Some of the Truth Comes Out.

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*Brooklyn's POV*

When i heard Bailey yell it surprised me. I never heard her yell before like this. She was always the happy and so bubbly. But now she was so quiet and shy and distant.
"Bay you ok?" I asked she nodded but got up and went to the toilet
"Umm...what just happened?" Harvey asked.
"I don't know shes never yelled like that before." I said.
"But why did she only eat like 3 of your chips?" Jack asked.
"I don't know. She use to eat more then that."
"Is she ok. Was she getting bullied when she was at school?" Harvey asked.
"Umm. Well she said something about being physically bullied but nothing about verbally."
"Oh ok. " Harvey nodded. I really hope my little sis is ok.

* Bailey's POV*

"Bay you ok?" Brook asked. I just nodded and left to the toilet. I didn't want to talk right now about what happened. I just stood looking at my self in the mirror. I stayed in there for about 15 minutes before i heard someone at the door.
"Bay please come out." I heard Brook say. I didn't answer.
"Please we are all worried" i still didn't answer. I just walked out pushing past Brook. I grabbed my jumper and walked out. Someone put their hand on my shoulder.
"You know i don't like to see my little Wyatt sad" Rye said turning me to face him.
"Im sorry"
"Don't be. Im the one who wouldn't drop it" he smiled.
"But i yelled for no reason." I said looking up at him as he was taller.
"Ya thats true" he smiled.
"Hey your suppose to deny it" i laughed.
"Theres the laugh i missed."Rye laughed. Soon all the others came out. Harvey must of saw me laughing with Rye because when i looked back he had a jealous look on his face. Weird.

*Back at the flat*

When we got back to the flat it was 8 and i was tired.
"Guys i think im just going to go to bed." I said to them.
"Ok. See u in the morning little Wyatt" Rye smiled.
"You too Beaumont" i smiled back.
"Little Wyatt??" Harvey asked confused.
"Ya its just a nick name he gave me so i call him Beaumont."
"Oh ok. " Harv nodded and walked off to his and Ryes room. Again weird.
I took my pajamas witch were an elephant crop top and elephant shorts and went to the bathroom to change and take my makeup off.

I took my pajamas witch were an elephant crop top and elephant shorts and went to the bathroom to change and take my makeup off

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I put my clothes back in my bag and climed up to bed.
"Night Brook, Mikey and Jack" i said to them as they were the only ones in the room.
"Night sis."
"Night Bailey"

It took awhile of tossing and turning to finally get to sleep. When i did i dreamt about Carter. (My ex.) I was back in his house he smelt of alcohol and smoke. He backed me into a corner and started hitting me. He lifted his hand again but i woke up. I looked down too see if i woke Mikey. But i didn't. I climed down and went to the kitchen to get some water. I was in my own world when i felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I froze in fear. They turned me around and i saw Harvey. I relaxed a bit when i knew it was him.
"What are you doing up?" I asked him.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Well i asked you first so spill"
"I got up to use the toilet and i saw someone here so i came to see who it was. And what about you?"
"I just got uo because i was thirsty." I said putting my cup on the counter.  He nodded
"Umm can i ask you something."
"Promise you won't get mad"
"Ok? Just ask me already"
"Ok umm why did you only eat 3 chips at Nandos and then yell at Rye when he tryed to give you another?"
" umm...well its a long story"
"I have all night"
"Fine. It started when Brook first joined the band. He left for long periods of time witch i understood and was fine with. But because he was so popular in school i would never get bullied or anything like that. But when he left it started happening but it wasn't bad. It was just people laughing at me and stuff like that but when they all found out that he got in the band it got alot worse. People started calling me fat and ugly and im useless and that Brook doesn't love me thats why he left. That last one didn't get to me as much as the others did because i knew Brook loved me. I started to eat less and less because i wanted to lose weight so badly. My old friend would try to get me to eat more but i would yell like i did to Rye. She never stopped. But she had enough of me yelling at her that she joined the popular kids by dumping me and she started calling me fat. So i tryed to stop eating. But i still wanted to live for Brook so thats why i only eat very little." I didn't know that i was crying until Harvey wiped a tear off my cheek. He pulled me into a hug and i just cryed into his chest.
"Shhh its ok. Im here." He said. Rubbing my back.
"You cant tell brook."
"Why he has to know"
"Just not right now ill do it when its the right time"
"Ok"  we stood there for awhile longer. Harvey kissed the top of my head and let go.
"I think we should go back to bed" he laughed.
"Ya ok."
"Ummm harvey?"
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For listening"
"No problem. What are friends for" he smiled. Man his smile is so cute. Befor he went back to his room he gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug.
"Good night harv"
"Night Bailey"

I got back up into my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was fast asleep.

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