kill me. Andy won't trust me ever again either. And Bailey. I don't know how she'll react. She might hate me forever. She might be heartbroken. She might even move back with her mom and never want to see me again. I have to make sure she doesn't see or hear that ma and Emily kissed. Im so angry at myself. But also confused. I don't know what to do anymore...

A/n. Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will be here in a couple of days hopefully. 😁

Word count: 1378 words

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