Overprotective Brothers

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*Baileys POV*

I woke up to boys yelling i was guessing it was Rye and Brook fighting over something. I groaned and snuggled back into my pillow. But i soon noticed it wasn't a pillow because it moved. I looked up and saw it was Harvey. The memoirs of last night played in my head. I didn't notice i was staring until Andys voice rang through my head.
"You know your staring right" he smirked.
"Shut up Fowler" i could feel my cheeks getting red.
"Why is he even up there?"
"Well i wasn't tried when we got home so i just started watching Netflix and he wanted to watch too. And well i must have fell asleep." I explained laying back down.
"Don't get too comfy. We have to go to the studio today and well you know how protective Brook is"
"Ya i know" 
"Well we have to leave in like 45 minutes so you bet..." Before Andy could finish his sentence Rye came running in. Then Jack came running in yelling.
"RYAN!" Jack yelled
"What?" Rye asked innocently
"You didn't have to do that! I have and alarm clock for a reason!"
"Well when do you ever wake up to your alarm clock"
"I did yesterday!"
"Why are you two yelling at each other. Some people are trying to sleep" i said.
"Rye poured water on my head" Jack pouted.
"Hey. Im not the one who sleeps in everyday."
"Enough. Jack go get ready and Rye stop being and ass and go put some clothes on" i said as Rye was only in his boxers.
"Bu..." Rye started.
"No buts just go" Jack took off running to his room. And Rye started walking off but he stopped. He looked at me and smirked.
"What now Beaumont"
"Does my little Wyatt have a crush?"
"NO. Now get out of here"
"Ok what ever" he smirked at me once more before leaving. I deeply sighed and started to get up.  I heard Harvey groan and then he pulled me closer to him. I rolled my eyes at him.
"Harvey time to get up" i shook him.
"You know hes not going to wake up to that right?" Andy laughed.
"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes at him. I shook Harvey harder. And he still wouldn't wake up.
"HARVEY!" I shouted.
"Huh...what...whats going on...whats wrong" he shot up. Me and Andy burst out laughing.
"What's all the noise about." I heard Brook ask coming into the room. He looked at Andy then at me. His eyes widened once he saw Harvey with me.
"Bailey. Can i talk with you please. Outside" he said. It was obvious he was mad. Great.
"Sure" i said. I looked at Andy for support but he just shrugged his shoulders. I walked out of the room and out to the stairs.
"What was that?" He asked.
"What was what?"
"You and Harvey! Why were you too in the same bed?"
"Because we were watching a movie together last night and we fell asleep!" I said raising my voice a bit because of how protective he is.
"What did i tell you before you came here!? Not to get any feelings for any of the boys!" He said getting mad. "And you promised you wouldn't!"
"Ya well im old enough to fall in love Brook and i can take care of myself. You are always overprotective and im starting to get annoyed!"
"So you are in love with him!?"
"No! We just have a very close friendship!"
"Well it doesn't look like that to me!"
"WELL I DON'T WANT YOUR PROTECTION!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. I shook my head at him and went back inside. I was going to go into the Mindy room but i saw all the other boys there and i just didn't want to explain why i was crying to them. So i went into the Rarvey room and locked the door. I threw myself on Rye's bed because i knew he wouldn't care. I burst out into tears. I then heard knocking on the door.
"Little Wyatt i know your in there. Please open the door." It was Rye.
"No. Can you just leave me alone for awhile."
"Ok just please don't do anything stupid. We are going to the studio. Can we talk when we get back please"
"Ok fine whatever just leave me alone." I said buntly.
"Ok see you later" i felt really bad for saying that to Rye after all he was just trying to help. I heard the boys chatting then i heard a door shut. I assumed they left. I got up and walked into the kitchen for something to drink. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. Then i grabbed my laptop and headphones and went back to Rye and Harvey's room. I watched a couple of movies before i started feeling tired. I put my laptop on the stand beside the bed and turned over to face the wall. I closed my eyes in attempt to sleep. After awhile i fell asleep.

