Chapter 1

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I scrunched my nose and tugged my seatbelt "Mommy my stomach hurts."

She looked into the mirror "Honey one moment."

I rolled my eyes and Eugene yelled "Mom she rolled her eyes!"

I looked at him "I hate you and can you just SHUTUP!"

The car stopped "THAT IS ENOUGH!"

I crossed my arms and muttered "I hate them, wish they were dead."

Eugene sighed "Where are we going I am starving."

The car started moving again "Chipotle sounds nice."

Eugene smiled "Yes."

I gagged "Gross."

My mom looked at me then a car was coming our way "Mommy watch out!"

Everything happened in a flash soon I was hanging upside down.

I could hear the ambulance I looked and Eugene wasn't moving.

"Eugene help me."

I looked forward "Mommy?"

I heard a groan "Honey don't talk help is coming."

Tears began to form "I am sorry."

I saw her hand reaching towards mine and I grabbed it "We'll be okay."

When I woke up my dad was sitting next to me "Daddy?"

He smiled "Baby are you alright."

I tried to focus "Where's mommy."

His face showed signs of pain "She's resting."

I smiled "And Eugene."

He gave me a light smile "He's fine, how are you?"

I sighed "My wish came true you know."

My dad looked at me "What?"

I sighed "I wished for Mommy and Eugene to be dead."

He sighed and slowly parted away from me "I am going to get the nurse."

12 years later

I grabbed my books and shove them in my bag and swinged it across my back.

I opened the door "Emma!"

My dad smiled "I have great news."

I looked at him "You're happy?"

He handed me my keys "I will catch up with you after- school."

I walked to my car got in and FaceTime Haley.

"Wassup botch."

I laughed and sighed "My dad's happy."

She looked at me "He's never happy."

I started the car and put my bag in the seat beside me "Meet you at school."

She nodded her head and bit into a burrito "Yeah."

I hanged up and drove to school and saw signs of Mother's Day.

I sighed and kept on driving, it's been twelve years and I still feel like crap.

I got to school and Haley hugged me "Come here sugar."

I smiled "Hey."

We walked towards the entrance "So your dad what's the situation."

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