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*Bailey's POV*

I woke up to a loud bang. Again. Jeez. Is this the way i gonna get woken up everyday?! Anyways, i groaned and cuddled back into what is suppose to be my pellow. But i find it harder. I look up to see Harvey still sleeping. I have my head on his chest with one of my legs over his, my arm is around his waist as his is around mine. I heard another bang at the door.
"Bailey. Harvey someone open the stupid door! I need to pee!" It sounded like Rye.
"Why don't you use the other one" i said
"Because Brooks in there"
"Ugg fine" i slowly got up without waking Harvey and grabbed my crutches and hopped over to the door. As soon as i unlocked it, Rye came running in to the toilet. I shook my head at how childish he his and went out to the kitchen. I saw Everyone else awake. Mikey and Jack were in the kitchen making pancakes, and Andy was on his bed on his phone.
"Morning Bailey. How ya feeling?" Jack asked smiling at me.
"Moring and I've been better but im fine" i smiled back.
"So why was the door locked to Harveys and Ryes room last night? Did you do anything" Andy said smirking.
"No i feel asleep as soon as my head hit the pellow. I guess Harvey locked it" i said sitting beside him.
"Mmhm ok what ever you say" He shook his head. I hit his arm.
"Wait. Where's Addy?" I asked realizing she wasn't at the hospital to come see me yesterday.
"Oh she went home to grab a few things." Andy said
"Because she's staying with us for a while"
"WHAT REALLY?!" i yelled.
"What wheres the fire? Who hurt my little sis?!" Brook ran in looking very worried. We all burst out laughing.
"There's no fire. And no one hurt me. And how many times have i told you to stop calling me that? Your only 8 minutes older" i glared at him.
"Oh. And still im older" he smiled back.
"Why did you yell?" Harvey suddenly came in looking like he just woke up
"Because my best friend is gonna be staying with us" i squealed.
"Oh ok. But one problem. Where's she gonna stay?"
"Well we could kick you to the sofa. And they could share yours and Rye's room"Mikey said joining in on the conversation.
"But i don't want to sleep on the sofa" he wined
"Oh stop being a baby Harv" i laughed.
"Fine" he huffed.
"Ok what did i miss?" Rye said walking in.
"Alot Beaumont. But i really don't want to explain it" i said.
"Ok now that we're all in here. Let's eat" Jack said placing a stack of pancakes on the counter.
"Dig in" Mikey said getting 7 plates.
"Yumm my favorite" i smiled. Everyone laughed at me.
"What? I do love pancakes"
"You love everything little Wyatt" Rye said getting the first 2.
"Ok ture" i giggled.

As soon as we finished eating, the boys had to go to the studio to finish recording a cover. I decided to stay here to wait for Addi and , well its going to be a pain to go there with my leg. They left half an hour ago. And let me tell you i never thought i would miss them.

*skip to when Addi arrives*

I was in the middle of watching vampire diaries when i heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Addi. I jumped up off the sofa. Well tried to, and ran to the door as fast as i could.
"Addi!" I screamed hugging her.
"Bailey" she yelled back.
"Im so glad your here. Now i don't have to live with 6 boys alone" i laughed breaking the hug.
"Wait..6 boys Whos the 6th?" She asked.
"Harvey you idiot"
"Oh ya ok" she laughed. I brought her into Ryes and Harveys room where we'll be staying.
"So this is where we'll be staying for now. You can sleep on Harveys bed" i said dropping her bag on his bed.
"Ok. Umm..who's phone is this?" She asked picking it up off the bed.
"Oh. Ummm.. Thats Harvey's i think. I'll just go put it on the counter" i grabbed his phone and started out to the kitchen. Suddenly his phone buzzed. Me being my curious self decided to see who it was. The name 'Emily💗' showed up. I opened his phone to messages to see what she wrote.
Emily- Hey babe, you still up for this afternoon? I have something very special planned😏😉😉💗 love you

I was frozen in place when i saw it. I guess Brook was right. He does have a girlfriend. What am i going to do now??

An: sorry about the waut I've been busy and when ever i had the chance to i didn't know what to write. Hope you enjoy this chapter

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