~:Chapter Twenty-Eight:~

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I get to Jonah's house and knock. Not that much longer his mom opened the door. We went in the kitchen. She didn't notice the dried blood all over me and we started talking about little things. Then, it came.

"Do you know where Jonah is? His car is here, but he wouldn't respond me to calling for him." She said sounding worried. I took a deep breath.

"About him." I paused. She looked at me worried. "He's in the hospital. It's all my fault. I started to date him as a dare, but he found out in a way I didn't mean him to. I love your son with all my heart and he wouldn't listen when I tried talking to him, but once I got to talk to him my old best friend gave him false news about me and I guess something inside him broke." I see tears form into her eyes. "I'm so sorry."

"W-what did he do?" She looked up at me. I looked at her and then looked at the counter tops.

"Well, all I know is that he punched a hole in his wall and made his knuckles bleed." I said and I hear her starting to cry. "That's not it though. He took what seems like a whole bottle of sleeping pills." She just cried and ran to me to give her a hug. Hearing her cry hurts me more. I started to cry. "I'm sorry that I started this."

"It isn't your fault sweetie." She said sniffling. "I don't believe that you are all to blame." I looked at her. "Do you think you'll go to the hospital later?" she asked after a while. I nodded. "Good, cause I don't wanna see Jonah like that I'll go a different time."

"Don't worry. I plan to go to the hospital everyday just for him." I said and she started to smile.

{Hour later} Ester and Svea both came home and their mom told them what has happened. Ester started crying like never before and then Svea ran out into his room and I chased her cause I remembered the sorry. She ran in there and fell balling her eyes out. I held her in my arms and we both cried. She couldn't stop I took her out of his room and Put her in her room on her bed.

"I need to and clean up. I'll keep you all updated I promise." I said. Svea nodded and I kiss her head and said bye to the others. I started to drive home. I remembered that Reed is with all the guys and Oceania, so I texted Reed to ask where they are. He told me that they are at the lake and they are still waiting for Jonah. I told him I'm headed over now. Once I got there I text Reed and tells the lady that I'm the other guest. We both head over there and we get to the spot.

"Whoa! Did you murder someone?" Zach said as he stood up. All the others looked at me weirdly. I shook my head and sat on a chair next to Ocean.

"I'm sorry guys. It's all my fault this is happening. If I didn't do the stupid dare this wouldn't have happened." I said crying.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what happened?" Daniel said getting up. I looked at him.

"Nothing good... It's about Jonah." I said as images of his lifeless body and the blood. "He tried to kill himself and right now he is in the hospital." Everyone froze, but Daniel shook his head.

"It is your fault. Man, thinking about it now. You are probably happy with this news. You are just lying about being sad." Daniel said. I looked up at him with tears rushing down my cheeks still.

"Really? I actually got to talk to him today cause of your dumb ass putting those posters you put around the damn school. Then, Kathrine then ruined it all by telling him I'm a lying bitch. I got fucking proof of what she did so I went over to his house and you know what?" I just went off. "I grabbed the extra key cause he wasn't answering. I ran upstairs to his door and it was locked. I knocked and stuff for about 4 times and I heard a thud. I had to open that door somehow and then saw his lifeless body in front of me! I saw a bloody sorry on the wall next to a huge hole, also the pills he took to take his life. I had to pick him up myself and get his blood over me as I was crying and screaming at him to not to leave me." I yelled as I stood up now. "Wanna know the worst part of it was Daniel? Telling his mom and watching her break in front of me! Then, watching her tell his sisters. Having to watch Svea run to his room and seeing everything." I said crying even more. Daniel looked at me. I look at the others who are just in tears and hugging each other. I fell back in the chair. Ocean is sitting there looking at the sand and tears streaming down.

"I-I don't know what to say." Daniel said as I see tears streaming down his face. Nothing was said by anyone. I looked down at my outfit and just saw the blood. I started crying even more. All I hope is that he is okay. I hear moving around and then someone wrapping their arms around me. "I'm so sorry for being rude. I was so scared that you'll turn rude and I never noticed I was the one who was turning rude." I said nothing but I hugged Daniel back tight. I hear his shaky breath and feel his tears fall on my shoulder. We stop and he went to sit down.

"Wait, is he still alive?" Reed asked. I looked up at him and shrugged. Everyone was upset so we all wanted to go home. I hugged everyone and took my car and drove home. Once I got home I took a shower to wash myself. After my shower, I put on Jonah's sweatshirt that I stole while we were dating and then sweats on. I knocked on Reed's door before opening it.

"Hey I'm gonna go to the hospital, so if mom asks tell her that's where I'm gonna be." I said as Reed stood up. Reed just hugged me for a while. After the hug, we said bye and I left. On my way to the hospital I hear mine and Jonah's song come on. I quickly turned if off. I finally make it back to the hospital.

"Hi I'm here for Jonah Marias Roth Frantizich." I said to the security guard. He nodded and told me where to go. I was walking to his area and I get to the front desk and tell the lady who I'm here for.

"Oh you dropped him off huh?" she said, I slightly smiled and nodded. "Well, you can go in there, but I have to warn you he isn't awake. There is a heartbeat, but he isn't awake and we don't know when he'll be up." I sighed, at least he is awake. She let me through the door and Once I went in his room I saw him laying in the bed at least he is breathing. I walked right by him and pulled a chair close and held his hand and stayed there.

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