Chapter 17

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I woke up and the light hit my face, I groaned and closed the blinds.

I got ready for school and put on my clothes and tugged the end of my skirt.

Do I really have the balls to say that to Luke?

I came downstairs and the kitchen was empty and Rose was sleeping on the couch.

I walked over and poured some cereal and milk.

My phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see a text from Luke.

Luke: Leave your car at home

Emma: Why?

Luke: Because I am picking you up.

Emma: Why

Luke: Godammit I will tell you when I get there

I shrugged setting my phone down and walking to the sink.

Rose stirred awake and looked at me "Hey sorry I forgot to wake you."

I smiled "Don't worry the sun did a good job at it."

She laughed and removed the catalog that she had on her lap.

She got up and stretched "Why aren't you heading out yet."

I looked up "Luke is picking me up."

She smiled "I hope he helps you get over Jimmy."

I sat down on one of the stools "What if I can't get over him."

She touched my chin "Don't worry baby you will."

There was a sudden knock at the door and I went to go see who it was.

Luke smiled as I open the door "Come on Emma we are almost late."

I laughed "And who fault is that?"

He walked to the car and I followed him sitting in the passenger seat "By the way it's your fault."

I gasped "You're the driver?!"

He ignored me and continued driving to school.

When we got to school there was barely an students in the parking lot.

We both ran to class and I opened the classroom door the bell ringing.

I caught my breath and Luke walked in right behind me.

Everyone in the classroom looked between Luke and I "Sorry I am late."

I walked to a seat next to Haley and she looked at me "Tell me that was nothing."

I chuckled "It was nothing."

She frowned "Tell me the truth."

I was still trying to catch my breath I can't believe how unfit I am.

I looked at Haley "All he did was drive me."

She raised her head "What's wrong with your car?"

I gave her a small smile "He offered."

She shook her head and continued to write the notes.

After class I looked at her "You don't believe me?"'

She looked at me "Well I don't say that."

I crossed my arms "Well that's what it seems like."

She sighed "I believe you Emma."

I smiled "Thank you."

It came time for lunch I looked at the seat where Jimmy used to sit.

Liam looked at me "Hey you alright."

I wiped off a loose tear and shook my head "Fine,
how are you?"

He shrugged "I miss him a lot."

I finally noticed that the table wasn't full at all today.

It was only me and Liam who knows where Haley is.

I looked around "Where is everyone."

He pointed behind me and I looked to see that all the boys were now at Luke's table.

I looked at Liam "Are you leaving?"

He shook his head and a wave of relief passed inside me "Why?"

He smiled softly "Me and Jimmy made a promise that we would always sit at this table until we leave for college. Even though Jimmy is not here I still feel like I kinda owe it to him and keep that promise."

I  walked towards Liam and hugged him he sighed "You are making me look like a baby."

I looked and saw his friends looking at us "Because you are one in a way."

He chuckled "I guess, do you wanna hang out?"

I smiled "Sure Liam."

"Can I pick you up at 6?"

I smiled "Don't you have practice."

He shrugged "I could leave early."

I smiled and got up "See you later."

As I was walking to class Luke walked with me "So you can go out with Liam but not me?"

I crossed my arms and turned towards him "I am not going out with Liam we are hanging out 'as friends'.

I motioned quotation marks in his face he batted my hands away "Why can you ever go out with me then?"

I huffed "Because you always want to go like we are couple."

He pleaded as we walked into the classroom "We just go as friends give me a chance please."

I sat down in my seat "Fine but I have a date with Liam so I can't go today."

He smiled "Tomorrow?"

I smiled "I will tell you when the time is appropriate."

He directed his attention to the front of the class.

I pulled out my notebook and began to write down notes.

Luke hand went on my thigh "Get it off."

He ignored me and started to move up "Luke I will bite off your hand."

When I was about to slap his hand I noticed it Luke's hand.

I got up and acted if I was brushing something off of me "Nice ass!"

My shot up my head to see who said that but no one said a thing.

I sat back down and the hand was gone.

Luke chuckled "What's so funny?"

He pulled out a fake plastered hand "Really."

He smiled "You have a nice ass indeed."


Thanks for reading!

In my next books I will  sure to be more descriptive.

Till you read again-:)

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