The Beach

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*Bailey's POV*

After i told the boys everything i felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. Mikey suggested that we go to the beach to hype up the mood and then Rye went on and on about how we should go to Nandos after and how much he loves it. That really got me happy.
"Come on Bay your always the last one out!" Brook shouted at me from the Mindy room. They were all ready expect for me. Of course.
"Hold your shirts im coming" i yelled back. I finished putting my hair in a messy bun and walked into the kitchen. I saw Brook and Jack playing FIFA and the rest looking board.
"Alright im here lets go" i said.
"Yayyy" Brook said jumping off the sofa.
"Yesss i win" Jack laughed.
"Hey not fair." Brook pouted.
"Yes it is your the one who stopped playing"
"Stop fighting you two and lets go before it gets too dark." Rye said heading for the door. We all got into two ubers because we all couldn't fit in one. It was me, Harvey and Brook in one and Rye, Andy, Mikey and Jack in the other. Once we got there Rye, Jack and Andy headed straight for the water. I shook my head at how childish they are. I grabbed our towels and the basket with food in because i knew they would get hungry. I tripped over my own feet and fell but not into the ground but into Harvey.
"Oh umm...sorry" i said while my cheeks were starting to heat up.
"Its ok" he smiled." Do you want some help?"
"Ya sure" i handed him the towels and i took the food. I set the basket down in the sand.
"Wow. I haven't been to the beach in a long time" i said admiraing the view. Harvey set down the towels and starting running off to the water.
"Come on Bailey"
"Ok ok just wait." I laughed. I took off my shorts and top. I was just about to go into the water when Brook picked me up.
"Brooklyn what are yo...oh no please dont" i wined trying to get got of his grip. I knew what he was going to do.
"Haha never" he laughed running into the water with me in his arms.
"Brooklyn Gibson David Avram Wyatt don't you dar.." But before i could finish my sentence he threw me in. And let me just say the water was freezing. When i came back up i saw Brook and the other boys laughing their heads off.
"Im going to get you!" I yelled running (or should i say swim) after them. I caught up to Brook cause hes not that fast and i dunked him. Then i went after Mikey.
"Hey what did i do!?" He yelled while swimming away.
"Thats right you didn't do anything." I stopped going after him and went after Harvey
"What did i do!?"
"You laughed at me!" I dunked him. I got all the others except Rye. I mean of course who could catch him.
"Ugg i give up" i said juat letting myself float.
"Haha yes i win" Rye said laughing.
"You good?" Harvey asked floating beside me.
"Yup" i smiled. We all played around a bit more then Rye and Brook got hungry so we decided to go in. But before i could follow Brook dunked me again. I screamed when he did it because it scared me. I came back up and they were all laughing again. But someone was staring at me from a distance. I didn't know who he was.
"I hate you" i said
"Yaya i know now lets go back in im hungry." Brook said heading back in. All the others boys followed. I was behind them all the water was up to my waist. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I tryed to scream but they put their hand over my mouth.
"I wouldn't do that of i were you. I told you i would find you and kill you" he whispered in my ear. I knew that voice way too well. It was Carter. He pulled me under the water. I was struggling to get back up. I did once but then he put his knee on my stomach and one hand holding my arms and the other pushing my head down. I kicked and kicked him but he was too strong. I was losing air fast. I then lost all my air i had and blacked out.

*Harvey's POV*

We were walking back to shore and i looked back to ask Bailey a question but i noticed she wasn't there.
"Aaaa boys wheres Bailey?"
"What i thought she was behind you" Brook said looking worried.
"Look!" Rye yelled he was pointing at i guy looking into the water. He looked like he was drowning someone.
"HEY!" I yelled i was the closest so i ran up to him and punched him. Then it happened Bailey floated up...unconscious.

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