I'm Sorry Rye

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*Bailey's POV*

I was walking for about 10 minutes now and it started getting dark. I went out to try and clear my head from what happened. I always hated fighting with Brook. But then again we never faught that much.

I came to a little park sortta thing. It had a swing set and logs as benches. I decided to take a break before heading back. I climed up the swing set so i was sitting above the swings. All the bad thoughts came back to me all at once like all the bullying and then the fight with me and Brook. I started crying again. But because the bar wasn't that big, once i brought my hand up from the bar, which i was using to sturdy myself, i felt myself starting to fall. I tryed to hang on but i couldn't because i wasn't strong enough. I fell feet first. But i landed on my ankle in a weird way that a sharp pain shoot through my leg and i fell to the ground. Also hitting my head off a log. I felt something cold running down the side of my head. Then i realized it was blood. I tried to stand but my ankle hurt too much. I reached in my pocket to get my phone. The first contact i saw was Rye's so i called him. I felt my eyes getting heavy. I knew i had to hurry or i could die to blood lose. On the third ring he picked up.

R- hello. Bailey where are you.
B- I...i don't really k...know but y...you need to hurry
R-BOYS SHUT UP! Bay whats wrong where are you. What happened
B-im some...somewheres in the wood. Theres a little park. I...fell and i think i broke my ankle and....i hit my head
R-oh my god. Bailey we are coming to get you. We might know where you are. Stay on the phone
B-r...rye i c...can't.
R-Bay your strong just hold on
B-r...rye im...s...sorry. Tell...b...Brook i...i love him.
R-Bay no. No you can't do this. Stay with me.
R-Bay please don't. I...we can't live without you

He was crying. Rye never crys. Those were the last thoughts in my head before everything went black.

*Rye's POV*

No. She can't die. She can't leave. She has so much to live for. Why did i let her go. Why. Its my fault that she might have died.

"BOYS HURRY UP. COME ON" I yelled back at the others. We were all running to the spot where we think Bailey is. We found the place she described and then i saw her. Laying still. Blood oozing from her head. My eyes went wide. I ran and fast as I could over to her.
"Mikey call an ambulance. NOW!" I said to him. Brook froze when he saw her. Harvey was by my side crying. Jack and Andy stood there shocked.
"Come on...we can meet the ambulance on the way there." I cried. I never cry. But Bailey was like a sister of my own. I ripped a piece of fabric from my shirt to put over her wound. I lifted her up and started heading towards the hospital hoping to meet the ambulance. Harvey and Brook followed while the others went back to get the car. We didn't have to do alot of walking before we meet the ambulance. They put her on a stretcher and put her in the ambulance. They said only one of us could go with her. I said that Brook should and that me and Harvey would get an uber to the hospital. It only took like 10 minutes to get there.
"Hi. We're here to see a girl named Bailey Wyatt. She should've gotten here a couple minutes ago" i said to the lady at the desk.
"Yes she did get here. But you'll have to wait. The doctors working on her right now."
"Oh ok. How long will that be" Harvey said
"Im not sure. You can wait here and ill tell the doctor your here for her"
"Ok thank you" i said. We walked over to the waiting room and we found Brooklyn sitting on a chair in the corner with his head in his hands. He sounded like he was crying.
"Hey brook" i said sitting next to him.
"Its my fault" he said looking up at me.
"No its not"
"Yes it is. If i hadn't been so overprotective. We would all be home eating pizza laughing at the most stupid things. But i just had to get mad at her for no reason." He said starting to cry again.
"Brook its not your fault you just wanted her to be safe. You guys were just in the moment that you and her said something i bet you didn't mean"
"Ya but she hates me"
"No she doesn't. She told me to tell you that she loves you"
"Yes. Her words not mine" Brook smiled a little at my last sentance.
"There's that smile" i smiled.
"Ya i just hope she'll be ok"
"Shes strong. She'll be fine."

The rest of the boys came in a couple minutes after and they all looked worried. I really hope she'll be ok. She's too young to die. Brook needs her. I need her. Everyone needs her. Harvey needs her.

Hey so i decided to do a double update today. Hope you like them😀😀😀💗💗💗💗

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