Ex Boyfriends and Nandos

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*Harvey's POV*

Then it happened. Bailey floated up...unconscious.

I was beyond pissed. He might of killed her. He recovered and jumped on me i went under the water. I punched him again and then kneed him in the stomach. I came back up and saw Brooklyn shaking and crying in the water and Rye carrying Bailey out. Jack and Andy were comforting him.
"Whats your problem!" The guy yelled at me.
"Whats my problem!? Whats MY problem!? Ill tell you what my problem is. My problem is that you might of killed my best friends sister!" I yelled pushing him backwards which caused him to stumble.
"Why do you care about her! Shes a worthless piece of shit!" He yelled back also pushing me back.
"Ha. She never told you. Im her boyfriend" he smirked. So this is the jerk who Bailey was talking about. I was raging. I swear if we wern't in a public place i would kill him.
"You fucking jerk. You and her aren't together anymore! She absolutely hates you"
"How would you know!"
"Because...because she is MY girlfriend!" I can't believe what just came out of my mouth. Brook would kill me if that were true.
"Ha ya right. Shes with me she'll never be with someone like you" then i lost it again i tackled him down into the water. I punched and punched him until someone pulled me off him.
"Harvey settle down" it was Mikey.
"She will never love you. Shes a worthless piece of shit and a big slut. I hope she dies. She ruined my life!" I was just about to go kill him when i heard someone
"No you ruined your own life! And i will never love you.!" They came up behind me and put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Bailey.

*Bailey's POV*

I woke up gasping for air and to see the one and only Rye staring down at me.
"Hey little Wyatt, you ok?"
"Y...ya i think...s...so, where's the others?" I asked
"Umm..." He looked like he did something wrong or the others did. He pointed at the edge of the water over to Brooklyn out of control crying and shaking. But then i saw Harvey with Carter. I ran over to Brook.
"Brook. Its ok im fine. Look im right here" i said comforting him. He looked up at me and a small smile appeared on his face. He jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.
"Please please Bay don't ever scare me like that again." He cryed
"I promise. But can you let me breathe" i giggled"
"Oh ya sorry" he said. I looked over in the water to see Harvey punching Carter. Oh boy lets go see what he did to make Harvey mad. Mikey pulled Harvey off him and told him to calm down. Then i heard Carter say 'She will never love you. Shes a worthless piece of shit and a big slut. I hope she dies. She ruined my life!' I can't believe he said that.
"No you ruined your own life! And i will never love you.!"  I yelled walking up behind Harvey and putting my hand on his shoulder. He turned around and a look of relif flashed across his face. He smiled slightly. But then Carter sprung on Harvey and started strangling him.
"STOP!" I yelled pulling Carter off Harvey.
"You've got a strong grip." Harvey said rubbing his neck.
"Leave now!" I said.
"No. Not until your dead!"
"She said leave!" Rye said coming to stand behind me. Then all the other boys came too until i was surrounded by them. Brooklyn in front, Harvey and Andy on my sides and Jack and Rye behind me. Harvey then grabbed my hand. I looked down at our hands and back up at him. He looked down at me smiling.
"Ha. You think you bodyguards will stop me? Better think again. I will not rest until your dead" Carter glared at me and walked off.
"Well now that thats over lets go to Nandos" Rye said.
"Omg do you ever shut up about Nandos?" I asked laughing.
"No he doesn't" Andy laughed.
"Ok lets stop with the chit chatting and lets go" Jack said running back to the beach. Then Brook jumped on Jacks back.
"JACKLYN i ship it" Mikey laughed.
"Me too!" Andy yelled jumping on Ryes back
"RANDY! I ship that" i laughed.
"You all are weird" Harvey said shaking his head.

We all started walking back to the beach. But one thing i noticed was that Harvey didn't let go of my hand. I mean i wasn't complaining or anything. We just walked back in silence well me and Harvey anyway. The others were already ready before we even started walking back. When we got back to shore i let go so i could put my shirt and shorts on. The rest of the boys already called an uber and were waiting. I was the only one on the beach until Rye came over.
"Hey" he said
"You had us all worried for a while."
"Ya i kinda figured by the way Brook was acting."
"Man you should of seen him when we couldn't find you."
"When you couldn't find me? What do you mean?"
"Oh well Harvey was gonna ask you something but then he told us that you weren't behind him. Brook was terrified. Speaking of Harvey. Whats going on between you?" He smirked
"Oh and nothing "
"Umhmm. Whatever. I saw you two holding hands"
"Shut up Rye"
"Yup ok. I think you two look cute together."
"Shut up Rye" i said louder. Then Brook came over.
"What are you yelling about?" He asked.
"Oh nothing Brook" Rye said looking at me and smirking again. I swear one day ill wipe that smirk right off his face.
"Ok then." He said walking away. I shook my head at Rye and picked up my towel and followed Brook.
"What did i do?" He yelled running after me.
"You know what you did beaumont"

Once we all were in the ubers we headed to Nandos. We found a table  and in the order starting from the window was Jack, Rye, Andy on one side and then Brook, Me, Harvey and then Mikey. Of course Rye had to have his frozen yogurt and chips And this time i got my own chips. Although i knew i wasn't gonna eat them all i was still going to try. I finished half of them and gave the rest to Brook as i was full and i knew Brook never gets full. Rye then smiled at me and held up a chip with frozen yogurt on it.
"Come on please. You didn't try it last time." He begged.
"Ok fine but if i throw up im blaming you" i took the chip from Rye and held it for a while.
"Come on its not going to eat its self." Rye said.
"I know" i took a deep breath and ate it. Honestly it wasn't that good.
"It was...it was ok"
"Just OK? Come on its the best thing in the world. Isn't that right boys?" Rye looked at them for support but Brook just concentrated on his food, Jack looked out the window, Harvey pretended to be asleep, Mikey was looking at the surroundings and Andy just nodded jokingly.
"I think that the boys agree with me" i smiled
"You guys are mean"
"No your the mean one making me eat that"
"..." I laughed because he didn't know what to say. Once we all were finished it was half 7 so we decided to go back because the boys had a studio day tomorrow.

Once we all got back to the flat i wasn't that tired so i started watching Netflix on my laptop.Rye went to his room and Jack and Brook went to their room and i think Andy and Mikey went to bed as i couldn't see them. I started watching Riverdale when i got a text from Harvey
(🐯- Harvey, 🐒-Bailey)

🐯- Hey why aren't you asleep?
🐒- Im not tired
🐯-oh so what ya watching
🐯-ok cool
🐒-do you...umm...want to...umm...come watch
🐯-ok sure

Harvey came up beside me. I moved over so he could see. He put his arm around my shoulders and i put my head on his chest. After awhile i felt my eyes getting heavy. So i was just going to close my eyes for a minute but i ended up falling asleep.

*Harvey's POV*

I climbed up beside Bailey and layed down. I put my arm around her shoulders and she put her head on my chest. I felt her relax after awhile then i realized that she was asleep. I mover her laptop to the side. I was going to get up and go to my bed but the Bailey cuddled into my side. I smiled at how cute she is when shes sleeping.
"Good night beautiful" i whispered kissing the top of her head. I pulled the covers over us and i fell asleep myself.

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