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3 years later...

I looked in the mirror and Haley walked up behind me "Why are you looking like that."

I looked at her "Looking like what."

She laughed "Looking like your dog got ran over."

I looked down at my 4 month belly "I am pregnant at 18 and a half years old with the bad boy's baby, I am okay to be looking like this."

She smiled "I don't believe you and Luke are having a baby."

I rubbed my belly "I wish I wasn't 18."

She sighed "And you said I was gross when I called him cute."

I scoffed "You are."

She crossed her arms "Well who is his girlfriend and holding his baby."

I got up "Come on let's go, class is in 13 minutes."

Haley groaned "I hate college."

We walked out our dorm and Luke was sitting down "Hey Emma are you alright."

I kissed him "Fine baby."

Haley looked at us and smiled "We have to go now."

He kissed my belly before we left "I can't wait for my queen to give birth to my princess."

I smiled "Aww."

Haley looked at us "You guys should totally vlog these moments."

She pulled out her phone "So this is the cutest couple ever and there soon to be baby."

Luke kissed me "I love you."

I shoved him softly "Not in front of the camera."

Luke grabbed me kissing me "Fuck the camera."

I laughed and Haley pulled me "And now we are off to class so see you guys later."

She shut off the camera and I kissed Luke "See you later babe."

We walked to class and I get the same stares that I have gotten for 5 months now.

I sighed "Really do you guys have anything better to do?"

Everyone teared their eyes away from me and Brian smiled at me "Hey Emma."

I waved "Hey, how are you."

He looked at my belly "Great, how's Stacy?"

I smiled "You already named her?"

He shrugged "I hope that's what you call her."

I smiled and close the locker and walked to class.

I sat down in my seat and sighed "Alright."

After class I went to my dorm and Haley was making out with a rando.

I walked out the room silently and sighed "Everytime."

I walked around and left the campus and drove to Burger King.

The guy asked "Hi what would you like to order."

"Can I get a 2 for 6 two Whoppers and a Oreo Milkshake."

"Is that all?"


"Alright your total is $9."

I paid and got my food and drove back to the campus.

I walked into the dorm and Haley was no where to be seen.

I texted her

Emma: Where are you?

Haley: At a small gathering

Emma: Don't get to high

Haley: I won't mom

I laughed and sat my phone down, ever since we have been in college Haley had started smoking.

I sighed and rubbed my belly and Stacy kicked "I like that name."

I smiled and recorded Stacy kicking in my belly. I uploaded it on my snap.

Ever since I became pregnant I have got a ton of hate.

But I shrugged at all the comments on my recent post.

80% was positive while the rest well you can already guess it.

I put my phone down and closed my eyes "I got this."

I went in my car and drove to my dad's house.

Rose was sitting down on the couch "Emma!"

She rubbed my belly and then hugged me "How are you?"

I smiled "Good and you?"

She smiled "Great your dad's on a business trip."

I shook my head and sat down on the couch "Yeah he texted me."

She sat down next to me "So what you wanna do?"

I looked at her "I love you Rose."

She smiled "I love you too."

We watched a movie then I was about to drive back to the dorm.

Everyone Haley goes to one of her 'gatherings' she always brings back her friends.

I drove to Luke's house and knocked on the door.

He opened the door smiling at me "How can you be pregnant and still so beautiful."

I shoved him out of the way gently and walked into his house.

And Isabelle can down the stairs "Emma!"

She hugged me then rubbed my belly "How many months now?"

I smiled "Five."

She smiled "I can't wait to be a auntie."

Then Luke smiled and put his hand around her "Go to bed you have school tomorrow."

She walked up stairs and I sat with Luke on the couch "How are we going to do this?"

I kissed him then pulled away "We got this baby we got this."

He smiled "I love you Emma."

I kissed him "I love you too Luke."



Thank you for everyone who made this book possible and encouraged me to keep writing.

Sorry if the Epilogue is a bit short :/ , anyways hope you enjoyed!

New book is going to be out in two days :)

Till you read again -:)

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