~:Chapter Thirty-One:~

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I jolted awake with tears rushing down my cheeks. Thank god it was just a dream. I can't stand losing him ugh. I fixed my makeup and hair and then got my stuff packed together. I walked downstairs and hugged my mom. I drove to Jonah's house to check up on everyone. I parked my car and went up to his door.

"Oh hey. I thought you would be at school." I said giving Svea a hug.

"Same about you." She said. "Also, I felt sick."

"Aww. I got suspended for getting in a fight." I said shrugging and kinda laughing.

"Oh um well wanna come inside my mom is in the kitchen." Svea said. I said sure and walked inside. Svea brought me into the kitchen and I saw Jonah's mom smile once she saw me.

"Hey. I was just stopping by before gonna go hangout with Jonah." I said smiling as she pulled me into a hug.

"I thought you would've been at school. It's not even almost 4 yet." she said laughing a bit. I gave a little awkward laugh.

"Yeah, about that I got suspended." I said as I noticed her expression changed. I told her the full story about the fight. She shook her head, but understood. I hung out with her and Svea for like a hour and a half before heading to the hospital. I love Jonah's family. They are so sweet, just like how he is. I got in the car and started it up. I drove to the hospital and once I got parked I made sure I had everything. I smiled to myself knowing I'm gonna see him. Hopefully, without bad news. I made sure I had my notebook so I can possibly write more songs. I sighed as I walked threw the doors. I quickly made sure I was able to go in and the nurse said I can but she told me someone else is in there. Once I got in I saw Esther. I put my stuff at the window ledge thing. I noticed that Esther was crying.

"Oh uh um I can leave and come back later." I said freaking out a bit.

"No please stay." She said looking up at me. I sat right by her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly as she sat there wiping her tears. "I miss him a lot. I only talked to him about my problems and right now my whole world is falling apart and he isn't here." I looked at her.

"I miss him too. But, if you need anyone else I'm here." I said.

"You wanna know something." She said looking up at me. I nodded. "At first I didn't like you."

"I know." I laughed a bit. She looked up at me. "I could tell. Everytime I would try hanging out with you, you would make up an excuse and I would notice."

"Oh, I never knew how noticeable it was." She said. "I'm sorry I should've given you a chance." I shook my head.

"I'm glad you didn't. Cause like I'm to blame for this." I said looking down.

"Don't think it's your fault. I can't 100 percent promise you it's not your fault. I know what all happened." She said. "You love him and I can tell. You kept trying to talk to him when he didn't talk to you, you still wore the necklace he gave you, and when you came to talk to him and you saw what happened you brought him here. He's too blind too see. All the other girls never did anything to get him back you're the only one. That's why I hope when he gets up he actually tried talking to you." I smiled a bit and hugged her.

"Let's go eat lunch. We can finally get to really know each other." I said smiling.

"Yeah I would like that." She said smiling. We sat in the cafeteria for like two hours just talking. I had an amazing time. She decided to stay for an hour longer so we both went back to Jonah's room and hung out. I pulled out my notebook. "What's that?"

"My notebook I started writing songs and I'm almost finished with one." I said. She honestly looked so interested in it. "Want me to show you one?" I saw her nod. "Hold on I wanna finish this one. I wanna do this one." It was like 20 minuets and I finished it surprisingly. "Well, my song is called Hold On and like it's kinda about Jonah so you know." (Imma do this a lot where she 'writes' the songs. Just so you all know.)

"Oh my gosh that's so good." Esther said smiling. I smiled as I closed my notebook. Me and her were just hanging out for the remainder of her time. Once an hour past she had to go. Once she left I sat down where she was sitting. I looked at Jonah as I grabbed his hand. I gave his hand a little kiss. With my other hand I moved his messy hair to the side. I smiled and sighed.

"God damnit Jonah." I whispered with a slight laugh as tears started forming. "I miss you so much. I'm only hoping you'll be alright. Man, I'm so in love with you. Your personality is just something people love.  Your smile is contagious. I really hope you aren't gone cause I can't see my life without you... Ugh I hate those words.. Without you. You think for as long we've been not talking that the words wouldn't be as bad. You're my prince though. My knight and shining armor." I smiled as I started crying more. "Man Jonah, you scared me. But, I know you're alive at least. Jeez next time think about getting the full story. Don't follow the sting that Kathrine has you on. Thank god she's out of that school!" I silently cheered and laughed as I sniffled. "Svea misses you terribly. She's always in your room. Your mom can't go in there it hurts her too much. It hurts seeing them like this so please keep on fighting and come back to us. Esther needs a big brother right now. Corbyn needs you to tell his great conspiracy theories, Daniel needs his best friend, Zach needs the only person who gives him a push to do stuff, Jack needs his cheerier upper, Reed needs his buddy, and I just need my love back." After I said the end I broken down crying. I laid my head down crying. I felt his fingers twitch and them go down finishing the tiny gap and making it feel complete. I look up at our hands and looked up at Jonah who is smiling with his eyes kinda open.

"I want my love back also." He said with a smile.
Yay happy chapter!!! Also hello sorry for a while wait but I wanna say if you guys want updates on what my plans are and like chapter updates and like updates in general about the book follow me on Twitter @xXGameGalXx (it's like my account here) love you all✌🏻💞

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