Chapter 15

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After school Luke walked up to me "You said you wanted to talk?"

I punched him in the chest "What the hell was that?!"

He chuckled "Sorry, oww."

I rolled my eyes "I didn't even hit you that hard."

I walked to my car "Go home."

He shook his head "I am going to bother you until you fall in love with me."

I sighed "Please Luke I need space I just lost Jimmy."

He nodded his head "Yeah you're right Emma."

He walked away and I got in my car and drove home.

Rose was sitting on the porch reading a book "Hey Rose what are you reading."

She looked up from her book "A novel it's pretty nice."

I sat down next to her "What's the book called."

She flipped to the cover "At Midnight."

I shook my head "Alright I am going inside."

Rose smiled "It's a good book."

I shouted "Yeah sure it is."

When I got inside Haley and Jake were on the couch.

My dad walked downstairs "Hey Em."

I set my keys down "Hey dad how are you?"

He smiled at me "Pretty nice."

Then he signaled for me to meet him in the kitchen.

I walked to the refrigerator and he came up to me "I am doing it tonight."

I whispered "What?"

He smiled "Proposing to Rose."

I grabbed a bottle of water "Here?"

He shook his head "We are going to dinner tonight."

I walked upstairs and took a shower and Kim called me.

I picked up "Hello?"

She sniffed "Luke broke up with me Emma."

"I am so sorry."

She yelled "And it's all your fault!"

I rose up from my bed "How is it my fault?!"

She cried "Because he loves you!"

I paused "Goodbye Kim."

I hanged up and sat on bed clutching to my towel "This is so confusing."

My dad opened my door "Get ready."

I nodded and he left and I looked for a dress to wear.

Then Rose came in "I am wearing red, you?"

I picked out my red dress "Guess me too."

I looked in the mirror and smiled "Please let tonight go smooth."

I came downstairs and Rose frowned "You kinda look better than me

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I came downstairs and Rose frowned "You kinda look better than me."

I shook my head "Rose you are drop dead gorgeous, shut up."

We waited by the stairs and my dad came down "The two women that I love the most."

Jake came down beside him "Gosh if you weren't my sister."

I covered my mouth "Gross."

We got into my dad's car and arrived to the restaurant "Here are your tables."

I sat with my dad and Jake sat with his mom. Then the waitress came "Can I take your drinks please?"

We ordered our drinks and then looked at the menu for food.

Jake locked his lips "The ribs sound nice."

I looked at him "Then get them."

He looked at me "What are you getting?"

I looked at the menu "I don't even know."

My dad looked at Rose "She's a seafood type person."

Jake gagged "Ew."

I glared at him "Seafood is not nasty, your fat infested ribs are."

Then they gave us our drinks and asked for our order.

When we were almost done my dad got up and Rose was sitting at the edge.

And he got down on one knee and smiled "Rose Dane you have been the love of my life since I lost mine twelve years ago. You made my daughter open to having a mom again. And no one could take her place but, you do a pretty good job at filling it."

Rose gasped "Oh Peter."

Everyone was smiling "Rose Dane will you marry me?"

She nodded and began to cry "Yes!"

He put a ring on it and they kissed, getting cheers from everyone.

I smiled and gave Jake a smile "Guess it's almost official."

He smiled "I am so happy I get to be related to you."

I nodded "Yeah, me too."

We left the restaurant and my dad and Rose were making tons of jokes.

Then I smiled "Dad Rose I so happy for you guys."

Rose looked back "Thanks babe."

We got home and Rose took out two buckets of ice cream "I know we eat too much of this stuff but..."

My dad smiled "It's a special occasion."

Jake chuckled "We should watch a movie."

I cocked my head "Scary or Romance."

My dad and Rose yelled "Romance!"

I laughed "I thought you were a scary type of guy."

My dad chuckled "I mean I agree with Rose."

Then the doorbell rung "I'll get it."

Luke was standing at the door with roses in his hand and he had a tux on "Hey beautiful."

He eased me "God Jimmy you left a masterpiece."

I crossed my arms "Don't."

He smiled "Why are you dressed up?" 

I scoffed "Why are you dressed up?"

He glared "I asked you first."

I rolled my eyes "I went to dinner with my family."

He nodded "I wanted to go to dinner with you."

I smiled "I need more time."

He exclaimed "Dress like that!"

I closed the door and everyone stared at me "You okay."

I nodded "I am going to go change."

I hurried upstairs and changed into something comfortable and came back down.

Jake was sitting on the couch Rose and my dad was cuddled up.

I sat next to Jake "Who was that at the door?"

"No one relevant."

Then Rose clicked "Oh we decided on Kissing Booth."

My dad smiled "I want to see what's a romance for you teens."

I shook my head "I guess I get to see what the craze is about."

Jake picked up the bucket of ice cream "Guess we are sharing."

I groaned "Ew."

Thanks for reading!

Till you read again- :)

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