*Harvey's POV*

When Bailey woke me up, i smiled to my self because of the memories of last night. But then Brook came in looking very mad and he asked Bailey if he could talk to her outside.
"Umm Andy?"
"Is this my fault? It Bailey gonna get in trouble?" I asked feeling guilty.
"No Harv its not your fault. And you know Brook he's just protective of her. Don't worry."
"Ya i know hes just protective but i feel it's my fault that hes gonna be mad at her when im the one who came up here last night."
"Listen Harv she'll be fine. Brook could never stay mad at her."
"Umm...Andy where's Brook and Bailey?" Rye asked coming in wearing no shirt.
"Outside talking"
"Oh...did Brook see?" He ask looking up at me. I just nodded in response. "Well i bet Brook is giving her the big brother talk again" he shrugged and started making himself a tea.
"Make me one too please" I heard Mikey say from below me.
"Oh so you are awake?" I said.
"I've been awake since Bailey yelled your name" he laughed getting up.
"Ok boys tim..." Jack started coming in but to stop mid sentence when he saw me still in bed, Andy sitting on his bed not dressed yet, Rye shirtless in the kitchen, Mikey still half asleep and Bailey and Brook nowhere to be seen.
"Omg we are suppose to leave for the studio in like 15 minutes and im the only one ready" Jack complained throwing himself on the sofa.
"Hey im ready im waiting for everyone else" Rye said coming back with Mikeys tea and his own and sitting down beside Jack.
"Well i wanted to wait until Bailey got back from talking with Brook" i said sitting up. Jack was about to say something but we heard Bailey yell "WELL I DON'T WANT YOUR PROTECTION!" We then heard the door open and slam shut but no one came in here. Rye looked up and sighed.
"I know where she went." He then got up and walked to his room to try to talk to her. I looked at the other boys but they just continued on getting ready but not looking at anyone. I sighed and got out of bed and put the same clothes on as yesterday because my other clothes were in mine and Ryes room and thats where Bailey in right now. I didn't see Brook come back in so i asked Jack to go check on him because i knew he didn't want to see me.

*Jack's POV*

When Harvey asked me to go check on Brook i knew why he didn't want to. I walked out and saw Brook on the stairs with his head in his hands.
"Brook" i said sitting beside him so i wouldn't scare him.
"I fucked up Jack. Why do i always fuck up.. Bailey hates me now. I bet she'll never talk to me again. Why do i have to always be too overprotective" he said now starting to cry.
"Shhh.. Brook she'll never hate you." I said pulling him into my chest. He then started crying harder.
"Well...she does now...i always mess up her life i...i just...i don't want to see her get hurt like me..or again after what that other guy did to her"
"I know Brook but you can't always stop her from dating. The only way for her to learn who she can trust is for her to try. You won't always be there for her."
"I know that but...its just...i don't know i overreacted. And now she doesn't want me to care for her ."
"Brook listen to me. She was just caught uo in the moment. She probably said things that she regrets and you too." He didn't say anything after that. He just nodded. We stayed like that for a couple more minutes before we headed back inside.
"Jack" brook mumbled.
"Thank you"
"For what"
"For always being there for me in these times" he smiled. Thats the smile i missed.
"Hey, what are friends for" i smiled back and i put my arm around his shoulders. We walked back in to see everyone ready to go to the studio. But Rye looked scared well not that kind of scared like he was worried or something.
"Hey Rye?"
"Whats wrong?"
"Bailey locked herself in my room and well you know how she got before and i don't want her to do anything stupid" he explained.
"Oh..she's a smart girl. Im positive she won't do anything." I said trying to stay positive for Brook and Rye.
"Ok...ummm...sorry for bringing this up, but we have to be at the studio in 5 minutes." Andy said
"Yup ok.  Listen Brook she'll be fine" i said.  We headed out. But the truth is. I wasn't sure of she'll be ok........

Sorry for taking so long to update I've been soooooooo busy I've even been behind in their volgs. But anyways hope you enjoyed. And i thought i would include a bit of Jacklyn

Ps. Also of you want to see anything in the book please comment what because im having writers block. 💗💗 and merry Christmas😁🎄🎁

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