Where is she?!

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*Harvey's POV*

This was an absolute mess. We didn't think this though very well. Rye is now upset or mad i don't really know its hard to tell what he's feeling. Brooklyn is mad at Rye for some reason and Bailey just stormed out of the flat. Rye came back shortly after.
"What the hell happened in there?!" Jack shouted
"Bailey messing with my feelings. Thats what happened" Rye said with hurt in his voice.
"What do you mean?" Mikey asked
"Bailey said she liked me. But when i told her i liked her back she said it was a prank on Brook. "
"Wait. You like my sister?"
"Yes. I always have. Since we first met. Just you've always told me and Andy not to fall for her. I've tried my absolute hardest not to but i just couldn't.  And when she said she liked me i was so happy. But no i know she doesn't. Only as a friend"
"Rye..." I started "im so sorry. We didn't think this through. Im so so so sorry"
"Its fine hrv. I know how much you love her and its obvious she likes you too"
"Ok enough with this. Did you guys forget that Bailey just stormed out of the flat. And last time she did that it didn't end well" Andy said standing up starting to freak out.
"Ok we'll figure this out later just lets find Bailey" Brook said getting up and heading out the door.

We have been looking for Bailey for an hour now and theres no sign of her.
"Oh god what have i done. She gone and its my fault. If i didn't have stupid feelings for her this wouldn't have happened. She probably ran away and doesn't want to come back cause im here" Rye said freaking out.
"Hey Rye calm down. Shes not gone. I know that. She never leaves with out giving me at least some kind of hint or notice if where she's going. Shes probably just hiding or something. We will find her. I promise" Brook said.
"Rye its not your fault. Its nobody's. But it is partially mine. I should have never brought the idea up of pranking you boys. And again im so so sorry" i said
"Again don't worry about it. Lets just focus on trying to find her. Lets hope she didn't get into any trouble" Rye said standing up and continuing to look.

*Andy's POV*

I was on my own right now. Mikey and Jack went together and Harvey,Brook and Rye went together. I was walking past ASDA when i saw a phone on the ground. I picked it up and truned it on. It was a picture of Bailey and Brook playing at a park when they we're younger. Wait a minute. THIS IS BAILEYS PHONE. I ran as quickly as i could to try and find the others. Finally i found Jack and Mikey.
"Woah slow down there fovvs. Whats that matter" Jack said. I was so out of breath that i couldn't talk. I just showed them the phone.
"Isn't this Bailey's phone?" Mikey asked. I just nodded.
"Where did you find it" Jack asked eagerly
"By... Asda... We need...to find...brook" i said
"Let's go then" Mikey said starting to run off.
"Come on fovvs. Ill run with you" Jack said encouraging me. I nodded. We were only running for a little bit before i heard yelling. It was brook.
Me and Jack spead up. We finally reached them. Mikey was just telling them what i found.
"Where is it Andy" Brook said coming over to me. I reached in my back pocket and handed him the phone.
"You are right. This is her phone" where did you find it" i was too tired to answer. I just sat down.
"Andy. Please" Rye pleaded
"By Asda." I managed to get out.
"Ok thats where we look then" Harvey said starting to go off in the direction.
"Harv. Its getting late. We should call it a night and if she doesn't show up then we will go to the police and keep looking" Jack said
"But she might be hurt. Or in trouble"
"I know and as much as i want to keep looking. We won't be able to see in the dark" Jack said.
"Ok fine but first thing tomorrow morning we are looking for her and going to the police if she doesn't show up"
We started heading back to the flat. Rye looked really worried. He was at the back of the group walking slowly. I slowed to his pace
"Hey Rye. What wrong"
"Im just so worried for her"
"I know you are. I am too. We all are. But we all know her really well and we know she can fend for herself. Shes strong and determined. She'll be fine"
"Ya i know. But its because of my yelling. I know she doesn't like being yelled at. But i still did it" he said looking down.
"I probably would've done the same. But that's in the past. All we need to worry about now is finding her and making sure shes safe" i said putting my arm around him
"Ya. I guess your right "
"Now lets hurry up its starting to get cold. And so we can get up early to try and find her. " he just nodded.

Im about 10 minutes we were back at the flat. We all went straight to bed.
' Bailey where are you' i whispered before i fell asleep

An- i am so so so sorry for not updating for the past like 5 months. I just kinda lost interest in writing the book. Now i hope I'll have more time to write now that school is over. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter. Next chapter hopefully coming out tonight or tomorrow night

Word count- 986 words

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