Chapter 24

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I woke up determined to make up everything to Luke and Isabelle.

Jake was sitting down eating cereal "Emma I am going to be out the whole day."

I poured myself some cereal "Me too."

He looked up "Alright then."

I got to school and Haley walked up to me "Where's Jake."

I shrugged "I don't know."

She sighed "I thought what we had was real."

I looked at her "Haley it was real."

She looked at me "Then why aren't we together."

I sat down in my seat "Because you are better then him."

Liam sat down on the left side of me "Hey Emma."

I looked at him "You actually have the balls to talk to me?"

He sighed "I know I screwed up I am sorry."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him the whole class period.

I was walking to my next class and he grabbed my arm "Please wait."

I twirled  around "What?"'

He huffed "I was scared because I knew you liked him so I panicked, okay."

I nodded "Alright."

I got home and rested my bag on the floor and went to the kitchen.

I sat down in a seat and sat down and texted Luke and Isabelle so come over.

Jake left and I went to change and the doorbell rung.

I opened the door and Isabelle head was to the floor and I sighed and kneeled "I am so sorry Isabelle I just heard a lie and believed that it was true. Please Isabelle."

She looked up her blue eyes glossy "I thought you were different Emma but your just like everyone else screws up and then ask for forgiveness."

She began to cry and Luke picked her up and hugged her "It's okay Izzy."

She stayed in his arms then mumbled "I wanna go home."

I crossed my arms "No, you guys aren't leaving."

They both looked at me "What?"

I shook my head "You guys filled in a void that I thought was empty for good. And I am not going to let you guys turn away from me. I lost too much people to let you guys go." I didn't even notice I was crying until tears started to roll out my eyes "After family you guys are the only thing I have left."

Isabelle hugged me tightly "You filled two big voids for me Emma and I was so scared that you left. I am sorry."

I hugged her "I am sorry."

Luke put his arms around the both of us "Don't worry princess people make mistakes."

I shook my head "That wasn't a mistake I screwed up."

We sat down inside the house and I looked at Isabelle "You're so cute."

She smiled showing off her dimples "Thank you."

I sighed "Oh yeah."

I opened the door and there was a limo parked outside "I remember you saying something about a night full of fun?"

Isabelle squealed "Oh my gosh Luke!"

He chuckled "Damn."

I handed Isabelle and Luke some clothes "Don't ask how I know your size just go change."

We all changed then stepped out and the door bell rung.

A guy walked in and smiled "I am Matt, the photographer."

I let him in and we all took photos and he showed them to us.

He asked "So which one is your favorite?"

Isabelle pointed "That one."

It was a photo will all of us smiling and Luke was laughing.

I looked at him "Luke actually laughing."

He smiled "I have a heart you know."

Then Matt smiled "Hi Emma can we talk."

We walked to the front of the door and I smiled "Yes."

He put his hand on my ass "I think you're cute and nice."

His grip was strong "Get off."

He put gripped both of my butt cheeks "Better not scream."

"She doesn't have to."

Luke punched Matt sending him straight to the ground.

I ran to him hugging him "No one ever touches my princess."

I chuckled "I am not yours."

He kissed the top of my head and whispered "Yes you are."

I looked up at him his breath against mine "No I am not."

He smiled "Then why did you do everything in your power for me to take you back and not backing away from me right now."

I kissed him and the whole world stop spinning.

His lips against mine felt like they were meant to be.

I pulled away "Whoa."

I looked behind Luke and Isabelle was smiling "I knew it."

We went out in the limo and had a night full of fun.

As we rode home Isabelle looked at me "Can we get ice cream."

I checked the time "Isabelle it's 1:00 in the morning, you don't need sugar."

She pleaded "Please."

I gave up "Fine let's go."

We got the parlor and the lady smiled at us "You guys need tips because you're not suppose to give your kid ice cream."

I took the cones from the lady and paid "We do whatever the fuck we want to do."

I walked off and we laughed "That was funny."

Isabelle smiled "I wish you were my mom."

I kissed her cheek "Baby I am your mom."

Luke kissed me "And you're my queen."


Thanks for reading!!!

Till you read again-:)

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